You've Begun to Feel Like Home - Comments

  • anesthesia

    anesthesia (250)

    United States
    First thoughts:
    I very much like this oneshot. It has feeling, the imagery was amazing, though it is a bit short.

    Where It Needs Improvement:
    The one-shot itself is a bit short, and leaves alot of open ends. Also blatantly stating the "He's my friend, but I like him" bit is a little cliche.

    Tips to improve it:
    Add more detail, more description, more of that amazing imagery we saw when you were describing the cliff. Also try to go a more round about way of the cliche I listed before. If you were to hint at it, it would give you more length and leave the reader even more interested.

    What I liked:
    The imagery and feeling that went into this was astounding. I could picture the cliff, the sunset, and the surf hitting the shore.


    The story had a strong, well described opening. It was a little vague, but that really kept me wanting to read more. Props to you.

    I believe that the conflict is a little too blatent. Going around it in a more haphazard and vague way without losing it completely would have kept me more entertained with the story.

    The emotional conflict within the main characters is present, and I think that it was just the right amount. Good job. However, the conflicts for each of the characters doesn't really seem to be solved completely, and for a oneshot, I think there should be a bit of closure.

    The main plot was clear and believable. It did not get muddled into the other bits of the story.
    It did seem the main character(s) had a direct problem to solve, though whether they solved it or not is not exactly evident.
    The setting could be determined quickly and easily, so I could focus on the story, not trying to figure out where they were and why they were there.

    As I said before, the setting was well described and I could clearly find time and place within a story. I could imagine being there myself.

    The characters seemed real and believable. They appeared to have thier faults, their strengths and weaknesses, giving them more depth that the boring mary-sues.

    However, there was not alot of description of the characters. Their physical appearance and the like.

    From what I see, the dialogue is consistant with the personalities of each of the characters, which also helped to make them believable, although, without the lyrics in the story, I don't believe there was enough dialogue.

    Point Of View:
    The point of view was easily figured from the first few sentences of the story, and it did not change, making it easier to read without distraction.

    Show vs. Tell:
    I believe there should have been a bit more imagery, describing the physical surroundings and feelings of the characters, but you did a good job balancing the show aspect and the tell aspect of the story.

    Format of the text:
    It was a bit of an easy read, there were few distinguished paragraphs, and alot of line skips, making the story seem broken.

    Grammar and Spelling:
    Your grammar and spelling was fantastic! A++++ to you!

    The actual dialogue was a bit bland, but the story itself had a decent flow and style to it.

    The neon-pastel colors of the layout kind of clash, distracting me from the story a bit.

    I loved it, though a few improvements could be made. However, it was well written and you have a great writing style. Keep up the great work. =]
    October 1st, 2009 at 02:09am
  • Greta Morgan

    Greta Morgan (100)

    United States
    hmmm my first thought is the layout is annoying, sorry. I've never been a fan of neon. Second is it's okay but it's a little too simple for me. But i did enjoy it so thank you.

    thanks for the entry.
    September 8th, 2009 at 12:13am
  • chuck basstard.

    chuck basstard. (100)

    New Zealand
    Okay, my comment, take two.

    I had tears in my eyes again from reading that, and I probably would have cried if my dad wasn't in the room! It was just so beautiful, and hit every nerve in the best possible way. It was just so stunning.
    Your writing just blows me away, it has improved a lot, and it flows so well and it's very deep. I adore it, it's so gorgeous. You should be extremely proud of yourself!
    The setting itself was just amazing. I could imagine it in my mind, with the sun setting and the sky golden, and it gives me chills, in a good way!
    I still can't get over the daffodil thing! I'm really glad you put them in though, I don't know how to explain it, but it just makes everything so amazing, even more so than it is, which was pretty hard to do!
    And the song. Holy shit, what can I say? I have no idea how you did it, but you managed to take one of my favourite songs from one of my favourite bands, and work it into the story, and just make it so freakin' amazing! This story has a place very close to my heart, and I love it so much!
    And Patrick. Gorgeous, amazing, so damn adorable, Patrick. -dreamy sigh- You wrote him so bloody well! He felt so real, through your writing, so well done on that!
    Seriously, this story is fan-freaking-tastic, and you should be aware of how much I love this. It's one of my favourite stories on mibba, I hope you know that!
    Thank you so so so so so much! ily! :arms:
    P.S. I'm sorry this is so short, my other one was so much longer but I pressed submit then thought, oh I should copy it just in case, and then it deleted it. Grr! (:
    August 16th, 2009 at 04:31am