My Beauty Queen - Comments

  • xoxo wentz.

    xoxo wentz. (150)

    United States
    I absolutely loved the depth of this.
    It was written wonderfully.

    Thank you for entering my contest.
    Results are now in.
    December 24th, 2009 at 07:24am
  • Humanoid.Bibliophile

    Humanoid.Bibliophile (150)

    United States
    I really like this. It's sweets.
    September 25th, 2009 at 12:20am
  • malkin.

    malkin. (105)

    Slovak Republic
    Oneshot for oneshot.

    Ahh this was so... In Love . I'm gonna try to putthis into words, though I'm not sure I will make too much sense. I hope I will. :tehe:

    This was just wonderful. From the first word to the beginning, you managed to keep my attention. The story was flowing so nicely, there were no parts where I'd think it was too cliche, too boring, too stupid. I found the whole story very realistic - in a sense, it could so easily happen in real life, and I bet it did happen. Maybe not in exactly this way, but a similar stories certainly do happy. Also, throughout the whole story you could just feel Robin's love for Steph; it was quite heartbreaking, knowing how much he loved her and she...Well. Her head is so fucked by the asshole, it's not fair and it made me feel so angry.

    I also really loved the detail where you described the church, St. George's is a ruined echo of its former self; cracked fragments of glass teeter in window panes in place of stained glass windows; bricks are rotten with age, and many are missing; and the door hangs on its hinges, abandoned from a break in. But despite the decaying elements of the building, I can clearly see the glory of its former self in the remains, as if the decay was merely a layer of dust, just waiting to be wiped away. Particularly this part. Lovely.

    Awesome job! :arms:
    September 12th, 2009 at 02:29pm
  • Zachary Merrick.

    Zachary Merrick. (200)

    United Kingdom
    Absolutley beautiful.
    I could really feel the love Robin felt for Steph, and even in the space of a one shot, I felt I knew the characters and could empathase with them so well, and not many people can manage that.
    At times it felt like I was reading a published story, and I was filling up by the end.
    I can't believe this has no comments, it's just stunning.
    September 6th, 2009 at 01:06am