Suspicious Minds - Comments

  • holy crap. so ive been reading for three days straight and i dont know whats real life and whats fanfic anymore hahaha. now i dont know what to do now ive finished it. just wow, one of the best stories ive ever read. emma's character was a complete 180, love how she changed and everything. and lola as well she took a big change and god was matt a hot head but the sex scenes totally made up for it. & brian was just so cute in some parts and a little asshole in others but urgh perfect! just wow, totally blown away by this fanfic! definitely be reading this again at some point. you're both amazing writers, wish i had half as much talent as you two! so jealous. this was such a good story, so many twists and turns and secrets keeping me on the edge of my seat and face glued to the screen while i read until 3am in the morning at got up at half 8 to go out but just read instead hahaha. amazing job on this really, totally just fell in love with this and now even though it was written ages and ages ago i will be telling others to read it if they haven't already! just amazing story, totally loved it :D
    May 30th, 2012 at 03:16am
  • haha yes i'm only half way through reading and by now i'm starting to like Lola :)
    when i said keep posting i mean keep posting stories.. there amazing and i'm a fan of all them. your both great writers :D x
    June 4th, 2011 at 07:43pm
  • Wow im loving this story.
    I am definitely a team Emma right now and i think Matt should be more sorry for treating his little sister like crap!
    Haven't quite taken to Lola, probably because i can relate more to Emma.
    Anyway your doing great keep posting pleease. your stories are basically my life right now :D
    June 3rd, 2011 at 08:59pm
  • I know i'm a little late, but ive been meaning to read this story for like 2 months....and now that i finished it, im shocked. i didnt think it would be much, honestly, but a story hasnt pulled me in like that since....well, an actual book... i couldnt stop reading! and now im once again inspired to continue my fanfictions of avenged XD
    November 9th, 2010 at 01:38am
  • I'm not quite sure why, but I keep coming back to this and re-reading and re-reading. I assume it's because I'm honestly so astonished at how friggin' awesome this is.
    September 10th, 2010 at 04:45pm
  • I spent the two days stuck and addicted on this. You both are fantastic writers, and this story was truly like no other.
    This must be one of my favorite stories that I have ever read on here.
    Absolutly brilliant ;)
    Outstanding job, you two did perfect!
    July 26th, 2010 at 06:26am
  • wow! i am wowed, i stumbled across this story and i've got to say, i am impressed, the way you utilized the emotions and traits of the characters.
    the way you made them human was brilliant, it was truly an experience to read and maybe one of the best fanfics i've read, maybe even THE best :) well done to both of you
    June 6th, 2010 at 12:41am
  • I thought this story was one of the best :)
    April 19th, 2010 at 12:44am
  • so bummed it's over
    loved this story!
    April 17th, 2010 at 04:33am
  • I absolutely loved this story! You guys did a TERRIFIC job!

    The plot was great and the characters were very in-depth and fun. I enjoyed watching them all grow and evolve into something bigger and better, especially Emma. It was surprising to see her go from a shy introvert (unless drunk) to a more outspoken adult. And the sex scenes were great, too!
    April 17th, 2010 at 01:33am
  • Awe I'm so sad that this story is over..I really enjoyed reading it from the very first chapter all the way to the end. You guys are really amazing writers.
    Amazing work. :)
    April 15th, 2010 at 05:42pm
  • I can't believe it's over...
    sad day.
    April 14th, 2010 at 01:21am
  • oh yeah and thanks for mentioning me, at first I didn't even realize it was me :D but yeah I'm happy to be his bitch in germany >:)
    April 14th, 2010 at 12:03am
  • god forbid my stupidness for deleting my other comment -.- anyways yeah :D

    so I joined this story on, I think it was the 20th chapter or the 30th, I'm not sure, but I sure as hell was hooked right from the beginning!

    I really liked how like every relationship and person in this story seemed to improve and (even though this sounds stupid) blossom in a way! sexcept for lola's and emma's theirs went down hill the first second! but then I loved how slowly they got to know each other, and began to like each other, even though they were stubborn at first and tried to deny that they don't have anyhting against the other one, and look what it's become! they're some of the bestest friends :D

    and then there are matt and lola, lola sure had her eye on him, but still, emma was always...well she was just there, at matt's side, but they soon foudn each other...but emma was still...there, so they had their lows, and to me it seems as if emma was the main cause for that, but they got over it, and I totally loved their little happy ending, it wasn't too much like they got married and lived happy togethaaa 4evaaa :D
    and not only the realtionsdships but also the people themselves developed and matured, like lola, at the beginning she was so badass I was like 'whoaaa I'd stay away from her' but then slowly we could see through her wall of bricks and she was so different in the end than she wa sin the beginning!
    and emma too, she started out as the shy, unconfident ( and highly stubborn) girl and through all that happened, the shit with brian, lola and matt and all made her grow up and come out of her shell...but I think that it was mainly the fights with matt, becasue he used to be her protector and all, but with all the fights and their arguments, iyt was like she was breaking free from him!

    ohh and now my favourite couple out of all, emma and ash -oh sorry I mean brian >:D
    ther are just my favourite, like it started out with emmas crush, and brian trying to get her away from matt but it became so mcuh more, even though brian did no preogress at all, he was always the arrogant-conceited-ass-that's-way-too-cute-to-not-love-him becasue he was so amazing, and emma defo made him a difrent person, or at least AROUND her he was a different person!
    ;;;luckily she destroyed all of his ugly grandmother teacups!

    and emma and horel... -sigh- I feel kind of sorry for that poor fella, they started out so good, but no one wins against the holy hedgedog-ash, sorry mate :)
    but I liked their own little happy ending, becasue at least they didn't part ways forever, but are somewhat best friends!

    oh and yeah you so got all the readers tricked, I seriously was always in the same oppinion as were the girls, like one moment I could hate brian and then the other moment I was like ohh he's so cute or whatever it was, but that's what makes a good writer, tricking your readers, and manipulating them!

    so I think I'll finish this commetn now, me this all made no sense what so ever (i mean my comment) but thats just how I comment, I analyze :D always xD
    but yeah I have to say it's sad to see the story go (even though it is for good) becasue I was always exited for the updates, simply becasue it was just a great story! it was definately something else!

    and as for this being nuuba's last chapter ever (in fanfiction) you truly are a great writer, I love all of your stories, the dark aura around them is definately something else, and really fascinazing, it just drwas the reader in! I'm actually kind of jealous, becasue english is not your mother tongue, but still you definately know your use of words, and this storry is much better than a lot of stories that I've read that are from english-natives!
    April 14th, 2010 at 12:01am
  • i think this was the best way to end it
    you had me smiling the whole time
    in the melancholy cute sorta way :]
    and best of all the ending was nice
    i HATE sad endings!
    but you gave Emma and Brian their happily ever after
    or at least the start to it
    as did Jules with Lola and Matt
    and Jorel is moving on with his best friend by his side
    i couldn't think of a better way to end this chapter in your life
    we'll miss you
    April 13th, 2010 at 11:52pm
  • "Thinking of my Brainy Brian usually did that."
    BB has the power!!:p

    I liked Jorel while they were back in NY. He was different back there.

    "“I feel bad for you Jay, I’ve got 99 problems, but a bitch ain’t one,” Tim laughed"
    hahahah:p fits greeeeaT:pp

    "was shocked and felt how the anger was turning my face red."

    She's suppose to be happy for him...why is she so passionately jealous??

    "“Jealous? Me? Why would I be jealous?"
    hahaha...dont talk about the big elephant in the room!;p

    "“She gives great head… Something you never even did,”"
    low blow dude!

    "Jorel soon followed me and chuckled in his throaty manner."
    thank god!

    "“This is my best friend Emma Sanders.”"

    "He managed to make smoking look sexy, a rare and a dangerous quality."
    ohh my imaginary boyfriend does that toooooooo..its killing meeeeeeeeee

    "“Please? Do it for me, it’s important to me…” he pleaded. "

    "We had acted like young teenagers, shyly stealing glances towards the other, blushing when the other caught the other’s stare."

    "“I’ve got Julia in Sydney, Venus in Greece, Erica in Sweden, Alexa in Florida, sweet Adeline in France…"/


    "God I loved that man."
    we knowwwwwwwww:p

    "THE END"

    "Give it a while and you all were thinking he’s an angel!"
    lol...not me!
    that dude is the devil himself..okay he's not...he's just a baby:p

    ...sht..I don't even know how to survive without this story...Every sunday I was waiting for this like am lusting for smallville every friday or gossip girl every monday...uuuuuurggg

    I loved the ending. It was very very very realistic and I love those kind of would be too cheezy if something big happened with Ems and Brian because we got the big thing where we least expected it...Matt and Lola...I seriously pity Lola...she's gonna have to raise two babies! haha

    I'm so greatfull I started reading this story and started talking to you girls. I consider you my friends and gonna miss your story. It was truly mind blowing and am pimping it out for sure:pp

    love you girls, thank you for this amazing story!!
    April 13th, 2010 at 03:28pm
  • Lola's preggers! great ending!!
    April 13th, 2010 at 03:01am
  • Then damn aussie ladies are the shit arent they nuuba? LMAO I know how you feel about jules with my best friend Jessica LMAO two peas in a pod, i swear if i was lesbian we'd be lesbo lovers HAHAHAH. We feed off of each other's ideas its great so WOOO!! Huzzah for the end of an era! Now a new chapter can start! MUAHAHAH i loved the whole story it was a-f-ing-mazing LMAO!!! As always gorgeous! *applauds the jules and nuubs*
    April 13th, 2010 at 02:46am
  • I don't believe that I've ever commented on this story and I really should have. I've just been a silent reader throughout. XD

    I loved it though, I really did. This story was definitely one of my favorites and forever will be. And the ending was perfect.
    Ali from the holy Hanerland.
    THAT IS ME. Haha! Thank you so much for mentioning me. :D

    I'm going to miss this story and I'm going to miss your writing.
    This day is so sad! :'(
    April 12th, 2010 at 11:03pm
  • Like anybody who has read this story I am sad to see its ending.
    One of the best thing I've ever read. You girls did an awesome job.

    I'm sorry that I didn't comment on every chapter, but there's so much going on...

    Farewell :)
    April 12th, 2010 at 10:50pm