Thunderstorms - Comments

  • Shelby Skrillex

    Shelby Skrillex (100)

    United States
    Everything about this was amazing. I never normally read 3rd person stories but the way you wrote this, i hardly cared. Actually, it added to the story. I love how the thunder was an active part of the story (not just a pretty title that you forget about while reading) and you kept bringing it up-- amazing imagery. You did everything PERFECTLY <3
    November 28th, 2009 at 04:55pm
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    i absolutly ADORED this! you did an amazing job! Love it!
    August 6th, 2009 at 08:53pm
  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    Frikey smut! Wow I always love some good Frikey smut, that's for sure. Before I start reading, the banner is very pretty. :cute:

    Awh, Mikey being afraid of thunderstorms is just plain adorable. It's something I've seen used before but never as a seventeen year old, which just makes it cuter.

    "Don't leave me for that long again. Please." Awh, this is so fluffy but yet I adore it quite a lot. Fluff is my guilty pleasure. In Love

    ...himself from Mikey neck, leaving it covered in red... I think you meant Mikey's. Sorry to nitpick. :XD And is this their first time? I'm sure I'll find out soon enough but that only makes it more heartfelt and adorable. My teeth are starting to hurt from this cuteness. :XD

    Oh wow, that change from timid Mikey to sexy Mikey was very subtle and done very well. Most of them, he's the one receiving and it is so sexy to find a story where he's giving. So sexy. :yah

    :O That was your first sex scene? That was amazing! My first one was shudder worthy, to say the very least. It was very well done and descriptive and I like how they switched positions; for me, that seemed more realistic. Even the bit you added in about Mikey's arms weakening made it more realistic, you paid great attention to the little details.

    This was really quite good, some of the best smut I've read in awhile. I think you should write some more often. ;)
    July 30th, 2009 at 09:19pm