Oh, Emetophobia! - Comments

  • Fake your own death

    Fake your own death (200)

    United States
    You are such a tease you know :grr:. And don't say I am, cause at least Frank and Gerard are all cuddling in Nanashi XD Ha. Anyway. I can't write a coherant review because I am still crying XD But it was well worth the wait and I am glad you dedicated the chapter to me XD Even though it was called Fuck toy and Frank got his ass burned. Haha! I really want to see what happens to these two....weren't they supposed to go to an amusement park or something XD
    December 29th, 2007 at 05:35am
  • carcinogenic.

    carcinogenic. (250)

    I want you to have my babies too..? XDDD

    No, but really...

    Fuck, Sara- Just fuck.
    I’m :cheese:ing again.

    That was beyond gorgeous, & I've probably said that for each update of this story, but honestly, I mean it every time.
    I don't know what you did to me, but after reading that update, I felt physically sick. Not in a squeamish way, but just
    completely overwhelmed by the emotion and the intensity of what Frankie was going through paired with Gerard's
    disgustingly unemotional response. I could never just stand there and watch someone in pain like that, and his
    smug coolness throughout the ending really got to me. “Gotcha.” I mean, HOLY SHIT. :] You’re incredible. The
    recurring physical/emotional explosions Frankie keeps going through are just completely gut-wrenching && awful
    && perfect. The vicious cycle where he’s terrified of pain and vomiting, which leads to panic attacks and
    back around to pain again… Shgwthptl. I don’t have any words to describe it or explain the effect it has on me. Eeeeee.
    Now I could gush for a while about how amazing aaaand talented you are, or I could try to say something intelligent
    && literary like Jenni did. So, um, well, firstly I completely agree with her; I love the irony. :] I’m also completely
    head-over-heels for the way Gerard has managed to blackmail Frankie into this whole trip, when obviously,
    it’s a baaad idea. x] And the fact that this chapter took place in both a car and a bathroom, two of my favorite
    settings for stories, because they’re both so… I don’t know, confined?
    Pfft, I’m hopeless. I love your story. Enough said. XD
    I started copy-and-pasting chunks of text here, but there were too many.
    These two really reeeeally stand out, though:

    "Just a few heaves and it would be over, this would be done, and he’d wake up at home, in his bed, with
    his mother shouting for him to come get breakfast and then he’d walk out of the house and run into those deep,
    black irises and lose himself again and the pain would come back and he’d be burning up and he’d be freezing
    cold and he’d die all over again, he’d implode, explode, heave, cry, wail, break…"

    "The cigarette dropped next to the boy’s feet as blood gushed through his pharynx to erupt out of his mouth.
    Gore dripped all around him and fear settled itself into the pit of Frank’s stomach as he turned to his side
    and gave in, letting the tidal waves of pain inside of him explode into all shades of red and beige."

    I’m kinda a crappy reviewer, which is sad, considering all the practice I get in school, but it’s
    because I get too caught up in these stories to say anything intelligent. :]

    In Love, seriously.
    December 7th, 2007 at 03:18am
  • skeletonletters.

    skeletonletters. (100)

    United States
    I just want you to have my babies
    [Get serious like crazy]
    Oh God, not Natasha Beding-whatserface....
    Anyways you did an amazig, fantastic...
    disgustin [in a good way] update.
    mmhmm I loved it
    December 6th, 2007 at 02:27pm
  • Your Addiction

    Your Addiction (100)

    United States
    You've written this so well that it's ridiculous you're still on the internet. Have you been published? It should have happened by now if you haven't. The endings of your chapters are the most beautiful and loathed thing I've come across in online literature. Your writing doesn't make me simply feel that I'm reading a story; it gives the characters an indescribable depth that I haven't come across before. It doesn't make it so I feel that I'm there, but it makes me feel that I can relate, even though I've never analyzed the situation so complexly. To say the least, you're amazingly talented. Your words are so complex to read, yet so simple to understand, and it gives the sense of actual reality in the haziness. You know of your abilities. Will you grace us with more examples of your worth? Gerard seems to have something sinister planned, and wonder will eat away at me until I find what he's thinking. On behalf of all your readers, this is the best addiction I've ever had.
    December 6th, 2007 at 08:24am
  • hot dang.

    hot dang. (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Beautifully written (;

    December 6th, 2007 at 12:11am
  • Where's Adalia?

    Where's Adalia? (100)

    United States
    Wow, incredible, as usual.
    Your vocabulary, the language you use, it's indescribable, really.
    I'm sure you've heard it enough, but wow.

    The end was perfect.
    And the way you describe everything...I can't believe someone as great as you is on Mibba.
    More when you can.
    I love it.
    December 5th, 2007 at 08:19am
  • The Rumor

    The Rumor (365)

    Great Britain (UK)
    This chapter was a brilliant mix of poetry and storyline. I could read it through and know what was happening but it still completely sucked me in with the language used. Awesome balance right there.
    December 5th, 2007 at 06:01am
  • Fake your own death

    Fake your own death (200)

    United States
    Okay, I know I told you this already, but like I said I have to say it again because it made me sound/feel smart. I love the irony at the end. I love how Gerard is acting all arrogant because he feels he has more control over his body than Frank, when in the reality he has no control; he is ruled by his body and his perception of it. Frank is ruled by a disorganized stomach and self-concious; once again like Gerard. They are more simliar then I think they want to admit. There's something about admitting their similar faults that makes them literally sick. That I haven't figured out, but I am sure the fear is there.

    I am trying to make this review long XD Okay, the characterization of the two is amazing. You use a lot of detial which really just draws me into the characters, as if I am sitting right there and staring at them. Like I can smell Frankie's sweat, or I can feel Gerard's negative aura. Without telling us everything, though, you hint to us the vulnerablity of the characters. You are showing without telling, which is definatly what a good writer should do.

    I didn't see any mistakes except for the one I pointed out :P But I feel so blah that you can come out wit a flawess chapter and I still have mistakes after proofreading three of four times. Maybe it's just cause I am not being as nitpicky about it haha. Still amazing, everything. I can't wait for you to update XD
    December 5th, 2007 at 02:55am
  • Jimmy Urine.

    Jimmy Urine. (150)

    *is now scared of your avatar*
    This was brilliant as always.
    You know what I mean.
    And yer know what?
    Gezza's starting to freak me out [in the story]. =/

    *scared for Frank's ass*


    December 5th, 2007 at 02:44am
  • skeletonletters.

    skeletonletters. (100)

    United States
    I love you.
    Seriously, ANOTHER FRERARD?!?!?
    November 19th, 2007 at 10:24am
  • Jimmy Urine.

    Jimmy Urine. (150)


    "There are two places black people like to go, and that's wal mart and six flags...BLACK! (Y)"


    Ahaha, that comment reminded me of that brilliant, brilliant sketch.

    "I mean, he doesn't have to say black, he could say stereo...daddy!"

    "Get out."


    Anyway. I've totally lost the thread of what I was going to say in this comment. lol, six flags.

    Sex is a good word to describe this fab bit of prose.

    You kill my life, Sara.

    And so does your avatar =]
    I lurve that picture.
    November 17th, 2007 at 06:47pm
  • Your Addiction

    Your Addiction (100)

    United States
    You're absolutely right. I've been subscribed for a while and I've neglected commenting. My apologies. You're a brilliant, amazing, talented writer. You should be published immediately. This story has a hazy air to it, as though the main character is in a constant state of tiredness. Maybe that's just because I need sleep. Anyway, I hope the few comments you get will increase and that you will have all the motivation you need.
    November 17th, 2007 at 08:33am
  • Bastard Son.

    Bastard Son. (200)

    :lmfao I was dreading you'd think of that. I'm well aware of that fact, but I just needed something to link the both boys to NYC, where Gerard currently resides seeing he left Jersey upon finishing high school. AND I needed Frank away from his home-field. :XD
    November 17th, 2007 at 02:58am
  • Fake your own death

    Fake your own death (200)

    United States
    OKay, call me a nitpicker, but one thing just bothered me. If they are in New Jersey, there's an amusment park called Six Flags that probably only an hour away from them, depending where in Jersey they are. There aren't really any amusement parks in New York City which is closer to New Jersey than New York State. New York City, the closes thing we have to an amusement park is Coney Island in Brooklyn.
    November 17th, 2007 at 02:30am
  • carcinogenic.

    carcinogenic. (250)

    kEWL! love it. idk but more soon plz.,Okay, okay. I warned you.

    But juuuuust kidding. :]

    Guess what I saw in the writing thread?
    Bastard Son.:
    In Oh! Emetophobia! one of the characters in a conscienceless manipulating prick. You won't find out who till the end.
    SARA! :cheese:
    Waaaay to put me on the edge of my seat... for a long time. :O
    But meanwhile, honestly - chapter eight was fucking amazing.
    I don't think I can pick out my favorite parts; the whole thing was beyond gorgeous.
    I love the personalities you create, the way they're so intense without being melodramatic...
    And I love... well, mostly just everything.
    This is kind of going in a totally different direction than it seemed like it
    would at first, which is fantastic. You're so fucking talented at this. :]

    I really hope that comment was at least coherent.

    This story is like... incredibly affecting.

    In Love
    November 15th, 2007 at 03:44am
  • The Rumor

    The Rumor (365)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ahahaha, this story is just so awesome.

    I didn't get lost once in that chapter either. That last update was, well...perfect.
    November 12th, 2007 at 06:00pm
  • Where's Adalia?

    Where's Adalia? (100)

    United States
    If I attempt at giving this story a good review again, I will just end up looking like a complete idiot.
    [Insert adjective here that describes how fucking amazing this story is.]
    And I agree with Sardonic Grin. I really don't think I, an insignificant human, am meant to be reading this unbelievable piece of writing, never mind criticizing/reviewing it.
    November 12th, 2007 at 07:15am
  • w...................

    w................... (100)

    United States

    I never thought anyone new what Emetophobia ment! (becides myself because i have it)
    Awesome story... In a gross sorta way.
    November 2nd, 2007 at 11:36am
  • Fake your own death

    Fake your own death (200)

    United States
    I'm not going to leave you a good rewview. No. I'm not. You want to know why? Cause I can't. Cause the only words I can form are this "O_O" Yes. That. That's my only review for that story. That fucking smily. Why? Because I can't tell if what I read was even real, or just delusions after getting high or something. Like....Dude...
    November 2nd, 2007 at 01:13am
  • Jimmy Urine.

    Jimmy Urine. (150)

    *blinks stupidly*

    I think that anyone who considers themself to be able to write as well as you (on here at least) and most definitely can't, should really be stabbed at this moment.

    Because no one can.

    *blinks stupidly again*

    I'm not sure if that made sense but to be honest...does it matter?

    You know what I'm trying to say. And you know that I mean it as well.

    The whole Cry. Erupt. Rage. Hate. Die. Scream. Gasp. Repeat. thing was so, so very amazing. It just totally...brings it all together and tears it apart sorta kinda, you have no idea what the fuck I'm going on about now, do ya?

    I'm leaving before I make myself look more like a twat than I already have =]
    I love it, Sara. I really and truly do.

    You totally have to get something, anything published.

    You're too good to not do so. But don't you dare fucking leave us, cause I'll cry and you know how Charlie's got that dad? Well he doesn't like it when I cry. =]

    Ell oh ell.

    Seriously. Your writing rocks my world.
    Literally Naughty

    No, that's too weird.
    Should really delete that before you attack me or something...

    *fails to backspace*
    *blinks stupidly*
    *submits comment*
    October 31st, 2007 at 02:14am