Only Sweeter - Comments

  • TenRings

    TenRings (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Gerard is definitly growing on me. I said in the last comment that I didn't like him but I did in this chapter. He wasn't so creepy and his teasing and flirting made me laugh. :tehe:

    Frank is still my favorite as far as this story goes, though. I feel sorry for him because Gerard is being a nasty tease. I can't wait for more. It has been awesomely sexy so far and no one has actually had sex yet.
    I can't wait until they do...

    Bonnie, you had better be getting that next chapter ready! I can't wait for it.
    June 22nd, 2009 at 05:24pm
  • baysway

    baysway (100)

    United States
    I think this is my new favorite story! Extremely well written - almost to a fault. I could actually feel the disgust myself when Gerard's date was making out with him. Bleck! I, unfortunately, have also kissed people before that have no idea what they are doing. There is nothing worse. Gerard is so, so sexy, though. I cannot wait for another meeting with Frank!!!
    June 22nd, 2009 at 04:40am
  • Catherine Jane

    Catherine Jane (255)

    United States
    Loved this chapter as well. It's awesome to know that Frank wants him too, probably just as bad. I wonder if Gerard broke his heart. *tear*

    Loved this chapter. loved the reality. Its cute how they flirt with each other so bad!! They so want to fuck each other's brains out. Poor Gerard got stuck with some fuck-up. He was weird, just creepy. Kind of sucks that Gerard had to get stuck with him, but maybe he deserved it for hurting poor Frankie like that. That was cruel to say, but..

    Loved the chapter hands down. I really don't have time to make much of a comment right now, but I'll hopefully be able to stop by some time later and do so.

    June 22nd, 2009 at 02:03am
  • Pnkrckprncss

    Pnkrckprncss (100)

    United States
    So amazing.
    June 22nd, 2009 at 01:11am
  • Pnkrckprncss

    Pnkrckprncss (100)

    United States
    Cant wait for morr
    June 21st, 2009 at 09:33pm
  • Catherine Jane

    Catherine Jane (255)

    United States
    I dropped in to post a second comment just because I read your story a second comment, and it's kind of an OCD thing, you know? And after re-reading how crappy and stupid my other comment was, I'm just going to point out some of my favorite parts and such now, since I'm not high on anything or not coming back from a hell hole.

    First off, I would like to say that the banner is absolutely amazing! And every time I read the title of the story, I think back to Dorian Gray's story, Strawberry Flavored. I guess that has it's reasons I suppose.

    I had spent last night working and apparently, it didn’t end late in the night, because I didn’t remember much after 2am. I had probably fallen asleep around that time and now I was alone in bed. Thank God.
    Kind of makes me think that Gerard is a bit of a whore in this story. Hehe, but thats okay, thats his character, it really fits his personality and such. When it said he didn't remember anything after 2am, I would've assumed he had gotten drunk, but considering no hangover is involved, I'm just guessing he really did have a long night. I'm guessing it was with another guy and he left Gerard before he woke up. But, I could always be wrong.

    Ah, just read on. He was not drunk.. suspiscion confirmed. O.o

    It’s not that I was obsessed about my image, at least not too much,
    That part really reminds me a bit of what Gerard is like onstage, and in interviews sometimes. He seems really arrogant. And although its not in this particularly in this story, we all know he is humble. But yeah, that quite reminds me of him when he has one of those orgasm-sounding moans on stage when he sings. Hot. ;;P

    I'm not going to point it all out, because there is too much to completely show my point, but I think he has some sort of OCD thing with tidiness. I love how that adds to his character, wanting everything to be perfect. High maintanence indeed, but it really does give something real into the story. I think at some point, it's going to effect him as a character later on in coming chapters. But, I could be wrong.

    Again, too much to point out as it is a whole paragraph, but I love the part about his jacket. He seems like he is more confident when he wears it.

    I definitely believe that shopping is good for you, only by its meaning of possessing things that cheer you up completely.
    I think this really radiates the fact of how lonely he is. As if that by getting enough things for himself can start to sort of fill up that emptiness he has, if he has one at all. I could be totally off, but thats what I think when I read that part. I just think he's really lonely. :arms:

    God, do I sound gay?
    Haha, that part really cracked me up for whatever reason. He seems so mesmorized by just some random person he saw. I guess that really says something, I suppose. Gerard sounds like he's about to jump the poor guy! Haha, but it really does give in. Really puts the whole things together. I think it sort of ties in with what I said about the shopping because of lonliness, like this man could fulfill Gerard of that emptiness he has so intently.

    He was that kind of sin that you wish to never let go, no matter how, well, sinful it sounds.
    That, my friend, totally racked it. I think that was probably my favorite line. I loved that part. I don't know what it was about it, but it really drilled into my head.

    It felt like some clear window to the desirous past I never want to forget, looking forward to the dreaming future of staring at him again; touching, smelling, brutally grinding against him; feeling, savoring, magically fucking him.
    Maybe I'm just pointing out the obvious here, but Gerard sounds completely sex-crazed. It seems as though Gerard fantasizes too much. If he doesn't let that man go (I'm saying this as if they were to never meet again when clearly at some point, they will, so I'm just saying this for the sake of it), he would spend too much time wondering and wanting something he would never get. That is emotionally unhealthy dear Gerard. :grr:

    I was a new-found stalker!
    I tell everyone I'm a stalker. I stalk people up to their driveway! I wonder what Frankie would've done if Gerard had stalked him to his driveway. Surely, he would probably get nervous, but I wonder if he would feel that same sensation towards Gerard, grab him by the collar, pin him up against his doorway, and- :wink:

    I stalked you momentarily and would drag you to your kitchen floor to have you for lunch, dinner and supper. Now please, put your hands beneath my bent thighs and get me closer to you.
    As I said, this is unhealthy to be thinking of somebody in such a sexy, emotional way. If there was the chance that he would never see Frank again, that would kill him. But as we all know, I guess Gerard is going to fuck Frank hard into some wall or something.

    "Hello Stranger."
    And that is the for-now famous statement of the story that concludes us until next time.

    And I know you already know this as people have been saying so above, but this story really is truely amazing. The description used, the emotion played, the mental images.. lol :con:

    You and Erika are both AMAZING writers, so I'm just so excited to see the future of this story with my expectations and my right of mind. I can't wait until you get your coarsework done *giggle* for obvious reasons..

    June 20th, 2009 at 03:08am
  • Sweeney Way

    Sweeney Way (100)

    United States
    Oh me likey!!!!

    I cant wait for it all to begin and again i am sorry for never commenting your other story!!!! I am very mad at mibba right now and its getting a good spanking!!!
    June 9th, 2009 at 08:10am
  • newjerseyatemywallet

    newjerseyatemywallet (100)

    United Kingdom
    Prepare yourself for a very short crappy comment, due to no time.
    This sure is intriguing. Gerard’s personality is kind of crazy. He talks to himself in his head way too much. It actually really reminds me of the real Gerard. How he feels he has to comment on everything, I’d imagine his brain processes in much the same, fast, garbled yet insightful manner.
    Favorite line so far He was my Waldo, but the sexiest good-looking Waldo! that line is just pure genius In Love
    Anyway, truthfully this story could really be amazing. You and Erika together could make a story that could take over mibba.
    I feel like some radio dude who asked mcr, ‘are you ready?’ just before TBP took over the world.
    Gah, basically this story excites me! Love you both :arms:

    p.s. I know the banner holds some kind of hidden secret, TELL ME WHAT IT IS! ...please?
    June 8th, 2009 at 01:16pm
  • In the closet

    In the closet (100)

    You can't just post a chapter as amazing as this one and leave us wanting and waiting for more for god knows how long!::Ranting:
    I want more! Cry
    June 6th, 2009 at 06:52pm
  • Catherine Jane

    Catherine Jane (255)

    United States

    I officially have a mad crush on your story!!

    It was so amazing and well written, just like everything that you write!! It was awesome!!

    I love you so much, I love your story so much, hahahaha

    Sorry, I'm quite hyper. More soon, yeah? I'm very excited for this story!!

    June 5th, 2009 at 06:31pm
  • likeghostsinthesnow

    likeghostsinthesnow (100)

    United Kingdom
    I can see that I'm going to really enjoy this ; )

    I love the pictures used in the banner; they're quite fresh and clean, which is the opposite of Gerard's mind :lmfao

    Can't wait for more In Love
    June 5th, 2009 at 12:23pm
  • cannibal glow.

    cannibal glow. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I love this. I really hope you continue. I didn't actually realise it said 'Gerard's POV' at the top, but you could tell because you're such an amazing author and gave him Gee-like characteristics. I also felt kinda bad for him, he didn't seem very happy. :(
    OMG, thanks in a HUGE amount for the ded. I saw it and started screaming "OMGOMGOMG" my mum thought I was crazy :P You made my birthday even better.
    June 4th, 2009 at 10:00pm
  • TenRings

    TenRings (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    :o! That was great!
    Firstly, I really want to know where you (and Erika) are going with this because neither of you just right stories. There is always something amazing going on. So, I'm really wanting an update!

    I must say, I didn't paticularly like Gerard's approach. He seemed a bit forward to me but you did say he was cocky and very sure of himself so that fits in nicely. It's just that I would be a bit freaked out if I were Frank and some guy I didn't know touched my ass and followed me home. But if the “Hello Stranger.” is Frank then I'm sure he doesn't mine. Please let it be Frank!

    I always wanted everything to be perfect. That was why even my jacket had been abandoned on the couch, yet it had to be very tidy and in a certain position, to not get creased like dirty clothes.

    I love that about Gerard! Everyone says that you should give your characters flaws and imperfections to keep them realistic and, although this isn't really a flaw, I like how things being untidy annoys him because it does make him realistic.

    It was full of people, but empty of interest.

    I love these little sentances like that. I find your stories contain a lot of them. I know it doesn't sound much but I prefer it to writing out 'It was full of people but wasn't that interesting' or words to the effect. I think it makes the story slightly more poetic and flowing if anything.

    I was missing it like the birds miss the flowers, so much that they migrate to never lose sight of springtime.

    In Love This made me smile! It thought it was very cute and pretty!

    I was a new-found stalker!

    Again, this is the part of Gerard that I find quite scary. I find him hard to love when I see him as a stalker. But like I said, it fits in with the story and I'm sure he will grow on me.

    On the whole, I loved it! I can't wait for another update so you and Erika better get your asses in gear and get writing! Of course, get all your work out of the way first.

    This story should be awesome because two of my favorite authors are writing it together! I have high expectations but I'm sure you can both exceed them. Good luck with projects and the future of this story, guys. I can't wait!
    June 4th, 2009 at 06:32pm
  • skarsgard.

    skarsgard. (450)

    United States
    I really like this! :D The chapter was very well written!
    June 4th, 2009 at 07:05am
  • neonbluepunk

    neonbluepunk (100)

    United States
    -claims virginity-

    Wow Now, you're stories are all amazing, and I'm proud that I can kick off the comment board for once. I am so excited!!! Now, for the comment....

    I had probably fallen asleep around that time and now I was alone in bed. Thank God.
    Does this show that he often wakes up in bed with another, or am I mistaken?
    ((Ignore this, I answered my own question))

    I’ve always defended that a clean gorgeous body was the secret for my job; it made me look lighter and more confident about what I did.
    My thoughts; Is he a prostitute or something? I'm confused... -keeps reading-
    Now that I've finished the chapter and have come back to it, it really looks like he is a prostitute. He keeps referring to a "job" that he has to go back to, and from how hespeaks thinks of it, it really makes him sound like he's selling himself. Especially at the end with the "date". I was confused, but enthralled. :D

    I could have gotten them at some incident in the kitchen, not that I actually spend much time in there.
    Ha Ha I don't either.

    I can't tell yet whether this is Gerard or Frank, but my guess so far is Gerard. I wonder if I'm right.:shifty

    I thought of sex whenever I wore this jacket; I loved it because of that.
    :cheese: That jacket sounds amazing. Also, I absolutely love how picky the main character is, and how attentive he is, to notice boxers on the floor. ((I would have never seen them, seriously.))

    This particular smell was so, so conspicuous. It completely repainted my notion of hunger: it created, established need.
    It's truly amazing what smells can do to you. Damn. ((Should I be reminding myself that this is pure fiction? :lmfao))

    [My emotions while reading their first encounter]

    Wow Frank seems amazing! And I finally established who is who! Yay!
    :grr: Frank dropped the gaze!!!
    Whistle Gerardtouched Frank's ass did nothing!!!

    I wasn’t exactly looking for him, but he just never came to my sight again. I felt the disappointed pangs somewhere over my body.
    This actually hurt as I was reading it. I have stalkerish qualities at times, and I know exactly what he's talking about. Poor Gerard. Cry

    Apple, I feel like a loser. This is the story you showed me over a month ago, no? The stalker story you were going to start with Dorian Gray? Wow... I feel slow.... XD This is still amazing, even though it's the second time I've read it. It feels like the first. I love your writing, even if you reread things, it feels fresh and new. :clap:

    He was my Waldo.
    :cheese: Creepy.

    I was a new-found stalker!
    Welcome to the club! :XD

    "Hello Stranger."
    :XD No, I'm just joking, but this is incredibly romantic, if it's Frank, like I'm assuming. But just watch me be wrong and it really be his "date", ugh.

    I cannot wait for the next chapter, Apple, as always, you're stories are AMAZING!! And sorry that my comment got to be lacking towards the end. I'm just tired. Maybe I'll edit it a third time tomorrow and then tell you. :XD
    But most likely not...
    June 4th, 2009 at 04:43am