100 Ways - Comments

  • Good god, that song is repetitive.

    Well, it's not bad. It just annoys me that he says "wat" instead of "watch." EVERY TIME. I heard not a single "watch."
    November 27th, 2008 at 09:52am
  • I must confess, I have never seen the video. I shall watch it now.

    My counter got stuck a while ago. It went up to 191, then back down to 190, then stayed there for the next few comments and then jumped up to 194 (or whatever). And no, the admins probably will not read that, because your story is suspended, because they are Nazis, and yet you keep posting. You are a fighter! XD I like. They don't.

    Any of my attempts at cornrows are epic fail.


    Hey, if I magically fly to America, will you do my hair in cornrows for me? XD

    We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand, but the American girl in my class was really excited today. She kept yelling "HAPPY THANKSGIVING!" at everyone, just randomly in the corridors. She even said it to the Science teacher, who said (in her humouring, sensitive, primary-school teacher way) "is it now? Happy Thanksgiving!"

    Can I ask a HUGE HUGE favour? Can the next way to make yourself UnSad be something like celebrating something? Like Thanksgiving, or birthdays, or even something weird and random that's not even a real celebration. XD

    Wow, this is a humongous (I can never spell that word) comment.

    Well, I need some UnSaddening. I got in deep shit at school today, because the teacher said I was out-of-bounds. And I wasn't really, I was just at the school gate. Problem was, I was talking to the boys who were outside the gate. And, my school being extremely strict, that will probably mean trouble tomorrow. DX
    November 27th, 2008 at 09:44am
  • Wow, okay so this made me laugh at times and then it made me cry at other moments, truly it's amazing and it's made me rethink alot of things so thak you love.
    November 27th, 2008 at 03:49am
  • I know what you mean. I both love and hate sleep at times. The last time I was SERIOUSLY sick (the time I had a temperature of 104 F [forgotten what it actually was in C, just remember that's what it converted to] and my mother thought I might die) sleep was so good and so bad. Because I would toss and turn and I wasn't allowed blankets because I couldn't get any hotter and when I woke up I felt like I was breathing acid, but at least while I was asleep I wasn't actually in pain.
    November 24th, 2008 at 08:30am
  • Sleeping is my friend.
    I love sleeping!
    November 23rd, 2008 at 07:12pm
  • I really liked that, it was honestly pretty damn beautiful.

    Just so you know, Abi (Mrs. Schetcher) is moving house, and won't have the internet again until monday.
    We met on here, and by pure coincidence live in the same town. And we finally met up on friday. It was amazing, we saw My American Heart at our local venue. Just though you might be interested =]

    These totally brighten up my week, so thank you :)
    November 23rd, 2008 at 03:41pm
  • Haven't seen you in a while. I was bored and started checking your stuff out. What I've seen so far I like by the way. And a lot of the stuff in this story made me smile. So know that you've helped me become a little more UnSad : )

    It sounds like you've been through a lot. But know that all your Mibba stalkers--*ahem* I mean friends-- will always be there for you. In fact, I'm closer than you think >D *peeks in through your window*
    November 22nd, 2008 at 05:33am
  • I know how you feel when it comes to obsessive-stalker boyfriends...
    I broke up with the only boyfriend I've ever had twice because he wouldn't leave me alone...
    But its been two years since I broke up with him, and things do get better...
    The bad memories will go away, they always do eventually.
    You just gotta tough it out until them and show everyone you're the boss.
    I know you can do it!
    November 17th, 2008 at 10:37pm
  • Rant:
    Not to be mean, really, but I guess I have low standards. I was always the kind of girl that fell for the guy that always made the others go "Ew, why?"
    Yeah, I have way too many friends like that, especially Ashlee. She's one of my best friends, and she has a new boyfriend almost every other week. As soon as I finally figure out who she's dating, then there's someone different. Then again, I am the one who likes my friend's reject brother. Ehhhh....

    But also there was Amber, who was one of those "date a loser guy" kids. I stopped being friends with her when she started being more pretentious, 'cause she really was. She had like eighteen different "personalities," and eventually she just started getting to be the type that would date anything that moved. especially my friend Jenny. Oh yeah girls too. I'm not a homophobe, in fact I'm bi, but then again she just brought us bi kids to shame.

    It was sad...
    November 16th, 2008 at 06:37pm
  • awww :arms:
    Stuff like that can be really difficult. You should be allowed to vent and stuff on here. And after all, there is a genre called 'autobiography' :)
    And even if it is off listings, me and Monkey-Turtle are pimping it out in our sigs.
    Ahh, I heart this so much!
    You really help me get through stuff and sort myself out, y'know?

    November 16th, 2008 at 03:21pm
  • I was the same way. When I started going out with James, people wondered what I saw in him. Especially as he was almost 3 years older than me.

    Rants are good, sweetie. Forget what the Mibbadmin say. I like your rantiness. And I need UnSaddening at the moment.
    November 16th, 2008 at 08:31am
  • I really love all these :)
    Thanks for posting it.

    Quick question, are you from Nor Cal? Cuz in #6 you wrote "hella annoying." and yeah... Lol. Sorry, it sounds random, but I know in Southern California people rarely use hella, but Nor Cal reaaaaaaaaally does.
    November 16th, 2008 at 05:17am
  • *sings song*
    *laughing my ass off*
    ow.... my abs.....
    too.... much... laughing....
    more please!!!
    November 7th, 2008 at 10:28pm
  • Aaah....
    That chapter just refreshed my life.....
    I don't know how.... but it just makes me..... happier!
    Maybe cuz it reminded me of a letter I wrote to a friend that saved our friendship
    Or maybe its because that's a sound piece of advice that anyone can use....
    I dunno...
    Keep writing!
    I wanna keep smiling!
    October 27th, 2008 at 09:49pm
  • Wow, this made me smile, laugh and cry.
    Thanks for cheering me up.
    Suzie (the sweetist girl of them all) commented on one of my stories and i saw a link to this.
    I can relate to you on the death of Brian, my ex died just under a year ago on my birthday but of cancer. Leo was my air and i miss him so much.

    Please, i can't wait until you write your next one.

    Abi xxx
    October 27th, 2008 at 03:09pm
  • That made me feel insanely special x]
    noone's ever said anythng like that to me before.
    and yes, I needed UnSaddening (to use Monkey-Turtle's word), because one of my grandad's had a stroke and the other one has just been discovered to have 2 types of cancer. But that did an outstanding job of cheering me up ^_^

    ...And sorry about your jacket.


    susie x
    October 21st, 2008 at 09:12pm
  • YAY! I am beloved!

    You made me UnSad just by saying I needed UnSaddening.



    I didn't know I'd commented every chapter... O.O I suppose I have.

    And I shall continue to do so!
    October 21st, 2008 at 10:01am
  • Aaaaaaaaaalliiiiiiiie......

    I need more UnSaddening.

    Not particularly today, because it's my birthday (mind you, it's not the best birthday I've ever had) but just in general.

    So more chappys soon? Pleeeeease? For the birthday girl?
    October 20th, 2008 at 08:25am
  • Damn for computers crashing. Hope it gets better soon.


    Any updates are good updates.
    September 4th, 2008 at 10:32am
  • aww, that sucks... at least your musics etc were okay in the end though =]
    and wooo another chapter! =D

    susie x
    August 31st, 2008 at 10:14pm