Green Eyes - Comments

  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 28:

    Just so you know, I'm only reading on right now because I'm curious as to what a meanie head like you would do next. But I think I may just take a nap after this chapter. Shauna's is tired.
    And it took me like, three tries to actually click the link. I cannot function properly...

    Dude, why wasn't he taken care of? Ohh, I guess that's explained in the italics part.. Myabe I should read that...
    Okay, it didn't explain why they didn't do anything about the bloody bruise-ed-ness. (Shut up, I just told you I'm tired and I'm losing it.)

    Ohh, you're mean. I haven't even read half of the sad stuff, and I already wanna extend my arm through the computer screen and punch you.

    Ohh, okay. So it's like the time that Kayla needed to drink blood, and Zacky offered up his wrist, except the other way around... I get it now.
    But just in case, I'm gunna keep on reading... 'Cause you seem to prove me wrong a lot. Meanie.

    Ah, you're really mean. Have I told you that before? 'Cause I think this one takes the cake.
    Now just make Kayla okay, and everything will be better. You meanie.
    April 7th, 2010 at 01:27am
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 2... ohh, okay. Chapter 27:

    jabsduisdvbdipuhgiwejbg. Gah! It's Laiam?
    I actually should've seen that coming. I saw that on one of the other comments when I first started reading this.

    Gaaah! Liam's such an ass! I don't like him anymore.
    Although that implied that I ever really liked him to begin with, so I guess you could just say that I don't like him.

    Oh, your so mean and descriptive. I don't like how Liam's winning. Or the way you're describing it! God.

    And why not make them show up earlier, or have Kayla start screaming at him. That would've been nice. Come one, just admit it, you know I'm right. It would've been great.
    April 7th, 2010 at 01:16am
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 26:

    Hahahaha. Hehehehe. That first bit was hilarious.
    While Matt was carrying Jimmy away in his arms, Jimmy looked up at Matt, wiggling his eyebrows. ‘Why, hello there’ he said seductively, causing me to snort with laughter. Matt scowled and dropped him on the floor, causing me to laugh harder.
    That actually had me laughing.
    And damn you! I have a headache!

    Dude, the next part though. It got tense real fast, just to let you know.
    I'm not complaining, I actually kinda like the whole what-the-hell-is-going-on feeling. While reading, anyways.
    But I am kinda concerned. So I'm gunna stop typing, and continue reading, kay?

    Ooohh! Is it because he was planning some date, and not because the evil vampires killed him and they need to clean his blood off the walls?
    That's much better than the scenerio I thought up...

    I frowned. ‘You do know it’s dangerous to drive with one hand?’

    He laughed and shook his head. ‘When you’ve been driving as long as I have, I guarantee it isn’t.’

    Well someone's a little cocky.
    (God, I hate that 'cocky' means like, overly confident. My sick mind comes up with a whole different array of meanings...)

    Now the park they went to, is it the same one as where *ahem* Jimmy found his *holds in laughter* soulmate?

    Hehe, Debbie Downer. Negative Nelly. Snivelling Shauna. Lol, that's just hilarious :D

    Hahaha, in your Author's Note, you said loverly. That made me smile.

    And OMG OMG OMG! Who the hell interrupted them?

    You meanie head.
    April 7th, 2010 at 01:02am
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Okay, first of all, I have a big project I could be working on for French right now, but I'm reading this. So be happy that I'm such a lazy ass procrastinator.

    Chapter 25:

    Yes, Zacky has a problem with Liam. And quite frankly, so do I.
    Have Maddy go drink his blood. Kill him the way she-- she killed Wolfie *bursts into tears*

    Dude! I laughed and he put me down, grabbing my hand instead. He pulled me over, skipping and swinging our hands, making me laugh again at his energy. ‘Can we go to the park Kayla? Can we? Can we pwease?’
    That Jimmy moment is hilarious too! I luffers it :D

    Oh, God, the part where they were all like 'Jimmy's found his soulmate!' and laughing like crazy, I was just sort of smiling at the computer screen, wondering what the hell was so funny.
    And then, the fricken baby.

    Hahahahaha, that was hilarious. Ah-maze-zing-lee hilarious :D
    April 7th, 2010 at 12:47am
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 24:

    Wow. Not so intense beginning. I like it,
    It's a nice change from everything else.

    OMG, what was Zacky gunna say? You know, before Matt cut him off. I wanna know. Like, now. So tell me. ... I'll stop calling you meanie head...Temporarily.

    Yeah, why would she think that Brian doesn't like her that much?
    And isn't it Pinky Swear, and not Pinky Promise?
    God, you Aussies have such weird sayings... (Yes, I'm going down that road again.)

    Hehe, I like the word 'farewell'. Don't ask why. It's just a cool olden time word. (I think it was invented after my parents were born...)

    Man, now I know: I never wanna be a vampire. There's too much blood.

    Umm, just a question, how can your mind register something, before you're actually aware of it? That just doesn't make sense to me.

    Noo! She's gunna kill the wolf?!
    That's mean. I don't like this part.
    Let the thing run away. And have her stay stationary, completely shocked.

    Dam right she's a cold-hearted, emotionless monster.

    I need a thinking cap? But I lost mine... *looks down and pouts*

    By the way, Party In The USA was on while i was reading this. It was really hard to concentrate...
    March 30th, 2010 at 09:48pm
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 23:

    Hahahaha, golden gates.
    Sorry, but in an A7X fic, you just had to see that coming from me :D

    Hmm, a white hell?
    I always imagined it more dark, and firey, and shit. You know, the usual perception of hell.

    *gasp* Kole! WTF are you doing, woman?
    I like anddon't like where this is going, Missie.
    Hehee, I like Kole :D
    Yeah, I like a dead, fictional character. Get over it.

    What the hell is happening? The no talking, no hearing, the falling? I'm confuzzled.
    Oh, no. Hell no. They're notgoing to drink her parents blood. That's cruel and unusual. Even for you!

    God, that was intense. You're so mean.
    You couldn't tell me that it was a vision before it happened?
    Meanie head.
    March 30th, 2010 at 09:27pm
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 22:

    That whole changing process is fucked. And by that I mean it scared the living shit out of me. (What does that saying even mean? That poo is alive, and you can scare it out of your bowels, or something?)

    Yay for happy funny people when someone's turning into a vampire! (And in case you forgot about that too, it was Jimmy.)

    Wow, that's - wow.
    Sorry, I'm at a loss for words right now.

    God, did she just attack her best friend?
    Holy fuc-- she just attacked her best friend.
    And here I thought her phone answering habits were bad...

    Okay, well I'm all commented out.
    Bye for today :D
    March 30th, 2010 at 12:47am
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 21:

    Are her parents really okay with her dating her guardian vampire?

    Gah. Layton. I don't like him. (Kinda overstating the obvious here, aren't I?)

    Why the hell does Layton always get away? Gah, I hate you for that.

    Oh, god. She's waking up, damnit. 'Kay? And if she doesn't, you're going to go back and change it. (Of course, only you could get me into a vampire fic...)

    That's all the comment for this chapter. Sorry, but that's what you get for being a meanie head.
    March 30th, 2010 at 12:29am
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 20:

    Nice. Lil' Kayla has a heart..
    I was thinking she was more of the self destruction type...
    And don't even pretend that you don't know why. You wrote it, for Christ's sake.

    Aww, and she's disgustingly in love...
    Ick. That's no fun.

    Hahaha, I believe I've already said this, but I like Maddy :D

    Yeah that’s right, fear the rath of my vampire boyfriend. Too bad Maddy doesn't know that he's a vampire.

    Ah! I just said that she was in love. It's like she's copying me, or something...

    Hahaha, the thinking thing. That made me half laugh :D
    Yeah, half laugh. You know, not quite an actual laugh, but not just like a smile.

    Oh, lemme guess. They were playing Mario Kart on a Wii, or something.
    Yess! I am amazing :D

    *gasp* Stuff's happening?
    Oh nose! What're they gunna do? (Not Kayla and them, the evil vamps. Just wanted to make that clear...)

    Fuck, NO!!!! God, you're horrible. You're all mean and shit. Meanie head. I dont like you anymore. Yeah, that's right. You just lost yourself a friend, my friend... I mean former friend.

    ...But I'm just gunna continue readin anyways, and maybe give you a nice long comment on why and how much I hate you :D
    March 30th, 2010 at 12:19am
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 19:

    Safe and secure? You shoulda said tested and secure.

    Hahahaha, nice. And forgetful. Forgetful and nic- *mutters to self* Are we really going down this raod again? Really?

    Yeah, why the hell is she helping them? It seems very out of character...
    ...Okaaay. Fine. I'm really just content hating her.

    *gasp* What does he know? Seriously, what's going on here? I'm dead serious right now. I don't like being left in the dark. Like when my sister would never tell my mom anything, and she'd refer to herself as a mushroom in the dark. (Yeah, my family's fucked. Get over it.)

    ...and Jimmy clapped his hands. ‘Oooh group orgy. Me want in!’
    Bahahahahahahahaha. That was priceless. I'm actually, genuinely smiling right now :D
    Yeah, sure, I smile a lot - you know, when I'm reading your stories or talking to you about capes and shit - but you get my point.
    Haha, I've always been tempted to call him Jimbo whenever I talk about him... But for some reason, I never have... Oh well, I have an estimated 60 years left. (Sorry, but I don't want to be 90. Hospitals and old folks homes just aren't my thing.)

    Oh, well of course you know, damnit!
    I'm thinking it's some sort of lost love thing...
    But it's just a theory.
    Yeah, dumb Canadian Shauna know the owrd 'theory'.
    Oooh, aaah.

    Haha, I should get a thanks for checking out pretty much all of your stories.Even though you forced me to.
    March 30th, 2010 at 12:05am
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Soory, I lied. There was a thunder storm. No cafe-ish place for Shauna...

    Anyways... Chapter 18:

    Awh! Another mug!!!

    Wow, I watched the All Access DVD this morning, and all I can think about is Jimmy running around yelling about a stallion duck :D
    Sorry, but it beats the story :/

    Hahaha, but it ties in with the whole ‘I know it’s hard. But you’ve got all of us too. Me and Gates don’t have anyone either, so we know how you feel. But you will find her. Or him. Whatever floats your boat.' thing :D

    Intense. And kinda creepy. Like, how the hell does someone do that?
    Ooooh! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! I can sorta do something like it :D
    Whenever I think of an episode of some TV show, it's always the episode that I thought of that I see next.
    Okay, that was kinda confusing. The episode I see next is always the one I thought about last.
    There we go. Better.

    Dude, who was the person Johnny knew that could do that?
    Like, gah! You're leaving more questions than answers, damn you!

    Bleh. Sammi. I don't like her. (Just try and guess why...)
    March 29th, 2010 at 11:50pm
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 17:

    Aww, that's nice of her. Like the guy who's practically obsessed with her. Haha, 'but I sure don't mind'. Nice. And true. Nice and true.
    Okay, I'll stop now.

    Haha, the wondow bit, with Kaylee and Matt :D Nice. (I won't start that thing again. I think it was enough before. And - gah! My bad. I'll stop.)

    Woah. Looks like vamp Johnny needs some anger management classes. Maybe a version of AA for vampires, too. Yenno, Blood Drinkers Anonymous, or something like that...
    And depression classes! Dude, like seriously, fire?
    You're mean.

    Meanie head!

    *phew* And Kayla saves the day :D

    Hehe, man hug. Whenever I think of those, I immediately come up with a way to make it one word. And I only ever come up with mug. So whenever two guys hug or something, I wanna scream out "Mug!"

    Oooh, Paris. Like, France, Paris?
    God, that's a stupid question.
    So, they're like actually leaving where they are to go travel the world and find a girl?
    Wow, that deserves a wowzers on it's own.

    I just had to. I mean, Johnny nearly died!
    March 29th, 2010 at 04:07am
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 16:

    Ah, you're being mean to Johnny again. Miserable. You say that you're not mean to him, yet you make him miserable. Are you saying that that's not like torture?
    Meanie head.
    Yeah, I added more to that. Whatcha gunna do? Come at me with a big scary lighter?

    Dude, I can just picture Jimmy all happy, clapping his hands furiously. It paints quite the picture :D
    Hehe, and the whipped part is kinda enjoyable, too :D

    Oh, and you keep telling me not to make you laugh, but seriously, it's your fault. Just stop giving me so much to work with. God.

    'Sometimes I just love you Maddy.’ (And no, not as in lesbian love)
    I love how you think you have to clarify.

    That's creepy. She always knew she'd die there. That's just... wrong. Even for me. (And I believe we have clarified how fricking sadistic I am.)

    Umm, she's not the only one who made it out of that.. Jimmy. Duh.

    Oooooh, exciting next chapter? And here I was gunna stop there.
    Ehh, I guess one more couldn't hurt.
    But then I have to move on - to one about John O'Callaghan. A cliched love triangle, if you can believe that.
    March 29th, 2010 at 03:51am
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 15:

    Hehehe, mobile.
    And you said that you Aussies don't talk funny...
    Hahaha, 'ring me' instead of 'call me'. Nice touch, but that's another point against you.

    Gah. I wish my friends were half as interesting as they are.

    Yes, she is crazy. Like seriously, the danger, the voices in her head. *peppy voice* It's Mental Institution time!

    Oh hey Maddy, that’s just my vampire soulmate. She shoudl actually have said that. I'd like, be sitting at this computer, laughing to death, right when my dad gets back from walking the dog, have my mom get up from her nap, and ask me what the hell's going on.
    Meanwhile, the birds would be harmonizing, chirping in with my laughter :D

    Hahaha, how Zacky reacts when she talking to her friends.
    What? No more compliments? I did not save you for 'he's good.'
    I'm only cute? Are you blind, or something, woman?

    Ooh, I knew that rotten, no good, scheming, assface, dickwad, jerk Layton was behind the new girl. God, you say you don't like cliches, when you use them all the time.
    Methinks you're a little bipolar yourself...

    Okay, anyways, wowzers.
    Yeah, a treat, for the mind :D
    Now go write some stuff for something.
    March 29th, 2010 at 03:24am
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 14:

    Hehehehe. I love Matt's power :D
    And the word ablaze :D
    I'm a pyromaniac. Get over it.

    Oh nose!! They've been caught! (Bare with me, I don't know what happened yet, I comment as I read.)
    Aah! Never mind :D

    Ironic. His power is to light things on fire when fire kills vampires. And he is a vamp. God. So weird.Almost quoting Finding Nemo weird.

    Who cares? If he feels pain, then I guess his undead heart is there for a reason.

    Hahaha, imaginary friend. Stroke of genius, my friend, stroke of genius :D
    I love the reaction they had.

    *gasp* So good?! That's like, the best brand of soy milk ever.
    Sorry, I wouldn't have gone all healthy on you if you hadn't italicized so good.

    Yay for Jimmy! I see you used my plan :D
    Oh, just keep quiet and let me have this one.

    Dude, what's going on with Kaylee and Matt? - Wait a minute, I can just read ahead..
    Never mind.

    The others grumbled while Matt punched his fist in the air. ‘Yesss! I get the ladies!’
    Bahahahahahahahaha. That was priceless :D

    You love tham the best? What about me?
    I do a comment for like, every chapter, on every story. I believe that deserves some brownie points, 'kay?
    March 29th, 2010 at 03:02am
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 13:

    Dude, this page isn't all me anymore...

    The way you said 'gripped' made me think that she was being all mean and shit. Like dragging her along. The way you described her as nice makes me think otherwise, but still...

    Hahahahaha, Kaylee, Kayla. Nice.
    Actually once, I named this ghosty dude Johnathon, and completely forgot about it. Then, in the same story, I had another guy come in, and then I named him Johnny. It actually worked out, though. It was like this thing, that I could use to play mind games on the main character :D

    Dude, again with the background stories... Just, wow. Wowzers.

    Aah! I hate Vercro.
    I like his name though. It's so... sinister?
    Hahahahaha, sinister, synyster. Sorry, I just couldn't help myself.
    March 29th, 2010 at 02:44am
  • NineLies

    NineLies (100)

    United States
    just discovered this story and i absolutely love it!!!!
    i'm so happy that kayla and zacky can be around each other again!!!! but i'm so anxious to find out what will happen next!!!!!!!
    March 28th, 2010 at 05:53pm
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 12:

    Dude. Jacky. That made me think of two things. Zacky and Jimmy's "couple name" you know, if they ever started dating, or like, a superhuman. A Combination of The Rev and Zacky Vengeance.
    You gotta admit, someone who could play the drums and guitar would be amazing.
    OOH! At the same time. I believe that on it's own is wowzers worthy :D

    Dude, why did they have to get caught? All my favourites are on that "team".
    Jimmy, Brian, Zacky...
    Then again, my other favourites are on the other team...
    Matt, Johnny...
    Bleh. Meanie. You should've made minions for them; them I wouldn't be mad if they got caught. Then again, I'd be all like "The minions of one of my favourites got caught! Why couldn't you make minions for the minions?" So, I guess it wouldn't really matter.

    Dude, I read the Author's Notes even though I don't have to. It's not like your threats of not updating are going to affect me in anyway.
    March 26th, 2010 at 10:08pm
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Okay, before I start the chapterly(?) comment, when the green eyes first appeared, I pictured this picth black blolb. Not like a person, like a bunch of goo in a stack. I was laughing at myself last night for thinking that :D

    Chapter 11:

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. '...He always struck me as more of the gay type.’ Hahaha. I'm tearing up from laughter... OhmyGod. Hahahahahaha.

    Okay, I know it's horrible to find that funny, but it was just hilarious...

    Woo! They got there!
    Boo! They got caught!

    Bleh. They should've used Jimmy and the awesome plan I came up with. Stupid.
    March 26th, 2010 at 09:53pm
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Chapter 10:

    Oh, God, I had something to say before, but it can wiat!

    Jimmy's gunna like, stop time, get her out and stuff! OOOOOH! That's what's gunna happen. I just know it. And if it doesn't - dude, I'm gunna go on like, strike or something. Yeah, no more 100+ comments. Maybe only like:
    Chapter 11:

    Yenno, the kind of comments I get. (Seriously, I actually got a comment that only sai hm.. The person didn't even capitalize it. I was pissed.)

    Hahahahaha, the 'master' part made me laugh. Like seriously, I was pissed that Jimmy hadn't come yet, and then it was all like 'Who do they think they are?' And I dunno, I just laughed.
    God, I'm so weird today.

    YAY for no manners!!! She and I have that in common.
    Unless I'm a guest at some stranger's house -- Oh, I guess she's kinda that. Nevermind..

    GAH! If they're all so fricken sad, why don't they just go and get her? I'm sure she'd "understand".

    Dude, you posted this on Matt's brithday. That could almost be considered a kiss-up move - you know, if he ever read this...

    And I noticed that on the last chapter it says: 4 comments = next update! Tell me what you think!
    And here I've given you, what? 10 comments? I think that should suffice :D
    March 26th, 2010 at 09:41pm