The Six - Comments

  • Zaruba

    Zaruba (100)

    Pretty good. I think the werewolf one was done the best. I'm wondering when the 4th will be finished though. I want to know if she'll be a vamp or a were.

    Nice line of characters though. They all seem completely different than one another. I think each are lacking in essential details. Like the basis for the super powered individuals. Imps, Horse Whispers, and the likes. Are they common or unknown to normal society? I think in the future, there should be some in depth analysis on the races and what they can do and such. That's just my own opinion though, because they are so interesting and quickly noted in the story.

    I really like this story though. I would like to see it contuined.
    August 28th, 2009 at 07:54am