A Nightmare On Elm Street. - Comments

  • malkin.

    malkin. (105)

    Slovak Republic
    this made me chuckle a lot. I guess that was the point, wasn't it? :lol: :lol:

    There were four cars parked outside – Skinny's, Bone's, Whip's, and my own. Cat was too much of a princess to drive himself around if someone else could do it, and didn't see the point in 'wasting valuable money that could be spent on more useful things, like salon visits'. win. :lol:

    (wow I'm so not communicative and coherrent today. I apologize. :shifty )
    June 27th, 2009 at 12:19pm
  • boychild.

    boychild. (100)

    Sp finally I'm able to comment without internet shutting down or me being in pissed off mood Coffee/ignore

    I love how you always manage with showing how much of a princess Cat really is :lmfao And you write it so well, as if it really is this way he is - which I don't doubt for a second :file:

    I agree with Jess, in practically everything :lmfao And I too believed it to first be a horror story, but aaaww, Nightmare living on Elm Street is just priceless to imagine :lmfao

    They drove past the house four fucking times before pulling into the driveway. I was sitting on the front porch with a cigarette, in plain sight, and yet they still missed it. Four fucking times.

    Fucking idiots.

    This had me laughing so hard, I can fully imagine Emil sitting and seeing the cars driving past over and over :XD The DS guys are such idiotic boys :tehe:

    I loved this, it was a cute and fun little story, and I too appreciated the pun :XD

    June 26th, 2009 at 01:27pm
  • twin.

    twin. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I saw the shameless pimping on the Deathstars thread, so thought I would read and comment. :cute:

    Firstly, I love the name of this. I think its funny, and the pun was appreciated by me. :XD

    I love the way their friendship is shown, and it's really sweet and cute to read. Especially the way that Cat's so princessy, and yet he's not afraid to admit it, and the others have grown to accept it. :tehe:

    One of my favourite bits was, "“And I thought the Princess was an idiot.”

    “Hey!” Cat squealed, smacking Bone on the arm.

    Just because you can totally see in your head that whole scene happening, almost as if Cat has a realisation that they're taking the mick out of him, and the word squealed just adds to his whole princess image. ~~

    I like how Nightmare is seen as the more mature person of the bunch, however you can see that he still values his friends by letting them help him out, and also the way that he interacts with Cat when he says, " I laughed and decided I'd make him suffer." made me smile to myself, and feel a teeny bit sorry for Cat bless him. :XD

    Overall, I think that this is sweet little One-Shot, that really shows the friendship between them all, and the pun at the end was cute. ^__^

    Also, I must add, that I was expecting it to be after just reading the title, some murderer story! So you shocked me there! Wow

    Well done. Clap
    June 25th, 2009 at 01:09pm