You Mustn't Give Your Heart To A Wild Thing - Comments

  • It was filled to the very top with beautifully wrapped presents and gift boxes. Magenta and violet tissue paper filled the spaces between, and my name was scrawled messily on every heart shaped tag attached to each parcel; ‘love Alex’ scribed below.

    “There’s no room left on your bookshelf, and I am not going to Ikea again” He smirked, resting his chin atop my head
    -1. haha 2. awh

    “The place is my idea of hell, I’m not a DIY kinda guy. I straighten my hair and write songs about girls, I don’t build, or saw, or sc…”
    He caught himself, and I caught him. “Ye do plenty of screwin’” I chuckled, giving him a sly wink. “In fact, just last night we…”

    The idea had been tainted over the years though. The word surprise had become an excuse for something a person hadn’t wanted to or bothered to explain to me, and the fact that my Mum; the wordsmith that she was, had disclosed my fathers illness with a sentence that included both ‘surprise’ and ‘cancer’ hadn’t particularly helped my growing unease with the concept.

    “I didn’t know that ye were….”
    “I’ve been counting since the day I realised that you were it” He whispered.
    -OoooOoOOoO Alex.

    “Happy Birthday!” Jacks arms were looped around me before I could finish my stammered answer and my head collided painfully with his collarbone as I tried to reciprocate his clumsy hug.

    I’ll look at ye and ‘ll know that ‘m exactly where I’m meant t’ be, with you”
    “And you don’t see that now, when you look at me?”
    I shook my head slowly, “ I’m too busy falling head over heels the fuck in love with ye. That’s the chaos that comes first”
    -ooh. this almost makes me change my Oli > Alex stance. Almost.
    April 27th, 2010 at 01:21am
  • this part made me like verity and alex together, which kinda broke my heart, cause i'm team oli all the way. but the fact that you can make alex such an endearing character while still making me just want him to go away is quite amazing
    April 26th, 2010 at 11:39pm
  • i think i loved it! thanks for my bedtime story installment :)
    April 21st, 2010 at 12:19am
  • Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Loved Sam, thought about it from last chapter and knew it had to be her!
    I liked how someone could actually see Oli now, his changes from old to new, that was amazing.
    I'm with Formerlyknownas ^ I have to sit in silence just taking it all in every time.
    April 20th, 2010 at 11:55pm
    ^my exact reaction to the Sam/Baby Sykes action. Hnnnnnng okay now I just need to project that into my real life and make shit happen lol.
    And my mom! lol I was like "omgawd mom you be faymuss, girl!" Hahaha.

    “The fact she loves you keeps her going because she knows that if she can still love you, after everything…there might be a small chance that you can still love her too”
    Wisdom. Ok.
    So this was brill. Omg so much just happened, haha I can't even wrap my head around it.
    Sam and Tom, Lau revealing the Verity/Alex situation, Sam's supreme knowledge I quoted up there, and the whole part where Lau was "seeing" Oli, that was great. I loved it, so fucking perfect.
    I swear, you write things so amazingly, most of the time I have to sit here in silence after and just let it sink in.
    Like, seriously, you don't write a single filler. Everything is significant. It's fabbityfabfab.
    April 20th, 2010 at 11:25pm
  • so basically I don't have any specific reactions because I was rushing through to get answers. you suspenseful little devil you.

    I think I made the update come about by wearing my black on black vans for two days. You can say it was Sam but I know.

    “The fact she loves you keeps her going because she knows that if she can still love you, after everything…there might be a small chance that you can still love her too”
    -so the next chapter should just be oh wow they're both in the same time falling into bed together. ok. the end. I would like that.
    April 20th, 2010 at 09:16pm
  • LORD.
    Well, I found that little confession Verity gave to be quite heart-warming, actually. Yes, I cannot even imagine how painful it would have been to have to admit that to Alex, especially while he's being a slight dbag and not listening to her. Well, looks like he sure was listening in the end!
    I admit, I smiled at his reaction in the end. It was crazy of him to buy that ticket for her to go home. He earned points for that though, trying to be the good boyfriend and reunite his girlfriend with her family again. He wised up though. Because I'm sure that if she went home, nothing good could have come from it.
    I'm glad Alex seemed to realize that!

    Man. This story just has me going so much lately! :)
    And, happy early birthday!
    April 4th, 2010 at 09:35pm
  • Happy early birthday! Personally, I'm completely terrified of turning 21. I still have a few months to prepare, though. :/
    (Still loving the story, too. :) I'm so impatient for the next chapter, so I can understand what the hell was going on.)
    April 4th, 2010 at 07:16am
  • This was my favourite chapter from Verity so far I think, I am, however, really looking forward to the next chapter. Well done on this and being twenty one soon!
    April 2nd, 2010 at 01:20pm
  • I think this is my favourite chapter by far, this story and the prequel combined. Finally the hard shell cracks and it's out, at least some of it. And I am loving Alex's part in it...he keeps pushing and pushing. I am so glad you updated this, you know this is my fav Oli story, seeing that this is not your typical teenage story...the time/POV changes still sometimes confuse me...but as always...I wanna know what happens at the hotel!
    April 2nd, 2010 at 12:27pm
  • ive just read all of this over again cause i got well confused, still am! but i think i get the picture now, its just i dunno haha, confusing? but that doesnt change the fact that this story is fucking amazing and i totally love the first story so much, i re-read that again so i could get into this! man, im so stoked for the next chapter and it'll be oliver this time, so find out what happens. i think there is so much more behind everything and i love drama! i dont really like alex in this story, vee and oliver are meant to be together! you're writing is amazing as well! give me some of your talent woman! update again soon now im all up-to-date with whats happening more or less, i can't wait to read the next chapter!
    April 2nd, 2010 at 07:11am
  • She has issues against pretty girls on account of the fact that her pride and joy, Dani, is more of a ’iel’ than a ‘ielle’, she’s my cousin; and shit I should be kind, but she’s like twice the size of me, she’s built like a quarterback”
    -well that's unfortunate

    I don’t know what I was expecting, Jake and my Mum to tumble out and landing in a pile in the seat well? The glove box acting a little like Narnia with Sheffield on the horizon?
    -that would be awesome though. I wouldn't have thought of that. but I wouldn't have thought of any of this and that is why it is you writing it and me reading it. as it should be.

    Christmas lunch had come with a bottle of champagne shared between two and the traditional afternoon screening of ‘It’s a wonderful life’ was washed down with a case or two of light beer.
    -more of a two days before christmas occurance here. the afternoon of christmas is reserved for newly gifted dvds.

    “You’re only here because you fucked up, and he didn’t want you after that”
    -wooooooooooooooooooooooooow. uncool bro.

    Alex was sat bolt upright already, but I watched his entire frame tense at the words ‘cheated‘ and ‘cheat‘.
    -I'm guessing this is supposed to be pregnant and and cheat?

    “I love you too much to let you go Verity” He said, ripping the thin rectangle of card straight down the middle.
    -dfasjfkjklsjfklasjfkjkslncvfjkksd fine. be that way.
    April 2nd, 2010 at 06:49am
  • Happy almost birthday! You know I love your story, and you know I have a love/hate relationship with it. These chapters are totally brilliant and are so much like real life. Gah it makes me so emotional, lol.
    April 2nd, 2010 at 06:13am
  • i absolutely adore this chapter. for most of this story i've been focused on and anticipating oliver's chapters, but this was definitely my favorite from verity's side. it really explained why she made her decision and lit a lot of light bulbs in my mind
    April 2nd, 2010 at 04:46am
  • “Sam knows everything” I smiled small, “about everything, you know that”
    This is a lie. I know nothing.
    Mmmm this is brill. Absolutely brill. I love getting two updates from you in one day.

    April 1st, 2010 at 11:43pm
  • Holy shit balls on blazing fire.
    First of all, I was definitely smiling throughout that beginning section, as I can only picture Oliver buying a Cosmo magazine for his... "girlfriend." Well, might as well go the whole nine yards and grab some Tampax while you're at it, eh? Hahah. Oh man. I feel so, so bad for the poor guy.
    He can't seem to catch a break.
    However, having Mr. Gaskarth pick up the phone was quite the surprise for me. I couldn't quite figure that out at first, and was slightly confused, but once I got it clear... oh man. I'm definitely wondering what Alex's side of the story is like now, and what he's up to/ if he's still in love with Verity as well. That woman sure can cause a shitstorm, can't she? But I suppose that's what has all the boys going for her.

    That ending. Oh my god. I cannot freaking WAIT to see what is going to happen... two chapters from now, in the present.

    PS, I'm more than curious about this secret life Tommy has going for him at the bar in the morning. You'd have never guessed... ;)
    March 24th, 2010 at 06:30am
  • Yeah I really like the Oli chapters, just his attitude and tone is interesting :]
    I love this story and I've probably said this before, but I really can't wait to see what happens in the future of this story :D
    March 13th, 2010 at 05:39am
  • At home sunrises were witnessed through bloodshot, drunken eyes and because I hadn’t quite made it home to bed yet. In California they were different. I could list the colours in the order in which they appeared across the horizon; and I always made a point of staying awake after leaving the diner so that I could catch each one of them.

    Daylight was harsh and real, whereas sunrise could be anything I wanted. The world was blurred at the edges, there were no sharp corners to catch me out or hurt me. It was as though everyone baring witness was drunk; not pissed or puking drunk, but drunk, just drunk, warm, fuzzy drunk.

    “Are you in love or forcing it?” I mumbled to myself, my legs folded on the bench beneath me and the Cosmopolitan lying open in my lap. The question had leapt out at me from the front cover; so it was all that I could see, the instant I’d arrived at the kiosk and it was all I had been asking myself since, and on the short walk to my usual ‘spot‘. I’d watched from a soft violent through Amber, but I couldn’t concentrate any further, my curiosity was getting the best of me. I was using any distraction I could to keep myself from picking up the phone and calling Verity.
    ‘What bums you out more: being alone or dating a guy you don’t totally click with?’ I read slowly, my eyes flicking over the answers ‘dating the dude’ or ‘being alone’.
    “What kind of bullshit is this?” I muttered, taking a long deep drag of my cigarette before placing it gently to the glossy page; marking ‘dating the dude’ with a small burn, and continuing on to the next question. “Blush and get the warm fuzzies?” I guffawed to myself, instantly picking the alternative answer before even reading the question.
    -oh my god

    I didn’t need to do a dumb quiz to work out whether or not I was in love with Verity. The feeling that tore through me when I thought of never smelling her, never holding her, never hearing her laugh again was enough. More than enough.
    I was in love with her. I’d always been fucking in love with her.

    My hand was shaking as I plunged it deep into my jean pocket and foraged around for the piece of paper I’d put in there but ten minutes before; it was still there and it still held the weight of the world.

    His chuckle was soft, but painfully hollow. It matched the one I’d started using when people asked about Curtis’ whereabouts; it was the one I’d used when interviewers asked what happened with SJ. It was my ‘this is none of your fucking business’ laugh, I could only assume it was Alexs too.
    -oh you

    “I know everything about it Oliver” He sliced, “We were together for a year and a half, we had no secrets, she told me…”
    “Did she tell ye she came t’ meet me at Warped Tour?”
    The line went dead. I thought it was just another silence that we’d share, but it was dead, and then there was the dial tone. I took that as a ‘no’.

    “The person you are calling is not available at this current time, please try again later” I recited along with the recorded womans voice, my final attempt before slinging my phone back into my sweater pocket.

    “You’re spending one hundred and eighty two dollars a night on a room that neither of you seem to sleep in” She noted my sceptical look and gave me a small shrug. “Well at night, anyway. You stumble down here and disappear to wherever you disappear to for a few hours at four AM, and he comes down about a half hour later and drinks in the bar with some chick. Every night. At first I thought you might be vampires or some shit, but you’re in no way sparkl…”
    -mmmmmmmm & oh hello twilight reference. what're you doing here.

    “I thought I did” I admitted sullenly, “I still might, ‘e won’t answer ‘is phone though. I hate that ‘es the only person in the world tha’ knows where she is, ‘s not fair, now ‘e can ask ‘er to marry ‘im till his ‘earts content, an’ I’m fuckin’ powerless”
    March 12th, 2010 at 05:43am
  • Wow. Uhm. You just always seem to keep me hanging on edge. This needs an update soon.:)
    March 11th, 2010 at 11:44am
  • I am loving Oli like this: finally admitting to himself that he was a fucking idiot and lost the girl of his life...even though her actions kinda drove his behavior back then. I am so glad you updated this, I had feared you were on hiatus forever! Good to see you're back, and just as strong as before!
    And kudos to the reception girl: I just wanna punch them dudes every time they say something...I mean serious! I am amazed you can actually write that way! ENVY!
    March 11th, 2010 at 05:03am