Drink of the River - Comments

  • Jinxeh

    Jinxeh (805)

    United States
    I never read slash, ever, unless it's a yaoi webcomic, so here goes...

    I know that you often say in other threads that you dislike when people point out the layout too much when reviewing a story, but I often point it out when I feel that it at least adds a little something to the overall mood of the story - which I believe it did, here. I especially like how you broke up the story into small segments and titled them as such, and the stone background; the theme was still well-represented. Well done.

    The way you have the story set up also kind of reminds me of The Fountain. Separate events nonetheless drawing from one another and reflecting, and you made it all flow together very well. I especially enjoyed the way the second and third scenes worked together - his voice taken away from him in one, and merely deemed useless in another.

    In fact, Ryan's silence throughout almost the entirety of this story is rather striking (as was the point, I know, aha). Broken only by the written thought or two, but still silent to Brendon until his voice was actually needed at the end, to lend honesty. Beautiful.

    I quite liked this. It read almost like a moment, though it spanned days via Ryan's perspective. Everything just kind of swimming together and nothing really breaking up the time properly, because it probably seemed to go by just like that for Ryan. I also like that we didn't really see the lead-up to their breaking point; we know what the problem was, and why Brendon left, but how it started and how long it took for that breaking point to come about are left up to us. I dunno, I kind of feel like Brendon at least stuck around for as long as he could before he peaced out. Though I wonder if this is the first time they've been through this scenario.

    I'm babbling, so I'll stop now. Overall, however, a great story. I don't often read many fics on Mibba that tackle present-tense narrative well, and yet you did so beautifully.
    February 7th, 2011 at 04:05am
  • goodbyeeeee

    goodbyeeeee (100)

    United States
    This was amazing. Very original, I think! The Gods and Goddesses thing fit the parts exactly, ike dear pallis. said. I think this story was very catching. I didn't want to stop reading! Very awesome! :D Great story!
    February 6th, 2011 at 07:24pm
  • dear pallis.

    dear pallis. (100)

    Wonderful. The God and Goddesess names fit the parts exactly. =)
    March 4th, 2010 at 11:29am
  • jaybirdgrey

    jaybirdgrey (100)

    United States
    that's all i can say.
    i usually don't read this genre, but if i did i'd say you set a standard for it.
    this is truly impresive writing, and rare creativity.
    good job, and keep it up =].
    June 22nd, 2009 at 08:31am
  • tabula rasa.

    tabula rasa. (120)

    United States
    I really liked this In Love
    I like how you went into detail, but not too much detail, which is nice. I like how it was broken up into little sections, based on Gods and Goddesses. (I read the things in the smaller font after I read the one-shot). It's interesting how you connected what Ryan was doing to the Gods and Goddesses.
    I'm not good on doing detailed comments, so I'll end here. But I seriously enjoyed reading this. It was well written. :]
    June 15th, 2009 at 06:14am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    New story.
    Inspired by the River Styx.
    I'm sure most of you probably don't read Greek. The name of the 'chapter' was "Dionysus".

    The other 'headings' were Greek god and goddesses' names. (In small font below. Quote this post or highlight and cut and paste to read if you're interested. (Oh. And song in the player was "Catalyst" by Anna Nalick.)

    Alectrona; goddess of morning or "waking up"

    Atë or Aite; goddess of foolish acts

    Asclepius; god of healing

    Eosphorus; god of the morning star

    Eris; goddess of strife

    Hypnos; god of sleep

    Morpheus; god of dreams

    Efreisone; personification of olive branch

    Eos; goddess of the dawn

    Happy [?] reading!

    June 14th, 2009 at 11:14pm