Mistake - Comments

  • This is freaking incredible!!!! i love it!
    but i kinda hate Emily. She lived up to the initial in my minds eye, sorta kinda. But Tatiana seems like she could hold some promise.
    I sorta kinda (and yes, that IS the second time i've used that phrase) wish that you would write a story about Tatiana now. :)
    Or maybe its better left the way it is....
    <pout> i love your work, but you make me feel like a terrible author. ;)
    February 24th, 2011 at 02:03pm
  • December 12th, 2010 at 03:45am
  • The winners have been posted.
    October 14th, 2009 at 05:27pm
  • omg that is soo good!! :3 made me cry actually...
    September 21st, 2009 at 02:42am
  • That was really beautiful (:
    I enjoyed it, thanks.
    September 1st, 2009 at 02:56am
  • That was ... that was brilliant.

    I love you, Kaitlyn. In Love.

    I can't quite explain how good it was. It was just ... brilliant.

    :arms:. Well done, love.
    August 31st, 2009 at 09:13pm
  • Oh my goodness. You just brought me to a whole new world with this one, Kaitwin. From reading Sunset to Mistake, with just the first chapter, I have switched modes.

    Oliver panicked a tad, yes? He seemed to when he got of bed and left without so much as a goodbye or leaving a number. It was one of those, "Yeah... I'll never see her again" kind of deals, it appears to be.

    Hmmm, Gail... Was it the girls name? Sorry... When I read something, I start to skip ahead. But, I'll continue commenting bit by bit anyway. :)

    THE STORK BRINGS THE BABY... Sorry. But that sucks that he made that stupid mistake. Can I shoot Oliver now?

    Aww, putting a post-it note on a babies forehead? I feel horrible now for the baby and don't know whether to hate the mother or the father... Or both because they're idiots.

    That seventeen year old boy threw his life away without knowing it when he slept with that girl when he was sixteen. Never have sex while under the influence of alcohol! It's not fun. All of those dreams he had; shattered. It's horrible really... And the fact that this happens to people more and more these days.

    I am amazed that Oliver's mother didn't kick him out when she found out he had a son. Instead, she recognized it as a mistake. A lot of parents would never do that.

    When you live in a neighborhood like Oliver and Emily's, it's hard not to grow up. You have to learn sooner rather than later. I love this one-shot so far, deary.

    It's interesting to sit there and wonder what your life would have been like without something... Especially with a kid. It's horrible, but maybe life would have been better. There is no way to tell.

    I let out an 'aww' when she spoke to her dad. It was so cute, just the way she was described as she said it. Silly Romans... :tehe:

    Whoa... That bear sat there for nine years? Incredible.

    ...Things always come back to bite you in the ass. I'm wondering what happened.

    Why did she move out? I don't understand... But him feeling old. I can understand how that might make a person feel. His daughter moving out seems like such a blow to the face.

    Oh wow, Kaitwin. Why do you always knock me on my ass? I don't get how you can write so well. I'm very happy I gave you this picture and I'm very happy you stepped out of Fanfaic land for this. Brava, m'dear. Good luck!
    August 31st, 2009 at 09:03am