Words, Ugly. - Comments

  • Cee Sleepflower

    Cee Sleepflower (100)

    Story/review game.

    Heeey :cute:

    Short but powerful, without a doubt!

    Your descriptions really striked a chord on me because this drabble (at least to me because it happens too many times when I'm sleeping) feels like one of those nights where you can't sleep or wake uo in the middle of it because there's this idea, this little piece of text, or just a small phrase that keeps you from falling asleep, making you turn around in bed over and over again until you just grab a paper and a pencil and start writing away whatever is bugging in your head.
    Or even a dream that left a mark etched in your brain making you have the need to pour whatever was plaguing it in "ugly words", words that possibly not many people would understand, if any.

    Which leads me to the ambiguosity that I find in this drabble that makes me think and most probably it's closer to the real meaning behind it, I think, (not the one I first mentioned), that this is also directed to a random simple minded reader, because your write is confusing [I don't think they are confusing at all, I'm just talking about what the simple minded person might think], with some fancy words, figures of speech (methaphor, hyperbole) and to some people it can get hard to understand and even scare them, hence the "ugly words" and lines such as "I write the words that etch away from the pages and twist themselves around your ventricles, squeezing till the blood screams silent", "My ugly words, my disgusting, vile, repulsive, sickening words, they're scaring you".

    Which also leads to my third and final thought about this work of yours, that maybe it's just to make an statemente, a confession, saying that people really can't understand what you write because it is so personal and has such a deep and different meaning to you, that to them, the reader, is nothing but a buch words put together that has no meaning to them whatsoever or what they think is so far from the truth that you had the need to confess it in this drabble, saying that even if for us (reader) it's just ugly scary words put together, to you is much more than that and it makes you feel revolted when you try to explain and we just don't understand so you pefer to leave our minds to think whatever it means in our own heads and soul.

    I absolutely LOVED this!
    To the words you chose, the way you decided to put them to the overall piece its just amazing.
    I read the other one-shots you wrote and I must say you are a very talented writer! Clap


    I'm so sorry if this confused you and wasn't what you were expecting but I hope my "brain vomit" made at least a tiny bit of sense to you, this is truly my first time writing a review so I just poured everything I had going on in my head after reading it.
    Ohh and there might be some typos and mistakes on what I wrote >.<
    June 7th, 2009 at 02:08am