Bullshit. - Comments

  • New drabble.
    Unlit Cigarette.
    August 9th, 2007 at 01:37pm
  • You have no idea how much I respect you as a writer, really.
    This is one of the most spectacular drabbles that I have ever had the pleasure of reading, and I am looking forward to more.
    August 8th, 2007 at 01:50pm
  • This was good. I think I'm starting to like the way you write, Dru, and you're a good writer. I could see those ten different colored notebooks as though as they were right in front of me.
    August 7th, 2007 at 03:38am
  • ["Bullshit"]
    You packed a lot into this, but it wasn't over crowded.
    I liked the idea you explored at the beginning regarding wanting everything, but how it's impossible to have everything because it would, really, just contradict itself.
    I liked that Ryan knows Brendon loves him because Brendon bought him the notebooks.
    The difference between, "Love you, too," and, "I love you, too." It's funny. If you say the "I" then it's more personal and there's the possibility that you might get hurt. It leaves you more open and vulnerable. You're putting yourself out there. If you don't pronoun [correct term?] yourself, then it's almost as if you can't be held accountable, responsible.
    My favorite lines:

    I want you here. I want you to go away. I want you to kiss me hard. I want to slap you across the face.

    ....so we can sleep in separate rooms and you can try and sort all your thoughts out.

    Not when it’s something that will never be fully resolved, something that will always . . . exist.
    August 6th, 2007 at 01:16pm
  • My collection of Panic! at the Disco drabbles.
    There's only one now.
    I use the fanfictionally acceptable definition of 600 words or less being considered a drabble.
    If I have 612 words, I'll post it here anyway.
    The first one is called Bullshit.
    It's a Ryden.

    Happy [?] reading.

    August 6th, 2007 at 01:06pm