First Date - Comments

  • gidjet363

    gidjet363 (100)

    The whole thing was so sweet and, like everyone else has said, so realistic. I mean, i half expected you to start ravaging him on the couch but that's just because i know you're a horny bugger ;) XP
    At least when it comes to the likes of boys like Ryan.
    I love it and definitely wouldn't mind reading a follow up with these two 'characters' wink wink, nudge nudge.
    August 19th, 2009 at 06:51pm
  • s_aaint

    s_aaint (100)

    United States
    awwww! a Friday in the life of Jessica Klatt :]

    it was so amazing! i felt like talking in my Tennessee accent (which I don't do much) and say 'ya'll' instead of 'you guys'! XD
    August 15th, 2009 at 09:01pm
  • Puppet.

    Puppet. (100)

    United States
    Aw Jess this was so sweet. :cute:
    I asume, since you actually know Ryan, that this is how he acts?
    He sounds like a perfect guy x]
    It's great to read a story that's not a THfic and still love it. I think I liked it so much because of how real it was. It's good to read something teens (shit, almost anybody) can relate too. I know I was nervous as hell on my first date and you writing: "I kept my eyes on the screen since I was nervous as hell." made it all the more real instead of saying something like "I wasn't nervous and I was hoping he would lean over and kiss me right then and there blah blah blah" lol
    Very nice, Jessa. I enjoyed reading it lol

    Side note: I bet "armageddon's" comment made you smile because it's much longer then regular comments you get and it actually critiques your writing.
    August 15th, 2009 at 02:33am
  • armageddon.

    armageddon. (100)

    United States
    Awe :)
    This was really cute, and sweet.
    It seems like it should of been a story, but it works well as a one-shot :)
    I'm suprised nobody has commented this yet; it's pretty good, and in a way cliche... but not too much, and it worked good :)

    I decided that I need to look over myself once more before he arrived and headed into the bathroom to gaze on the mirror. A girl stared back at me, pale from shot nerves, yet flushed from anxiety. Bright, endless blue eyes set wide and looking frantic. The light dusting of charcoal eye shadow brought out her inner maturity, turning this nervous little girl into someone that resembled a woman. Her soft brown hair hung straight down her back and shoulders straightly, catching light fragments as she turned. Her light pink lips sure to be swollen from rubbing in her chapstick nervously.

    I like that she picked out some bad traits, but also some good traits. It's easy to judge yourself when you're nervous, but it's normal to be glad you look some-what presentable also.

    My God, I’ve fallen for a Cowboy.

    That made me laugh, lol, and I'm glad that you put some humor in it to lighten up the mood a bit.

    “You ready t’go?”

    I like how you noted his accent, but also made him speak it. Without over-doing it, might I add. I think it was done really well :)

    He was 22 while I was mere months from my 20th birthday. He seemed ok with it though; I wasn’t that much younger.

    Yes! I can't explain to you how glad I am that you wrote this. Yes, (almost) two years difference isn't much. Especially once you hit your twenties. But I see so many stories where the age difference isn't even bothered with. I'm happy that you stated it.

    I could see him in my peripherals glancing over at me occasionally. I kept my eyes on the screen since I was nervous as hell.

    I did this so many times xD This really made it realistic.

    "Relax.” he whispered before kissing my jaw softly. I felt a sudden rush of heat across my face, but couldn’t help but obey his playful command.

    Awe :) That was... a little cliche, but it had to happen. It was a sort of bridge, and I think it was done very well :)

    I felt a little more at ease, though I was never good at keeping up a conversation with someone when I was nervous and didn’t want to mess things up, though my silence seemed to do just that.

    I really like that, that nervous-ness was still there. It made it seem all-the-more real.

    He lived alone and I knew that in turn we’d be alone. But I also didn’t want to go home just yet.

    I like that she thought about that for a minute, before jumping right to a "yes" and not considering what could possibly happen.

    “You know you just condoned under aged drinking, right?” I laughed.

    This whole scene was really cute, and I like how you kept it innocent and playful, like a first date would be.

    He kissed me slowly at first, nothing more then a good night kiss. And then as if I could feel a switch turn on, his mouth began to move against mine eagerly. I followed suit and wrapped arms around him. His tongue slid across my bottom lip and I opened up to him willingly, allowing the kiss to deepen. After a few more seconds he pulled away and stepped back to look on at me.

    I love the fact that you acknowlaged the attraction there, yet you didn't make them hop right into bed with each other. Stories like that annoy me to no other... grr. Haha(: I'm glad that you kept it real.

    Over all, this was pretty good. I'm sorry I didn't give you much to work on, but I did point out the things that you did good on :)

    August 14th, 2009 at 09:25pm