Shadows Of Illusion - Comments

  • yogurt12345

    yogurt12345 (155)

    I became engrossed in this story, and I felt what the boy felt in the story.

    I may be young, but I am already confused with my life. I feel like I am wandering aimlessly through it. Your story clearly envisioned what I am feeling. Your story told my inner self to wake up and see that I'm not the only one who's feeling this, so that doesn't mean I'd just rest and let myself and others suffer.

    To help others, I must learn to help myself. Your story reached out to me, and I hope you continue writing these things that will enlighten your readers, unlike those writers wasting their time on meaningless things.

    I love it, and I give you my full support! Clap Clap Clap
    September 6th, 2009 at 02:27pm