Repercussions of Love - Comments

  • i love how he's pushing this clingy little hoe off of him. i can just see him looking at her like she just passed bad gas and pushing her away and shes all 'no i wanna go upstairs *giggle giggle* hahaha. i do like seeing caitlin thrown off her balance a little bit. it makes her more human. she's realizing that eric slept with this girl and she's faced to look her in the eyes. it's gotta be the hardest thing in the world to look at someone who's been with the man you love. maybe now she'll have the slightest feeling of how tanya felt when he was married.

    Eric's arms wrapped tightly around her, it was his turn to feel relief, relief that Caitlin didn't high tail it out of there the second she saw him with another woman. Caitlin hadn't left and she was not a typical girl, but Eric knew there would still be hell to pay---oh yeah there will be. you better believe it eric!!

    "But I thought you wanted Eric. Isn't that why you showed up today Chrissy, because you wanted to fuck my boyfriend?"--who doesn't?! (aside from me..)

    " She turned and pointed at Caitlin, who wore an innocent 'who me' look. "well she's just ...just...evil. That's what she is evil, and you two deserve each other."--hmmm, i think i might agree just a little bit.

    Caitlin was simply magnificent, the sexiest, most beautiful woman he'd ever seen and she came back to him, she was his. His breath was short from the display she'd put on and his heart felt like it could explode in his chest. She turned and walked toward the kitchen and her absence made his whole body cold.--having a guy feel this way about you is special and rare and...*sigh*. she better realize it (and i think she does now) and hold on tight.

    their sex made me chuckle a bit. not because it was written funny, but bc i love how theyre getting off talking about eric banging some chick lol. i couldn't have sex with someone talking to them about how they effed another girl haha,

    Eric had done a lot of wild sexual things to Caitlin, but pouring wine in her folds was unexpected and lapping it up with his tongue well that was down right sinful, delightfully so.--okay, i know when i DRINK wine it makes me more aroused...i wonder if it works the same way putting it there LOL

    great work my friend, well done. like i've said before, i love seeing the character development-- you've done an incredible job with that. i love you, okay, now on to sharpie lol.
    June 24th, 2010 at 07:59pm
  • oh my god that was amazing! please hurry and update! I cant wait for the next couple chapters. (:
    June 23rd, 2010 at 09:23pm
  • "I said no Chrissy." He pushed her away again.
    YOU GO ERIC STAAAL... maybe i take back everything bad i said...

    Caitlin's question was directed toward Eric, but Chrissy responded. "I'm an Ice Girl" she proclaimed beaming with pride, and Eric cringed
    bahahahaha noooo i thought you were an exec.. pshhhh

    Come on Chrissy there must be something other than the fact that you have tits and can skate. Those are the qualifications for being an ice girl, right?

    She was mad; she was jealous and she was embarrassed that she felt that way, that she was in fact a typical girl.
    whoa.. caitlin is feeling a tad bit betrayed.. interesting since she used to do it to Eric all the time. you know, they kind of have a seriously messed up relationship.. but i guess that is just how it would be for them

    I never…for a minute…thought we wouldn’t be together again,” she replied between soft kisses.
    *happy sigh* this is amazing.. I am so glad that she knew they would always end up together. it's too bad she left eric thinking they wouldn't be

    OHHH!!!! I loved this chapter for sure.
    you're right.. eric and caitlin are beyond dirty.. i'm blushing just by reading this :p
    bahahahaha. not surprising :p
    anyway! I loved this.. and I am so so so glad that the girl turned out to be nothing, but not happy that he still slept with her before that.
    but at least he wasn't planning on it when he walked in and caitlin saw
    I'm relieved to see that caitlin was jealous because I would be! it's good to know that she loves him enough to cook and be jealous
    I'm happy they are back together..
    and I can't wait for more.. even though that means it ends...
    but SEQUEL! WOOO!!!!! :D <3
    btw, excited for all your updates :D
    June 22nd, 2010 at 06:17pm
  • I have to say that I wasn't worried one bit with Eric showed up with the Ice Girl. And I'm not just saying that because I'd already known what was going to happen, but because it's painfully clear that Caitlin is Eric's be all and end all and that he loves her to death, and I had faith in him that despite her taking off on him and their tumultuous history, he wouldn't screw things up and throw away a chance to make things right between them. They've come too far and they've been through too much and I just knew he wouldn't mess up and that it all wouldn't be in vain.

    That being said, Chrissy is a first class dimwitted bitch. Would someone really be proud to be an Ice Girl? 'Cause honestly, I don't see anything there to be proud about. Congratulations, you have tits and you can stay on your feet wearing a pair of skates! Good for you! You're one step away from curing cancer or Aids. Hell, one day you just may be President of the United States! *rolls eyes* know what an Ice Girl is? Someone that isn't pretty or atheltic enough to be an NFL cheerleader. That's all. And even that isn't a great claim to fame. So I was totally on Cait's side when she was toying with the stupid little skank. I thought it was downright hilarious to see the dimwit sweat like that. And I esp cheered at her comment about 'there has to be more to you than having boobs and knowing how to skate'. That is the only two pre-requisites for Ice Girls and they are the bane and demise of NHL hockey. The league didn't need them for the last ninety years and all of a sudden it needs them now? What the league needs is a Comish that knows what he's doing and owners that know how to keep their teams afloat and less teams in non-hockey viable areas and more teams where the market is prime and rich for hockey. Arizona? Like for real? *shudders*. Don't get me freaking started....

    Where was I....sorry, I went off on my Ice Girls/Hockey teams in stupid ass markets/anti Bettman tangent again. Did someone really tell you that the smut made them feel uncomfortable? ROFL. That smut was fantastically written and there's racier things on primetime television! I thought that it was totally hot and totally appropriate and if someone says the smut makes them feel uncomfortable, maybe they shouldn't be reading something that's RATED NC-17!!!! Like helllloooo....what do you think is going to be in a story that's rated that! Stick to tamer fare if it makes you that uncomfortable! I'm sure the author wouldn't mind and would totally understand! I'm sort of sick seeing reviews that are tearing about your plot, OC and story line choices to be quite honest. Wasn't there a saying in Bambi? "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Is it that hard to comprehend?

    As you can tell, I'm in a bitch mood tonight. No one is safe. Except you of course LOL!!!!

    Looking forward to more! And I am def looking forward to Duncs!
    June 22nd, 2010 at 05:26am
  • I have to admit, you had me a teensy bit worried for a second there LOL. But oh god - that was hysterical with the Ice Girl! so bloody funny! I was LMFAO as well as ROFL. I could so picture the whole scene, with Caitlin and everything and I bet Eric was trying desperately to keep a straight face.

    And the smut. Oh we DID like that a LOT! Blooming well done. Hit me up withan email babe - I've had an idea for something...
    June 21st, 2010 at 11:26pm
  • Holy. Crap. that was HAWT!!!!!!!
    awesome update. i can't wait for more even though the end is near.
    June 21st, 2010 at 10:17pm
  • If you didn't do a sequel I would be depressed! And I love dirty eric
    June 21st, 2010 at 06:52am
  • Damn! That was just amazing. I loved it.
    Keep up the amazing work!!!
    June 21st, 2010 at 05:22am
  • wow...that is amazing.

    i can't wait for more.

    *splashing water all over me* woo that was hot.

    best chapter of the series
    June 21st, 2010 at 04:30am
  • even though he didn't bring her home to sleep with her, I'm still annoyed at him lol
    fantastic chapter, I loved it ;) can't wait for the next update! and I'm bummed it's almost over! :(
    June 21st, 2010 at 03:59am
  • Nice to see Jordan and Caitlin in their own element. Though their relationship is kind of inappropriate and, honestly, should freak his gf out, it's nice to have those people who love you unconditionally. she was smart to realize that sleeping in the same bed isn't right anymore. they aren't kids, they both have legit relationships. respect, baby. respect.

    i felt for jordan when she was moving, but it's probably best for him. it gives him the opportunity to see where his relationship with theresa can go because she won't be as threatened by him living with a sex crazed chick. and caitlin, well, its time for the big girl panties to go up, and she's aware of that. it sucks to be away from people you love though, it's tough to live far away and that mound of emotions but be very hard.

    “He’s never home Caitlin. He travels all the time. It’s not like you’ll be together anyway,” he whined stating the obvious. its sad but funny and cute. its like pot, meet kettle.

    Chicken Parmesan baked in the oven topped with three types of cheese that bubbled up into a golden brown. It had been a hell of a day. She’d flown from Pittsburgh to Raleigh in an effort to surprise Eric. She'd done her grocery shopping and played hell getting the cab to wait for her--aww look at the little wifey in training. i'm surprised she isn't cursing herself for being so domesticated.

    Caitlin heard a woman's giggle even before she heard the door open. She turned to see the door fly open and Eric walk in laughing with a small blond girl. why are these two soooo stupid?! is he serious? either way, innocent or not, i'd be pissed too...for so many reasons. i'm looking forward to seeing what this situation is going to turn into.

    great job. as much as i'm not a fan of these two, the one thing i've enjoyed the most is seeing their character development. they've transitioned slowly into new people and that shows your skills. really well written (i know you must be tired of seeing me type those words, but it's true)
    June 19th, 2010 at 08:11pm
  • loveee this :)
    June 18th, 2010 at 04:12am
  • Sorry that I took so long to review. I always keep telling myself that I'm going to comment as soon as I read your chapters, and then I don't know what happens but I never follow through! But better late than never, right? Hopefully......

    Okay, so I don't know where everyone is getting this whole sexual vibe surrounding Caitlin and Jordan. They must be either reading to much into things or it's a whole lot of wishful thinking. Because you're all but drilling it into their head about there being nothing sexual between them and the speculation just keeps going and going and going. Apparently I'm the only one around here that has guy friends like Jordan. Or remembers how Joey and Dawson used to behave in Dawson's Creek and they used to sneak into one another's bedrooms through the windows and shit. It was possible for an attractive woman and an attractive man to be just friends. Not everything has to be about sex. Anyone who thinks everyone revolves around sex is 'cause it usually means they're not getting any of their own so everything seems questionable and scandelous. All I 'see' when I read Jordy and Caitlin together is two very, very close friends that respect and adore one another and who have a great time when they're together. Caitlin is the female version of Jordy IMO and that's why they get along as great as they do. I love that they can be so comfortable and relaxed with each other and talk so openly and honestly.

    SHOUT OUT TO EDDIE BAUER PLAID JAMMIE PANTS! You know what I mean.... ;)

    That little incident with Theresa could have gone down so badly and I'm just glad that Caitlin didn't egg the girl on for pure shits and giggles. That she was totally honest about what had and hadn't happened between her and Jordy and that she didn't make the girl's life a living hell by letting on that her and Jordy got it on. I was impressed how she handled the situation, to be honest.

    That's it, break Jordy's heart by abandoning him. Personally, I think it's time for her to leave. Time to start maturing I guess you could say. Time to branch out and get her personal life together and pursue things with Eric. 'Cause that's where her heart and her future are. Simple as.

    Props to Jared for nailing the Coach's daughter. He's slowly becoming a true Staal.

    So glad she's moving to NC! And I really loved that visual you painted of that slightly dirty pic the neighbour was looking at. It was hot and sexy and I could picture it in my mind.

    Skanks on parade! Eric brought one home! Oh joy, oh bliss! DRAMA! I hope Caitlin fucks that bitch up!

    Looking forward to more!
    June 16th, 2010 at 08:50pm
  • ohh a big ouch for Caitlin :(
    even though i am a small blond.. YOU STUPID BITCH GO HOME!...
    and Eric.. why.. *cries*
    June 16th, 2010 at 08:38am
  • what an amazing chapter. you once again amazing me with your beautiful writing. i can't wait for another update. hmm what is going to happen to Jordan and his girl.

    update please
    June 16th, 2010 at 06:45am
  • WHAT WASTHAT?!?!? A LITTLE BLOND? Better be like hiscousin. Haha who am i kidding.
    But i was hoping itd stay nice n sweet atleast until the end of the chapter.
    Btw. I really love jordan. Annnnddd im thinking u should have him n teresa stay together.
    Because ive gotten used to the idea of them too. But ifu decide to breakthem up
    Make sure jordys got anothergirl. Eventually. Happy endings all aroooouund!
    June 16th, 2010 at 05:24am
  • Who the puck is that little blonde he brought home with him? Oh boy!

    A jordy story...all right!! Count me in!!
    June 16th, 2010 at 05:14am
  • omg, I want to punch Eric! I can't believe he could bring home a girl...
    can't wait to see what's gonna happen and what Caitlin is gonna do!
    June 16th, 2010 at 12:15am
  • I love the Caitlin and Jordan time. It was really nice to see.
    I wouldn't mind moving in with Hank, just thought I'd put that out there, lol
    Oh snap. Who the hell is Eric with?
    These cliffhangers are killing me.
    Amazing job!! Can't wait for more!!!
    June 16th, 2010 at 12:03am
  • Who the eff is Eric with?
    He better have a good explanation for this.
    More soon. <3
    June 15th, 2010 at 11:13pm