Revelry - Comments

  • the ghost

    the ghost (100)

    It was a bit weird, but I like your writing style. Your details are great.
    You should write more! :)
    December 14th, 2009 at 05:58pm
  • boychild.

    boychild. (100)

    This story deserve long comment, and I will give you that :arms:

    So, this is clearly amazing and the best PWP (or porn with slight little plot :XD ) i've ever read (honestly, it is) I love how Cat is all selfconfident, and how Andreas makes him all weak and submissive, kinda. 'Cause the way you write Cat here, it doesn't really seem as he is submissive normally, only something with Andy makes him that. Now i'm just rambling :XD

    Chapter 1.

    The look said ”I'll fuck you better than you have ever been fucked in your whole life“ and Eric believed every single word of that.
    I'd believe it too :yah i'm sure Andy's ~sex look can be very ~expressing ~~

    trying to look as seductive as possible
    Like he have to try! :XD

    walking past the man and making sure he accidentally touched him
    Mmmhm, i love 'accidental' touching, it's so shyly hot ina way, y'know? In Love

    Mmmm, the kissing part is amazing - and the fact that Björn just rolls his eyes makes me laugh :XD if knowing Cat, I'm sure that's something people would do :XD

    ”Such a pretty boychild,“
    -whimpers- I love Andy saying boychild, it's so fucking hot, and when saying it to Cat it makes Kitten seem so much younger, 'cause he use the world child and it's just nnnnnggh <33

    ”Please,“ he whimpered
    Cat begging is just asdfghj<3 win<3

    The feeling of the man's erection, confined in the firm material of his jeans and yet so obvious made Eric almost come. He whimpered and leaned forward, trying to kiss the man again, but he pressed his hand against Eric's mouth, stopping his attempt.
    First, Cat almost coming when feeling Andy's cock like that, is hotness :yah And second, Andy holding his hand over Cat's mouth makes my perverted mind work ~~ :XD

    The bj part is wonderful <3 Cat deepthroating Andy even though not being used to it, and letting Andy mess up his perfect little hair, his hot ~~ And you're good at writing Andy moaning, it doesn't seem like out of character as a I think it does when I write it :XD you just makes it hot <33
    And you slip in the part about taking on condom so easily, other writers make it seems forced (-raise hand- guilty :XD ) but every time you write it it just flows so easily.

    one hand in Eric's hair, yanking his head back and breathed out in his ear breathlessly: ”My name is Andreas, moan that out when you come.“
    Hairtugging is love, always love as long as it doesn't hurt someone too much :yah And Andy's comment nnnnngh, almost as hot as boychild useage :tehe: :yah:yah

    Bone entering! :D even though no names were used, i sooo knew it was dear Boney :cute: I love how he looks 'hateful' on Cat, as if he knows the boy will somehow get involved in their lifes (Bone can see into the future! :o :shock: :XD )

    ”I hope you enjoyed that,“ the boy commented as he sipped on his drink.

    Eric nodded dreamily, missing the sarcasm in the boy's voice completely: ”The best fuck I have had in a long time, Björn.“

    ”Yeah, yeah,“ the boy called Björn nodded, shaking his head with a slight hint of a smile on his face. ”Glad it made you happy, but I'm warning you. You whine about your ass hurting tomorrow, and I'll kick you out sooner than you say 'but Björn', got it?“

    I loved all of this xD Björn pwns, srsly, I love that little boy :tehe: Of course Kitten is missing hint of sarcasm, he's too long gone in orgasm-land still :tehe:

    Then he smirked. His smirk was met by another, very familiar that was making him weak in his knees.
    Aaaand here Cat knew he was new member :XD

    ”For?“ the guy with long dreads raised his eyebrow. ”Shouldn't we maybe hear him play guitar first?“
    Why would that be necessary? Psh, Skinny, stupid man, people wouldn't care if Cat could play or not as long as he looks pretty and gets humped by Andy on stage ~~

    ”He's good,“
    of course he doesn't say in which are Cat is so good on...

    the fourth guy buried his face in his hands, letting out a loud exaggerated sigh.
    -cuddles Bone- Throw me into story and i'll make him feel better! :XD

    Chapter 2.

    Okay, so first off, NNNNNNNNNNGGHHHHHHH
    I want to see this live, definately ;D

    I love how you start it with the blow job, and Andy's reaction, feeling guilty for using drunken boys - whereof one is underaged and one is straight :XD - but still doesn't care 'cause hey, he's getting his cock sucked :XD And then you start desctibing how it ended up like that, telling about who Björn is - and this line;
    The older boy with undying love for purple colour seemed to be acting more like Eric's parent than friend sometimes
    describe him perfectly, really :XD I love how when writing about Björn, his love for purple always is spoken about too :tehe:

    Andreas sometimes found himself somewhat intimidated by Björn, mostly because he felt like the boy would be capable of killing him if he hurt Eric just the slightest.
    This line makes me giggle hardcore, 'cause Andy being 28, is intimiated by the 18 year old Björn xDDD But that just proves how protective Björn is, and I really like it :arms:

    Yet, he couldn't push away the idea of having the two naked in his bed; their eager hands all over Andreas' body, their naked bodies pressed against Andreas', wanting to please him and to please each other.
    And now I can't push away that thought either -shakes head- -dreams- -dies-

    and that all that was necessary for that would be some booze
    Andy, c'mon, they're hormonal teenagers, was it really that hard to come up with that? :XD Gosh, Swedish men :XD

    two naked and very drunk boys were giving him a kind of sloppy, but insanely arousing blowjob, occasionally disctracting themselves with kissing or touching each other.
    This is just so nnnnnnnnghhh. I can so clearly imagine this, and it's freaking hot, and Andy is all "o_o remember to always give them booze..." And just... those two boys kissing and touching each other while trying to suck Andy off, it's just hot, and it's not one of my favorite images :yah

    Björn straighten up immediately; even in his drunken state, he was still the protective friend. Just much more open to sex with his friend. And his friend's friend.
    GO BJÖRN! xDDDDD I imagine him to be all dizzy, trying to glare on Andy but gives killer glare to lamp instead, and is all "i'll protect little Kitten from having his hair pulled... after sex with friend. And friend's friend." :tehe:

    He couldn't stop himself as he reached forward, tracing the curve with his very fingertips before looking up, his eyes meeting Björn's grey ones, distracted with alcohol and Eric's lips around his erection. Yet the boy smirked faintly at Andreas, and nodded.
    Andreas seem sort of... shy? in this story - can't come up with better word atm :shifty Like, he doesn't dare to even touch Eric if not Björn aproves of it, and it's so cute, somehow, even though a Andy that doesn't dominate his Kitten doesn't exist, it's still cute :tehe:

    With no warning he pushed in Eric, his low moan as the tight heat engulfed him mixing with Eric's surprised, but pleased-sounding high-pitched whimper, and started to move immediately, not caring if this was uncomfortable for the boy.
    surprise!buttsecks! :lmfao Poor Kitten, there he lays, sucking his friends cock, and get a cock up his ass. I'm sure he didn't saw that coming... :XD And Andy doesn't care if Kitten is uncomfortable, 'cause Björn aproved him to fuck Kitten, so who cares what Kitten thinks? :lmfao

    gasping as he moved his hand to Eric's hair, holding him in place and forcing him swallow.
    Does no one care if Eric can be in pain? xDD But mmmmm, I'm sure Kitten doesn't mind ~~

    Eric's back pressed against Andreas' chest while facing Björn, their fingers entwined.
    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <333333 That's the only word for this image, big swoonish aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww <33333333333 *draws hearts* *sneaks down to cuddle boys*

    He couldn't decide whether the sight he was met with was hilarious or horrible. Björn was standing at the end of the bed, wearing his pants and trying to collect his clothes in the mess on the floor, yelling at amused looking Eric and Andreas who were lying on the bed, naked and not bothered by that fact.
    This whole part is so freaking amusing, Emil being all "wtf? O_O should I laugh or scream in terror?" And Björn only being in terror and is trying to get dressed as Kitten and Andy is just amused by his reaction, both laying naked still and just don't care :XD And it's funny image this giant heap of clothes on the floor, and Björn tries to find something purple amoing all the black :lmfao

    Emil, please, of course he fits the band, Andy is sex on legs and Kitten is just sex. Perfect match *nods*

    I will comment on the third chapter later on love :wink: :arms:
    July 25th, 2009 at 03:41pm
  • Kenickie

    Kenickie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Love it <3
    June 30th, 2009 at 06:37pm
  • frank turner.

    frank turner. (105)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh my goodness, I just jizzed myself. How hot was that?! Woah.. On a slightly different note; he doesn't seem very happy waking up to that. :tehe: Very amusing, to say the least! Amazing chappy!

    June 30th, 2009 at 05:47pm
  • misstrinity811

    misstrinity811 (100)

    United States
    I jizzed myself, lol

    Me being the pervert that I am, I absolutly LOVE this story already :D
    June 30th, 2009 at 11:01am
  • Kenickie

    Kenickie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Love it <3
    More soon?
    June 29th, 2009 at 12:37am
  • wonderless

    wonderless (100)

    United States
    Very entertaining. I really like it so far. Hot. :P
    Please write more, you're a great writer.
    June 28th, 2009 at 07:57am
  • frank turner.

    frank turner. (105)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh! I love this already! ;D

    June 27th, 2009 at 10:43pm