Connected - Comments

  • RibenaReject.

    RibenaReject. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Scarlet painted her cheeks and ears as she contemplated were she had gone wrong.

    Loved that line!

    Yeah, agree with the first comment, it just makes it a bit easier to read. Also, a tad longer would have been cool :)

    This is a really interesting couple! One, i admit, i'd never even thought of before. You really did it justice :)
    June 13th, 2009 at 12:19pm
  • Saviour .

    Saviour . (100)

    Okay so before I get into this, I just want to say, that I loved the whole concept of the “red bond” thing and then how you incorporated it into a little scene between Ron and Cho. It was very cute Thumb up

    Now there is one thing I wanted to say that kind of annoyed me while I was reading the entire thing; You should really start a new paragraph when you start putting dialogue into it. For example, you had:

    “Um...” she stuttered peered towards me. I stared back with a questioning look, “You wouldn’t mind accompanying me, would you?” she took a quick look back and then away. “Sure” I smiled.

    It would have made it much easier to read if you had done this;

    “Um...” she stuttered peered towards me. I stared back with a questioning look. “You wouldn’t mind accompanying me, would you?” She took a quick look back and then away.

    “Sure” I smiled.

    It’s not really that big of a deal but I just thought I’d point that out there : )

    Other than that there were no spelling errors that were noticeable while reading, and I liked your use of words.

    Anywho - good luck on the contest. This was a really good idea :cute:
    June 7th, 2009 at 03:32pm