A Day In The Life - Comments

  • sprinklesxoxo

    sprinklesxoxo (100)

    United States
    Thank you I'm gonna try it =)
    August 28th, 2009 at 11:46pm
  • Ray Toro

    Ray Toro (150)

    United States
    For your first story on here, I like the concept. The intro needs a little work, but this is a creative writing site. We all help each other be the best. I have to warn, though, that the admins, mods, and editors are pretty strict with writing guidelines. They'll help you a little, but it's up to you mostly.

    I like the story, but I have a few suggestions for you.

    -Double space the paragraphs. That's a big thing Dujo-The site creator, or God as we call him-stresses.

    -Make sure you put apostrophes where they belong. For example, you have "Im" in the story instead of "I'm".

    -Always spell check. None of us are perfect, that's why there's that little blue box at the top left of all Mibba pages entitled "SPELL CHECK". Just click it before you submit a chapter.

    -The story seems a little rushed. I would slow down the sentences, if you know what I mean? Put proper punctuation in, commas, and maybe describe things in more detail. It's always good to read other stories for an example. (Just don't plagiarize!)

    -Treat a story you write as you would an essay in school. Remember to be creative, but alway use the same grammar you would use in a mid term paper.

    You are new on here, so I just wanted to help you with your writing a little. You could always use a beta, too. I would be happy to answer any of your questions you have, and I could make you a banner and help you understand how to make a layout for your story.

    And if you didn't get the answer yet, to post a new chapter (or part, as Dujo decided to rename them) you go to My Mibba, scroll down until you see the "Stories" tab on the right and click on "Stories". This will bring you to a page with all of your stories. Click on the story you want to add a new part to and there will be a list of all of the chapters in that story. Go down below the list and click "Add Chapter". You'll be brought to a page where you can paste the chapter in and Tada! Click submit and your chapter is posted. :cute:

    I'm sorry for the ridiculously long comment, I just want to help a new Mibbian.
    August 27th, 2009 at 10:54am