Exchanging Glances - Comments

  • chuck basstard.

    chuck basstard. (100)

    New Zealand
    Oh hun, it makes sense now.
    That's so terrible, I was really hoping that something could have happened between you two, because I wanted you to be happy.
    But at least you have that one Tuesday to hold, and remember how happy you were then?
    I don't know, I suck at relationship advice, you know that, but if you ever need to talk/rant/ or just a hug, then you know who to come to (:
    Love you lots! :arms:
    -- Ollie.

    Oh and just so you know, this piece of writing was so stunning. I could feel all the emotions you were trying to put across dripping off each word, and even though it was sad, it was still beautiful in the same sense. I loved it, but I just wished it wasn't so true, because I hate seeing you upset ):
    August 16th, 2009 at 04:40am