Unwanted Surprises - Comments

  • This story is very intriguing. You never know exactly what will happen next. I love how in the beginning, the events of the story have already passed. I also like the way you incorporated vampires without making a ginormous "OMG VAMPIRES!" deal out of it. The way you incorporated ghosts/spirits in as well was very cool. I would have liked to have seen Josh's ghost with Anna's or at some other point, though. Also, the feel of this story makes it seem like it should be written formally or in a more proper (if that's the right word) tone. Your speech tended to get very casual in a way that didn't flow with the events. That's not a extremely major thing as far as the contest goes, just a note for the future.
    Other than that, I really liked it. It's different from other vampire stories I've read.
    September 2nd, 2009 at 08:56pm