Cut - Comments

  • sekirk

    sekirk (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    awww sooo cute!!
    May 2nd, 2010 at 02:36am
  • gaskarth

    gaskarth (150)

    United States
    Oh my goodness. I absolutely love Kradam. I loved the way that Kris was all shy and stuff and Adam was all caring and loving. -swoon- I enjoyed reading this. (: Kradam makes me happy and I loved it!
    September 27th, 2009 at 07:08pm

    FICTION (150)

    United States
    I'll be honest, I'm not a huge Adam fan and I've no clue who Kris is [by the way, that's my name :tehe:], but I thought the story was quite good.
    Sure, things could be improved [like perhaps using 'he' instead of Kris so much], but it was wonderful and cute in the end. :cute:
    September 11th, 2009 at 01:08am
  • vagina.

    vagina. (150)

    In Love
    August 27th, 2009 at 05:10pm
  • Second.Guess

    Second.Guess (100)

    This is such a cute story~! ^^
    July 22nd, 2009 at 02:07pm
  • Cody Carson

    Cody Carson (100)

    United States
    D'aww, this was so adorable! In Love

    "Kris didn’t feel the sting when the wet cotton touched his cut. He only felt his heart flutter."
    This... this line right here killed me. It seriously gave my stomach butterflies and made me smile like an idiot.
    <3 I love your writing
    It's gorgeous.
    July 13th, 2009 at 05:10pm
  • occulta.

    occulta. (100)

    :weird the story is already reviewed... :tehe: My job is done.... One thing though... A small warning that this was slightly slash would've been nice :cute:
    July 12th, 2009 at 06:57am
  • ward-o

    ward-o (150)

    This was really cute and fluffy in the right way. :tehe: It kinda gave me a fuzzy feeling, which I suppose is what the genre is supposed to do. This was pretty good, I loved the interaction between them and how it was third person, but in Kris's point of view. Like, nobody but the writer, not Kris, not us, knew what Adam was thinking which is good, 'cause it lets us think and wonder a little, even until after we've finished it.

    For good measure, I'll point out a few mistakes. You should read over this at least once, just to make sure.

    “Darn it,’ Kris muttered under his breath, but loud enough to catch his roommate’s attention.
    The ' is supposed to be a ", yeah?

    “What happened?” A voice gasped;
    Change the capital A to a small one.

    Kris startled.
    Missing word, maybe? Maybe 'Kris was startled.'

    “It looks pretty deep,” Adam spoke softly, “Hold on,”
    Replace the comma after 'hold on' to a period.

    “Let me see it,” Adam entered the small room suddenly, causing younger man to take a few steps back.
    Missing word. Maybe 'the' after 'causing'?

    There's probably a few more, but I'm sure you'll catch them if you read over it.
    Other than that, good job.
    July 7th, 2009 at 01:08pm
  • sandbox

    sandbox (100)

    United States
    that made me smile =)
    July 7th, 2009 at 12:59am
  • purple haze.

    purple haze. (220)

    United Kingdom
    This was so cute, and such a realistic scene.
    Its well written as well :cute:
    Well done.
    July 4th, 2009 at 03:06pm
  • The Master

    The Master (15)

    United Kingdom
    Story/Review Game.

    I found this to be an interesting piece. When you read the title, one's mind instantly goes to the idea of it being a very angsty, cutter story. So this was a delightful surprise.

    “Darn it,’ Kris muttered under his breath, but loud enough to catch his roommate’s attention. I would have thought something more than 'darn it' would have been used here. But it fits with the overall fluffy tone of the story.

    Kris didn’t know what to do, hesitating with the razor in one hand before carefully wiping off the blood that started to trickle down his neck with another. I think trickle is the wrong word here. Drip, maybe. Trickle makes it seem like a bigger fleshwound than a razor cut would.

    Adam stopped right in front of him and gently tilted his head up; trying to get a better view of Kris’s wound. The moment Adam’s fingers touched his skin Kris sucked his breath in as he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand. He tried to catch a glimpse of Adam’s face, but the styled, dark hair of the older man blocked his view.

    Edgy, I like that. I thought he was going to kiss it better there, :XD

    Adam turned to retrieve a small first-aid kit from the drawer, opening the white box before setting it on the marble sink. He poured out a small box of cotton balls onto a dry spot and took two into his hand, wetting them under the tap before returning to Kris.

    Maybe my mind is a sewer but you keep placing all these sexual undertones in the story here and there. It's something for older readers to enjoy.

    Kris stood quietly. He never had seen any man that cared so much for him before. When he was little his father would only pat his head and tell him to stop crying every time he injured himself, and it was his mom who did all the cleaning and bandaging on his wounds.

    A bit of the old sexism raising its head. It's refreshing to actually see some prejudice in the parentals that isn't over-the-top or non-existant.

    As a matter of fact Kris did feel like he was a small boy again, except Adam was the one helping him out and he wasn’t quietly sobbing on the sink like he used to. Adam’s actions reminded Kris of his mother; he was being really careful not to hurt Kris, gently dabbing the damp cotton onto his cut and frequently asking the younger man if it’d hurt. Kris tried to respond, but the moment Adam’s fingers brushed under his chin Kris gasped and his fingers tingled.

    Hmm, maybe Kris loves Adam more in a maternal sense than a romantic sense. Sigmund Freud would have a field day with this story. :XD A but of the Oedipus complex there.

    Adam believed him and went back to work. Kris shut his eyes for a second and made a silent prayer, thanking the Lord he didn’t screw up that moment. Kris had never felt so nervous since the day he met his partner Katy; but when Adam and Kris met in the auditorium during the first round of Hollywood Week, Kris was certain he felt a spark. Right then watching Adam through his reflection on the mirror, Kris didn’t feel the sting when the wet cotton touched his cut. He only felt his heart flutter.

    Really nice bit of guilt-tripping here. It's a requirement in any story where someone has a partner already. It's often so ignored, it's sad.

    Kris knew that Adam’s eyes were turquoise because he stared at them more often than necessary; he’d start a conversation with the beautiful man just so he could get a glimpse of those eyes every single day.

    This is really cute here. Maybe more description of the eyes, perhaps?

    But it saddened Kris when he realized he wasn’t Adam’s type. After the show he hid himself in the bathroom, staring at his own reflection. Kris was the innocent, mama’s boy with the whole clean cut personality. Adam on the other hand, was the total opposite of Kris. Kris was upset, and he felt even worse when a voice in his head reminded him that he had a wife back home. Kris tried to avoid the older man for a few days after that incident; but when Adam came up to him and asked what was wrong, Kris knew he couldn’t stay away from Adam any longer.

    I'm not sure what you mean when Adam wasn't Kris's type. Adam shows this very maternal and caring instinct that sounds right up Kris's alley. I might be over-analysing though.

    Adam pressed the nude colored plaster firmly against Kris’s skin, giving a satisfied smile to the smaller man. “Feeling better?”

    More sexual tension sementic field. Loving it.

    ‘Not yet,’ Kris thought. ‘Mama usually kisses my boo-boo before she walks away.’

    Oedipus complex right here. And he sounds so cute and babyish.

    Kris was tempted, but he didn’t want to make things awkward between them. He darted his eyes away and exhaled a laugh, placing a hand behind his neck and rubbing the hairs that stood earlier.

    Kris was uncertain if Adam liked him how he liked Adam, so he didn’t dare to take the risk.


    It took a lot of guts for Kris to look at Adam’s eyes again. When he did his heart sank, feeling extremely frustrated at the situation.


    I love the unfulfilled ending on Kris's part.

    The story was good but I feel that you could have pushed your creative senses further with the imagery. But, the plot was delightful and the tone was well-measured.
    July 3rd, 2009 at 01:28pm
  • The Color Abi

    The Color Abi (300)

    United Kingdom
    This is so cute!
    I've never read anything by you before but if this is how you usually write I might read more when I'm not feeling so ill :cute:
    July 2nd, 2009 at 01:56pm
  • Lewis Kingston

    Lewis Kingston (100)

    Hi there, thanks for reading. :arms:
    July 2nd, 2009 at 01:45pm