Promise - Comments

  • Michael James Way.

    Michael James Way. (200)

    United States
    Aw, thank you for linking this.

    This totally made me cry.

    You're amazing.
    July 13th, 2010 at 01:31am
  • Teen Distortion.

    Teen Distortion. (100)

    United States
    I'm sure I've said this before, but whenever a story makes me cry I fall in love with it. I fall in love with all of your stories, with everything you write, because every single one of your words are beautiful.
    In Love

    This entire story was absolutely wonderful, beautiful.
    I love the pairing as well. Last night I was looking for Gabe/William and Gabe/Mikey fanfics. Then I was reading a Gabe/Mikey story on lj and was going to send it to you. And all of a sudden you posted this. It was really, very ironic.

    I took your virginity and you looked up at me afterward, your face shining and your eyes watering a little, and you said, very quietly: Don’t hurt me, Gabe. Promise me you won’t hurt me, please.

    I can visualize this so well, your wording was perfect and it set the atmosphere for the story. I just see little Mikey, you know. Innocent, scared. I am in love with this paragraph.

    I just feel so bad for Gabe. The guilt. That's what killed me most.

    I wish I had, Mikey. I wish I had turned and I wish I had gone over and stabbed that guy in the neck with my beer bottle. I wish I had gone over and taken you home, Mikey, yelled at you for taking a drink from a stranger, and said, Mikey, don’t you know that people put stuff in drinks, don’t you know that whatever that guy put in your drink made you go with him, don’t you know how much I love you, don’t you know that I’m sorry, Mikey, it’s all my fault.

    This is stunning. In Love It's heartbreaking and makes me want to slap Gabe for just a second, but then just hug him and tell him it's not his fault, not his fault at all. Cry

    I didn’t know where you were then but I know where you were now. You were in that alley behind the bar, laying in the garbage, draped across all the filth and dirt. You didn’t belong there, not in the garbage. You belonged in my arms, you belonged in our bed, you belonged with me. I’m sorry, Mikey. It’s my fault.

    Cry Cry Cry Oh god I can't stop crying over this. Your detailing is perfect and makes this even more touching and heart wrenching.

    It’s all my fault, Mikey. Remember how you always say, Gabe, you don’t think. You’re right, Mikey, I wasn’t thinking. But I am now. I am thinking now but the only thing I can think of is how you won’t talk to me, you won’t talk because you’re mad, not dead, just mad, and it’s all my fault, all my fault.

    Please, Mikey. Please, forgive me. Please.

    Cry The ending was perfect. Just perfect.

    I still can't get over how much I love this pairing. In Love I'm going to go find the story I read last night and send it to you. And then some more just for fun.
    This was beautiful, Vonn. Really.
    August 24th, 2009 at 09:40pm
  • Dorian Gray

    Dorian Gray (100)


    This was so beautiful.
    I would review it, or at least write a proper comment, but I honestly can't right now.

    I'll just tell you that I never cry because of stories, but I can't stop doing it right now.

    This story... it was right in every way. It's just heartbreakingly beautiful, and it made me love this pairing even more.

    In Love
    August 24th, 2009 at 11:37am