100 Ways - Comments

  • as for #6:
    mine is 'be aggressive' by powerspace.
    i saw them in concert and hung out with them for about a half hour afterwards, and that song always reminds me of that night...

    um, two days ago.

    it was amazing

    by the way, karlie, you're frickin gorgeous =D
    so don't say you're not =D
    August 10th, 2008 at 10:17pm
  • *laughing hysterically*
    Oh how I love revenge!!!
    That was awesome!!!
    *giggles again*
    July 18th, 2008 at 12:21am
  • Wow!! I love this !!!
    July 16th, 2008 at 02:16am
  • LOVED IT!!!!! it really cheered me up! Thank you
    July 11th, 2008 at 07:17pm
  • ouu! I wanted to tell you!
    abouts a week or so ago I saw this chick with a taira and a batman cape in the mall and i was like "I read that in that chick's story ..."

    So yaaar
    July 9th, 2008 at 04:21am
  • Aw. What a bitch. Hooray for revenge though!

    I'm kinda curious as to what the secret is now. But you don't have to say.

    Yay! I was missing this story. I need some unsaddening.

    *hugs* Yay!
    July 8th, 2008 at 05:10am
  • that was amazing! if i ever meet an evil bleach blonde i will DEFINITELY try it =DD
    i hope you feel less depressed soon too, if you wanna talk i'm over here *waves*

    susie x
    July 7th, 2008 at 10:04pm
  • stupid laggy computer....
    *hits it*
    May 13th, 2008 at 11:16pm
  • I wish I had the confidence to do that!!!
    And that I lived in an area with cute boys in it....
    well... life can't be perfect!!!
    *hug of doom*
    THANK YOU!!!
    *another hug of doom*
    May 13th, 2008 at 11:16pm
  • I wish I had the confidence to do that!!!
    And that I lived in an area with cute boys in it....
    well... life can't be perfect!!!
    *hug of doom*
    THANK YOU!!!
    *another hug of doom*
    May 13th, 2008 at 11:16pm
  • duuuuude, Monkey-Turtle had a rad idea of putting this in her sig... i'm gonna do that! =)
    and that's an awesome idea! if i ever actually meet a guy i like (which hasn't actually happened since i was 11, curse my stoopid all girls school) i will try it =D

    susie x
    May 13th, 2008 at 09:40pm

    I hate the automatic inactive thingie. I want it to die.

    Anyways, YAY FOR YOU!

    *hugs* Happy happy happy!

    Are you back to writing regularly now? Coz I need some UnSaddening. I'm sick. :(
    May 13th, 2008 at 04:03am
  • wowsies...
    I'm happy that your so courageous and that you don't anyone's shit!
    I think I'll try doing that more!!
    April 8th, 2008 at 11:10pm
  • Three chapters! I am happy.

    Dancing: I understand EXACTLY what you mean there. Not that I've ever had the guts to dance around on the quad on my own, but since I started at my current school I'm being myself more. But, I used to do ballet, until it got too hard and I wasn't into SERIOUS SERIOUS scholarships etc, at which point I quit. What I kept going for, even when it started to get hard, was the end-of-year concert. At the Opera House, one Sunday in early December, we'd give two performances. one at 12, the other at 5. And I lived for them. Getting out there are putting my whole soul into that dance, with people watching, and not just in a oh-she's-dancing-I'd-better-watch way, but that they were there to watch, and I was what they had to watch at that moment, that was my idea of thrills. I was never the best (I always had Coco to compete with) but in grade three I was the first garden gnome on the stage. I had my eight counts of fame. I had my eight counts where they could watch nothing but me. And now that I'm not a Paula Hunt Dance Academy girl any more, I do stage challenge. I put my soul into that now. Last year, for stage challenge, WE WON. There's nothing better than that. Nothing better than being part of the group that goes home with sore throats and no voice left because they screamed their excited hearts out.

    Jesus, this is a long comment. And there's still more yet.

    Last year half the girls in my year thought I was lesbian, because I'm a very affectionate person. It didn't help that I was a new girl and not many people knew me. It also didn't help that the friend of Anna, the girl I hugged most (I would yell "Anna Banana!" and hug her) was a bit jealous at this show of affection between us, and started going "err, that's a bit weird," and acting like I was lesbian. Anna now isn't so quick to let me hug her.

    Thank god I got a boyfriend last year. Now they can only call me bi, and I can just tell them I'm not. It doesn't work if you tell them you're not lesbian. They ask you to prove it. And I'm not bi, am I? Well, find me a girl I'll swing for, then I'll be bi.

    Congratulations on being comfortable with who you are. It's sad how many people try to convince themselves it's all in their heads. I wish I had the guts you do, to stand up to people and tell them to fuck off or you'll bash their heads in. All I can do is ask them whether they like their nose the shape it is.

    Whew, long comment. I think I'll leave it there. Ta ta!
    April 5th, 2008 at 04:36am
  • YOU'RE BACK! with a mega three update load of wonderfullness!

    i loved the one about dancing, it was so awesome. i dragged my two friends to see happy feet the day it came out, we were the oldest three people in the cinema and loads of little kids laughed at us. it was so good. =D

    and good for you for beating that guy up.stupid homophobic bully. you deserve better than being treated like that. i hope you broke his nose!

    and i know you'll see Brian and Kate again someday. *hugs*

    love, susie x
    April 4th, 2008 at 02:18pm
  • They can't stop this story!
    it's helped me so much with everthing, it made me feel really not alone for the first time in years. if you like you can quote this at those goddamn moderators, because it's all true.

    thank you so much for what you said in chapter 10. it means so much to me, more than you can imagine. just, thank you.

    and then the car crash one made me cry. about a year ago, me and my mum were driving to church, when this guy randomly pulled out right in front of us. all i can realy remember is my mum screaming. and she braked, and the other car hit us in the outside front corner. i was sat in the back, and all i could think about was if m mum hadn't braked when she did, that car would have gone straight into where i was sitting.

    talking to the other driver, he didn't see us (because he didn't think that there would be any other traffic that early on a sunday morning and therefore didn't look). and then when he did see us, he tried to slam on the breaks, missed and hit the accelerator pedal instead. his car had to be written off, the front was completely smashed in.

    and this was coming up to the anniversary of my godmothers death, so i drove my mum into a breakdown.

    i'm just glad that we're all okay now and noone was hurt. but is she hadn't braked...

    and i'm SO, SO glad that it wasn't you in that car. thank God you're okay *hugs*

    and thank you for saving me from myself.

    susie x
    March 2nd, 2008 at 02:13am
  • Another comment for my blind fury at that mod for the injustice of this all.
    February 29th, 2008 at 05:28am
  • Well, who cares if it's removed from the list? We know it's here, so we'll still read it. That moderator was being a _______. We rally round you, Alexandria.

    It is a bit of a journal, but it's not a ranty thing, it's telling people about stuff. It's a bloody autobiography almost! That's still a story, it's just a true one!

    And "chapter that isn't a chapter" is just a name! God, it's not like you're saying "Ooh, look at me, I'm going to post a pile of crap and call it a chapter!" No, that chapter just wasn't one that told you how to make yourself UnSad. It gave something more meaningful.

    Keep going, chica. I know I'll still read, even if no-one else does. And if they delete your stories, well then you just message me the chapters so I can read them anyway. I need some UnSaddening right now.

    February 29th, 2008 at 05:26am
  • WHAT!!!
    *punches moderators in the face*
    I wouldn't actually do that though...
    but still!
    That's not nice....
    *hug for moral support*
    February 28th, 2008 at 04:18am
  • ...

    You poor girl. That's horrible.

    It's sad how many people are just driving along, and suddenly, without any warning whatsoever, they're dead.

    "A lot can happen in ten minutes. You can have lunch, or miss the bus, or fall in love, or have your heart broken. Ten minutes can mean the difference between being mildly late and getting detention. You can meet a person who will one day be your best friend, or you could leave the house ten minutes later and miss them completely. In ten minutes, your whole world can fall to pieces, because in ten minutes, you can open and read the letter that will change your life forever. In ten minutes, someone can die."

    My heart goes to you, chica, it really does.


    On a slightly happier note, I believe I may do you another banner. Only not today, because I'm kinda sick.
    February 28th, 2008 at 12:03am