Never Walk Alone - Comments

  • Victoria Flannel

    Victoria Flannel (150)

    .. counting out the last thirty or so seconds until the sky exploded into an abstract neon pyrotechnic master piece.That sentence is made of pure brilliance. Have no idea what makes me adore it so much, it's just amazing, you know? Really well described.

    How Gabe manages to knock his cup over and makes it fall down sixteen stories is probably not a metaphore for, well, anything, yet I love that he does because it seems to just ... I don't even know. It very much fits the story.

    Travis was gentle as he moved in, closing the gap between them and making room for a whole new range of closeness. :cheese: I'm sorry--what the hell is that? ... a whole new range of closeness. I somehow believe I've heard that phrase before, yet on the other hand it seems so new and fresh and god knows what. I love it, though.

    I love the repeated "May brought with it", "With April came", et cetera, as well. :cute:

    And dammit, Ashlee! Why did she spill their secret! *waves fist*

    Though the end made up for it all; "I will never let you walk this world alone." In Love [/messy comment]
    August 13th, 2009 at 01:53am
  • Inked Art

    Inked Art (200)

    Hm. I really liked that (: Especially the way it was spread out over almost a whole year (:
    Well done.
    June 7th, 2009 at 11:53am