Having Hope - Comments

  • Wintergirl.

    Wintergirl. (205)

    United States
    I love how you wrote this! And, I love the story! Congratulations on winning first place. :-)

    I have to disagree with Amy's decision at the end there. "What?! I've suffered all these years because you were TESTING me?! Do I look like Job to you?" haha I would have left him. He obviously doesn't understand the pain. But, yay for true love!

    Speaking of love, I love the story and the layout.
    September 9th, 2009 at 01:02am
  • silvertongue

    silvertongue (105)

    United States
    awww, so cute :) congrats on winning first place!
    August 11th, 2009 at 10:56pm
  • as dreamers do.

    as dreamers do. (100)

    United States
    Ohmygoodness, that was amazing. I absolutely love how you introduced it. Awesome.

    My feet made their way back to him, before my arms wrapped around his shoulders and my lips touched his cheek. “I thought that you had hope, Andrew, but I guess I was wrong.” Aw :[

    The way you shifted time scenes is really unique. I love it. ;)

    “I’m so proud of you, Amy, you have no idea. I paid two hundred and thirty dollars for those front row tickets and back stage passes, all because I needed to see you again,” AWW! I wish someone would do that for me In Love

    We sat in that narrow hall, crying and hugging and holding on to one another, becoming the most cliché seen in every movie, but we were happy, we were content.
    “I missed you so much, Amy, you have no idea. I love you so much. I never stopped loving you.” I smiled into his shirt, wrapping my arms tighter around his waist.
    I'm in love with that. It's so sweet! Cry <3 Don't tell the others, but I think this is my favorite iloveyou scene so far ;)

    The ending is spectacular. The way you portrayed your emotion was mindblowing. I loved it (: Clap

    Well, we'll see what your place is ;)
    July 27th, 2009 at 05:30am