What Happens In Vegas... - Comments

  • BehindTheScenes;

    BehindTheScenes; (100)

    United States
    I have to say that this was amazing.[:
    I loved it, a LOT.
    May 3rd, 2011 at 03:31am
  • idiotheque.

    idiotheque. (100)

    United States
    Fucking hell XD
    Um, I'll just say that this is the first Waycest I've ever read and I'm actually kind of glad that I got to read this type of story first because it's not heavy at all and incest can be kind of intimidating. I've also never really read MCR stories, but I'm sure you've got the characters down pretty well, at least that's what I gather from the previous comments.

    I liked Frank in this even though he was barely in it. When they spoke on the phone was funny because I've been in similar situations where some drunk person asks you to meet them somewhere and you just don't go because you know they probably won't even remember asking.

    I'm glad that you didn't have the two of them waking up together cause that would have been super awkward. But I found the last bit, though it had to be said in a story like this, really odd and really unrealistic. If I had found out that I slept with my brother when I was drunk and woke up before he did, I would not tell him what had happened. It would be something that I would just harbour and I would let him think that he had brought someone up to the room. That was the only thing that didn't sit right with me. Other than that, it was a pretty good story.
    March 8th, 2011 at 05:02am
  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    Now, why have I not read this yet? We must fix this problem. To start, I loved the description of Las Vegas, since you added in the negative bits as well. I especially enjoyed the business men line.

    which was aimed to give them to secluded time... I think that second to doesn't belong.

    I loved that entire exchange between the brothers about Frank! I always like when Frank is kind of a slut, even if it is just a passing mention, and I think that connection actually made the tension between Gerard and Mikey amp up. To be honest, I think you did an amazing job with the dialogue in this story; all of it seemed realistic and that phone conversation between Frank and Mikey was, to put it bluntly, fucking hot. You are my favorite Frikey author on this site, without a doubt.

    ...while Frank set his phone down on his bedside table and crawled under his sheets... That line actually made me laugh, so freaking hard. I adore Frank's character in this; not only is he a slut, he's a mischievous one!

    To quote your author's note, I loled. I loled hard. I'm actually very giddy right now. I'm so glad you didn't go into detail with the sex; it would have taken away some of the humor of the story.

    Have I ever mentioned that I love you? I'm going to go laugh some more now. <3
    March 6th, 2011 at 04:44am
  • budgie

    budgie (100)

    Oh gosh xD Accidental Waycest is always fun. -giggles- And plus, Frikey is adorable. I liked your tone throughout the whole thing, it was nice and simple and even a bit innocent, which suited it well.

    I know that it’s easier for me to talk to someone when their cock is pressed up against my ass.
    xD This has got to be my favourite line. The way you've written Mikey and Gerard's relationship is lovely. They bicker without spite and roll their eyes at each other and I thought it was really well done.

    “Tomorrow? Tonight? I can come out there now…”
    I love drunk Mikey! :D

    And I just found some typos and I thought you might like to know:
    Anyway, we’ll see about that tomorrow when F. Lero jumps all over you and kisses you ‘hello’
    “Now I want to actually hang out with you tonight.” Said Gerard,
    two Rum and Coke’s - there doesn't need to be an apostrophe here
    Gerard became tired of loosing - 'losing'
    The boy nuzzled his partners hair, - should have an apostrophe in 'partner's'
    “Just a… uh… friend.” Responded the Mikey,
    homage’s to the continuous luck - no apostrophe needed.

    I really liked this! I also lol'd. XD
    March 2nd, 2011 at 02:43am
  • Devihla

    Devihla (100)

    I just have to comment again, 'cause this story is kinda stuck in my head:
    This would be a great story...
    I've recently turned a one-shot into a story, and this could totally turn into one too!
    If you do, please tell me? :D
    June 24th, 2009 at 04:38pm
  • Devihla

    Devihla (100)

    Ha! Oh that was fucking brilliant!
    I should have seen it coming, but no... I fucking didn't!
    You wrote it so well that I didn't see it coming!
    damn! So good! :D
    June 24th, 2009 at 11:36am
  • secrets-that-die

    secrets-that-die (100)

    United States
    June 24th, 2009 at 06:15am