Revelation - Comments

  • Aww, thank you... Arms
    This was a character study on Ianto and just a way I could focus my thoughts on the character and I'm really glad you think I've got him down.
    May 5th, 2010 at 12:52am
  • I just read this and I'm blown away. I feel like you've perfectly captured Ianto - his essence, his being, who he was. Its gorgeous.
    And I most love the way you payed homage to his love for Lisa as well, rather than just focusing on Jack. He really did love Lisa.
    The ending is brilliant as well. So simple, and so full of hope.
    You did a lovely job. Absolutely gorgeous.
    May 5th, 2010 at 12:17am
  • tehe Thank you so much.
    and yeah... I've always been interested by the time they were in the mountains as well.
    There was a hint about it back when there was the Torchwood IM's on the official site but I only vaguely remember it.
    April 17th, 2010 at 02:41am
  • this was really really good. i mean for serious, i don't think i've seen a fanfic where the character was so real. i agree with the above statement about you being on level asif not better than RTD. seriously.

    i especially liked it cos i've always wished they'd shown what the team was doing without Jack. i know it's alluded to in the Saxon episodes, but i want to know what they were doing in the mountains. XD

    but anyways, this was fantastic.
    April 17th, 2010 at 02:30am
  • Ianto Jones:

    This was... amazing. I loved every bit of it. Jack/Ianto is the cutest thing I have ever seen in any tv show. I love the way you described their love so vividly, and so... true In Love
    This is the most adorable, heart-wrenching, cutest thing I have ever read to do with torchwood. I have read a lot of torchwood fanfiction (Mostly to keep the memory of Ianto alive) and this is one of - if not the - favorite.You could do a better job than RTD himself. I'm sure you wouldn't kill off Ianty
    Anyway, loved it.
    Thank you SO so much. Seriously, this was one hell of a compliment.
    I've read quite a lot of fan fic myself (I swear, fuck canon >.< ) so hearing its one of your favourites means a lot. :tehe:

    I'm actually working on a series now that is my attempt at bringing Ianto back.
    I'm so attached to him, he's the greatest fictional character ever basically and his death was not worhy of his brilliance. He's a hero and he died a civilians death.
    It's the equivalent of a gang drive-by basically. He died for a STUNT by druggie aliens.i'll stop ranting now
    But really, thank you. :arms:I miss him too. So so much. Cry
    July 12th, 2009 at 09:29pm

    This was... amazing. I loved every bit of it. Jack/Ianto is the cutest thing I have ever seen in any tv show. I love the way you described their love so vividly, and so... true In Love
    This is the most adorable, heart-wrenching, cutest thing I have ever read to do with torchwood. I have read a lot of torchwood fanfiction (Mostly to keep the memory of Ianto alive) and this is one of - if not the - favorite.You could do a better job than RTD himself. I'm sure you wouldn't kill off Ianty
    Anyway, loved it.
    July 12th, 2009 at 09:20pm
  • :tehe: Thanks, Sruti.
    (I have so many different thoughts about Ianto's character it's quite ridiculous. I could just go on and on about him forever. :XD)
    I was thinking of making a fic that goes along with the shows canon from the first episode (or maybe a little before thanks to Fragments) but I've seen it done more than once so I dunno.
    It's the Captain's Log that inspired me to. So cute... made me love James Moran more.

    and YES YOU SHOULD READ TW FICTION! It's an addiction. :shifty
    July 12th, 2009 at 07:19pm
  • Awww. I never read Torchwood fiction before, but I might start. Because this is just too, too cute and too sad and :arms:-y.

    I think my favorite part is the way you describe how he locks up his "true self", locks away the dreamer and stops noticing the interesting patterns made when water and oil mix. that whole paragraph was In Love, especially because the first thing you point out about Yan is that he's a dreamer and enjoys paying attention to the smaller, finer details of life.

    And the way you describe his midnight meetings with Jack and the way Jack treats him made me smile. A lot. The way he runs out of the office after the kiss and everything. Dude, that was just adorable. I loves it. =D
    July 12th, 2009 at 07:02pm