Live Pretty, Die Fast - Comments

  • Kamina

    Kamina (100)

    United States
    I agree with the previous review. I'm still at the begining of the story, but it seems promising. There are things to take note of though; mostly spelling and grammatical notes. Stories get suspended if they don't come up to par. :/

    On that note, unless there's some wordplay in the title...which, I'm sure there is that I haven't gotten to, you might not want to risk misspelling pretty in the title, only because...even if it was intentionally done for some meaning in the story, editors may not accept it. Spelling errors in titles get the story deleted.

    Again, though....this looks interesting so far.
    July 13th, 2009 at 05:05pm
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    This story sounds like it could be interesting. It could be a very promising story.

    Although, you might want to get their ages a little more accurate. You put Ryan as the oldest, he isn't. He's the second oldest. Jon is the oldest. So if Ryan is 21, then Jon would be 22 and not 20. :tehe: If you're going to write a fanfiction on them, try to get the facts accurate.

    Also, your I's need to always be capitalized when they stand alone. Here is an example of a quote in your story:
    "Some place i call our apartment" i replied.
    Both of those should be capital letters and not lower case.

    Just one more thing, spell check. Spell check your story. Your title is spelled incorrectly. It should be Live Pretty, Die Fast. If your title is mispelled, people will look down upon the story and won't read it. Spell check the story.

    Your story does sound very good. It could be promising if you fix up the errors in it. I suggest, if you don't read over your chapter before you post it to get a beta. You always look over the chapter yourself or have someone else do it for you. In other words, proofread your chapters.
    July 13th, 2009 at 01:22am