Ink - Comments

  • Woah.
    that was simply amazing.
    Not much more i can say about it.
    I loved the emotion.
    update soon?
    October 21st, 2007 at 05:43am
  • fuuuuuuuck you're good. damn this is as good as headlights. and im already hooked on that one o_o
    damn. another one to be eagerly checking every email for an update for : )
    i just LOVE your writing style : )
    i like the way the paragraphs are split up by the italics.
    the way its so blunt
    and. god knows how, but at the same time so descriptive
    i like the way that theres so much centered around the tiniest bit of storyline
    the way its so vivid. you can feel it happening. almost.
    but yes. i'll just stfu now. so, ignore the crap comment =]
    October 21st, 2007 at 05:20am

  • Just the thought of that spilling, sticky-sweet crimson nauseated him, standing there on the chipped bathroom tile with both white-knuckled hands gripping the sink edge, a hurricane of sensory images tearing through his brain; the sick, crimson-tinted smile that had graced Frankie’s mouth as he’d pulled his head back up, tongue running fleetingly over his lips as though he fucking enjoyed it; the red, the shocking scarlet, the color of shrieking devils and ambulance lights and bloody revengeful sunsets, crimson guts and buckets of paint splashing down the bedroom walls.

    Just fucking downright disturbingly perfect.

    He could hear muffled footsteps on the dusty wood floor, and then there were two glimmering points of light hovering like a last glimpse of sunlight somewhere in the sea above him, hazel eyes burning brighter than cigarettes in a pale blur of rubbery, amorphous flesh—

    I'll fucking plagiarise you. Just watch me. x]]]]]]]]]]

    I just LOVE how Gerard is putting him down so harshly. His every word is so sharp it actually hurt me.

    Blood blood blood; glazing pale pink lips, pouring in smooth scarlet ribbons down ivory wrists, red rose scarlet carmine blood sex guts anger dynamite hatred war rage—

    My girl.

    The hazel eyes were just hard and unforgiving holes in a melting plastic face, betraying no emotion; no sign that the older boy had ever inhabited the skin-and-bones hell of the broken little marionette sitting, shaking and pleading, on his scarred bedroom floor like a bruised white flower, holding his broken wrist as still as he could between sobbing breaths.

    This was so worth waiting for. You have no fucking idea hwo much I love your writing. I just In Love

    I can't give you a better review right now.
    This comment is shitty and not doing you justice.
    But fuckholyshithotdamnjesusbloodychrist stop making me so insanely fucking jealous.

    October 21st, 2007 at 05:04am
  • gaaaaaaah so much raw emotion it chokes me <3
    Your writing style is just... indescribable, it truly is amazing =D
    Each update leaves me lost for words [hence the crappy comment]

    I really envy your way with words... I wish I could write a deserving comment, but my brain has failed me.
    I adore every goddamn word ^_^
    October 21st, 2007 at 04:52am
  • eeeeeeeeeeeee. :]]
    October 10th, 2007 at 04:04am
  • fucking brilliant.
    I swear to god, there's no better than you.
    -dies at your feet-

    This story is the definition of a m a z i n g.

    I envy your way with words.
    They just flow so beautifully,
    no matter how fucking tragic the scene laid before seems to be
    you make it fucking beautiful.

    I don't know if you'll ever take me up on the offer,
    but I'd like to write a fic with you, if you would.

    a m a z i n g work.
    Sorry about the shittiness of my comment,
    but there's not many ways to convey my emotions.

    October 9th, 2007 at 10:32am
  • gosh, you write such crazygooood stories.
    October 9th, 2007 at 07:59am
  • This is really good. I hope you write more soon. I admire your writing style.
    October 9th, 2007 at 06:42am
  • THANK YOU. :]]
    That means a lot, because I'm always realy nervous about making
    my stories waaaay too similar. It's one of my weaknesses as an author. :]
    And thanks about the paragraphing, lol.
    Overall, I'm just glad you liked it. :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

    In Love
    October 6th, 2007 at 04:55am
  • There's not really much I can say to that, but I feel like I should comment.
    I've not read much of your 'other' stories on Mibba, mainly because I was apprehensive that they'd affect my outlook on Headlights, but this one is amazing and I've subscribed. I like it how it's a distinctly different style to Headlights, they're very different stories...even if they share more than just an author.
    I love the way you partition your stories, the paragraphing is so easy on the eyes. It's something I struggle with sometimes. I really admire how you make your stories so easy to read, even when they have quite thick vocabularies and content.
    October 5th, 2007 at 09:27am
  • Thank you so much...
    That means a lot. :]
    September 24th, 2007 at 08:18am
  • I agree with Bastard Son.

    I was away from Mibba for a while and then I coem back to check in and I'm already entranced by your story. The way you describe things and write is so a-m-a-z-i-n-g. I love love love reading your style of writing. You draw out emotion in people and make your readers feel like the characters. I can image everything thats happening in your story. You have true talent. =)
    September 22nd, 2007 at 09:31am
    September 10th, 2007 at 07:39am
  • holy fuck.
    your my favorite author here, tbh <3
    you amaze me beyond words can ever say
    September 10th, 2007 at 07:23am
  • Finally, I'm here, I'm alive.

    Okay, (after reading this on the cold bathroom floor) I think this is great.

    Yeah, I'm sure you're very surprised...

    Crazy Frankie makes me itch, cause that's what I did in my crazy season, and he just brings it out again.

    And "... haunted olive eyes." made me smile..

    September 3rd, 2007 at 09:30pm
  • Image

    In Love
    September 2nd, 2007 at 12:18am
  • Ohhh WOW!
    The raw emotion in this story is just so powerful! I totally love it!
    Your writing style is so unique and wonderful :)

    The story line kinda sucks the reader into it's brilliant plot, it's amazing!
    Your descriptions are also truly raw and provoke a great sense of imagination.

    I totally just fell in love with it :D
    September 1st, 2007 at 05:39am
  • No. Not crappy. Amazing. x]

    “M-maybe.” The contours of his voice were pulpy and raw, rough in all the wrong places, like his throat was constricting; scarred red trachea walls folding, collapsing inwards on themselves.

    The description here is so raw and real it's absolutely breathtaking.

    “Faggot, Frankie,” he spat poisonously, cold façade slipping; crashing hard to the dusty floor and revealing the vicious anger that had been boiling all along beneath the frost. “Faggot faggot faggot. It make you sick? Make you wanna bang your fucking wrist on a desk, maybe? You stupid faggot. Stupid sick little shi-”

    This sent shivers down my spine. The things he's saying and how and in what situation, even I felt hurt. xD

    The boy on the floor rolled over, very slowly, gasping like a dying fish as the pain slowly suffocated him. His green eyes glowed an unsettling olive color in the pale autumn light from the window. “Your f-face looks f-funny,” he whispered, something that could’ve been terror creeping into his voice. “Th-there’s nothing there.”

    Gerard Way felt an awful chill run down his spine.

    Fucking brilliant.

    Sorry for the poor comment, my mind's awfully cluttered and school hasn't even started yet. >.<

    I loved this more than you can imagine.
    September 1st, 2007 at 04:32am
    I have a huge incapability to find original ways to thank people.
    But you just made my day, again.
    September 1st, 2007 at 01:26am
  • Jesus bloody Christ.
    I kinda wanted to leave a proper comment
    cause I was bored and thankful. xD
    I can't quote my first post, now can I?
    You just pwn.

    “Fuck’s a bad word, doll face.”

    This line just had me right then and there.
    I enjoy creating characters like that and
    I enjoy reading about them even more.
    Especially when the writer is so fucking talented.

    EDIT: I've only noticed that you split the first chapter into two chaps. Nice touch and bravo for my lack of attention. Though the perfection remark still stands. >.<
    September 1st, 2007 at 01:00am