These Next Nine Months - Comments

  • I think I need Patrick to come home as much as Ana does. I'm finding myself liking the idea of her and Ben, and it's just so wrong.

    Thanks for the updating quickly!
    July 13th, 2009 at 11:16am
  • Uhh, harsh much Adam?
    I know he was just defending himself but he of all people should understand.
    And OMFG, I love Ben Eager.
    End of story...well not really, haha.
    More soon! :]
    July 13th, 2009 at 04:27am
  • If Ben were to give me a massage, I'd jizz. in. my. pants.
    TRUE STORY. That man turns me on to bad and I know that when I see
    him at convention, I'll need like 9867767 fresh panties during the week
    end. Lmfao. ANYWHO. I can't wait to see how the Adam thing works out.
    I hope it WASN'T a mistake and it works out. I'd hate to see his heart
    broken. I loved the update and I VOTE OMFG YES ON A DIRTY RAUNCHY
    BEN EAGER STORY. UGH. *goes for new panties* HEH. ;D
    July 13th, 2009 at 04:13am
  • Oh boy, I'm hoping nothing happens between Ana and Ben. Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to see Patrick get his heart broken, and with twins on the way!

    Anyways, I love how it seemed like Ana and Ben were Adam's parents when he told them about how the whole wedding went down! And, seriously, someone needs to knock some sense into him. But, maybe it'll all work out! And, he better apologize to Ana for the things that he said to her!

    And, Ben's going to yoga?!?! That'll be interesting! Oh, and I'll have you know, that I keep seeing stuff for yoga everywhere now (including hot yoga), and every single time, it makes me think of these two stories (which makes me happy!)

    And, now I'll stop this extremely long comment with I can't wait for more!
    July 13th, 2009 at 03:47am
  • Woah, that was a fast update!! When I got the email, I almost thought it was late from the last chapter!

    But omg, those were some BURNS by Burr. I feel bad for him, because he just wanted to be excited about it, but at the same time I think he should have thought more clearly about what he was doing.

    Oh well, we'll see how it all plays out.

    And okay, you always get me all anxious that stuff is going to happen bewteen Ana and Ben.


    July 13th, 2009 at 03:42am
  • Oh my God. Ben "forgot to leave." LMFAO. His ringtone made me giggle too. AND THEN, him dancing around while moving furniture was the icing on the cake. Seriously, I love him.

    Ugh, but Patrick's parents need a swift kick in the ass. The poor man just lost his grandpa and wants his woman, and they're "being difficult." Bitches.

    AND OMFG. Adam and Lily got married??? Not "Hey guys, we got engaged!" No, it was straight up "We're married!" Holy shit.

    July 12th, 2009 at 06:50am
  • Wow, I love a lot.
    And wtf, Adam got married?
    He's known that chick for like a week...way too not rush into it, buddy.
    More soon, please. :]
    July 12th, 2009 at 06:41am
  • Ben is too adorable for me to handle. SIGH.
    When me and him get married and have babies, he'll be
    cute JUST LIKE THAT. MHM. No lie. I love that man, you know.
    And oh my goodness, ADAM BURISH. MARRIED?! Whoa.
    I want more, right nowwwwwww.
    July 12th, 2009 at 05:16am
  • Oh my fucking God! I was not expecting that surprise at the end! I cannot wait to hear the whole explanation of how Adam got MARRIED!!!

    And, that chapter was so worth the wait! But, I do feel bad for Patrick and Ana. She just wants to be there for him, and his parents are being so difficult that she can't.

    And, I loved how Adam questioned her and Ben when he saw them lying together. Though, I'm sure I would have done the same thing if I had seen them all cozied up on the couch (Have I mentioned how lucky Ana is?? Haha)

    I can't wait to read more!
    July 11th, 2009 at 11:58pm
  • Ben was so sweet then, and damn sexy too.
    Erin's right: Ana is sexy having both Patrick to father her babies and Ben to be her 'boyfriend'. I am jealous!
    June 30th, 2009 at 10:11pm
  • Ana has like the perfect life...having Patrick's babies and then having Ben (mostly naked) as her "boyfriend". Lucky, lucky!

    And, Ben is like the sweetest guy ever. Cooking her food and unpacking and leaving a nightlight on for her (well, Patrick told him to do a couple of those things, haha).

    Anyways, I can't wait for more!
    June 29th, 2009 at 08:42pm
  • Okay, if Ana was't already pretty much set with the amazing Patrick Sharp & having his babies and all she should've jumped Ben right there on the couch.
    He was super cute with all the stuff he was helping her with, though.
    Can't wait for more. :]
    June 29th, 2009 at 05:57pm
  • Oh. My. God. I was like, almost having a mental battle with myself , telling Ana to just jump Ben already. Then I was like NO! Patrick is such a good guy! But...Ben. Eager. Practically naked....HAND IN HIS PANTS....ugh.

    Seriously, could he have been more perfect in this? Cooking and unpacking and letting her sleep on him and leaving a nightlight on...jesus.

    This chapter was amazing. And I hope Patrick's going to be okay with his grandpa and everything.

    Wooee. I'm still swooning over Ben.

    And FYI, Lyss is going to freak when she reads this chapter. She will squeal.
    June 29th, 2009 at 05:21pm
  • this story gets better and better.
    i love it. <3
    June 29th, 2009 at 04:04pm
  • love love LOVE this!
    ben = ultra mega hottie.
    can't wait for the next one! <33
    June 29th, 2009 at 10:13am
  • Greatness :)
    That last line that ben said made me laugh out loud!
    I can't wait for more, this is such a cute story
    June 17th, 2009 at 07:40pm
  • So many things: melted cheese? Mmm. Ben Eager as a boyfriend? Mmm.
    I hope Patrick's grandpa is alright, and that Ben takes good care of her.
    And yeah, what's when Adam having the secret holiday? And he knows Lily from way back? Hmm. Oh! And I love how she keeps saying Canada to him!
    June 17th, 2009 at 07:52am
  • If I was Ana, I don't care how hot my boyfriend is or how I pregnant I am, I would rape Ben. But, that's just me. (You know my obsession, of course. Heh.) But, oh, I do hope his grandpa is okay, and everything works out there.

    I sense drama, but I'm keeping my mouth shut.

    I look forward to reading some hilarious Ben times.

    :] :]
    June 17th, 2009 at 06:05am
  • Love the last line from Ben...too cute.
    Can't wait for more! :]
    June 17th, 2009 at 06:00am
  • love, love, LOVE it.
    i'm dying to know what those babies are!
    keep up the good work!
    June 17th, 2009 at 05:57am