Rich Man - Comments

  • ignorance.always

    ignorance.always (100)

    Yay for passing finals!

    December 13th, 2011 at 05:47am
  • layna loves her caps

    layna loves her caps (100)

    United States
    It took one sip of my jungle juice to settle me into place, eyes scanning every face, every body that wound and laughed and turned throughout the room.
    BAHAHAHA jungle juice. Love it! So college...

    Yeah... ok. I forgot to do all these little comment things. So I'll just skip to the main comment.
    I can't believe all this is coming together. Literally every chapter you have me in anticipation wondering when all hell is going to break loose.
    At least Blake is being a lot more rational this time than he was before when they talked. So, SO cute that he hinted he'd miss her a lot when she left. They're so adorable.
    Matt just needs to not be a weenie and cave in to what's-her-name-bitch-face.
    Also, totally disappointed she and Patrice just went in that big empty room to talk. BUZZ KILL!
    But anyway, this was so eternally awesome. I can feel it ticking down and can't wait for the big BOOM explosion when everything comes together. Like the final showdown.
    December 13th, 2011 at 04:46am
  • ThingCalledLove

    ThingCalledLove (100)

    So I have no clue what Ray is up to, and I think I have given up trying to predict the outcome of what will happen, since I spend a good ninety-nine point nine percent of the time being completely off base with my theories. This, is a wonderful thing, because I tire easily of stories which I can predict right away. I mean I still love those kinds of stories of course, but this keeps my attention in a different way. I wonder what the favour is, it sounds like it is going to be amazing. I just want Tera to leave, and just never come back. Is that too much to ask? lol. Great update, sorry it took me so long to comment!
    November 23rd, 2011 at 11:49pm
  • emmared FMT!

    emmared FMT! (100)

    Cashing in favours... Shit just got serious.
    I can't wait for the next one, and to find out what her ultimate plan is.
    I also hope everything works out with Patrice, because he seems to be coming to terms with her again, which is awesome :)
    November 23rd, 2011 at 05:34am
  • alyssa-anne

    alyssa-anne (100)

    United States
    This chapter was amazing as always, of course. I'm glad Amanda and Patrice's conversation picked up right where it left off in the last chapter. I am so Team Amanda, and I hope Patrice stays that way, too, no matter what he hears about her! Can I just the little squeal fest I had when I read this? "You're the one telling me these crazy theories and plans of yours. And the more I think about the possibilities you're throwing out that this bitch could do to us, the more I'm seeing how good you are and how doomed she is." First of all, her admitting she's scared might seem insignificant but I swear it's anything but. That's huge, and I'm glad she's letting Bergy see her softer side!

    A hand caught my cheek, lifting my gaze to his. "Well when the time comes, she's all alone. No matter how much she tries to convince you that you're all alone, it's just lies." You're abso-fucking-lutely killing me with Patrice right now. I loved his character in this story. From the smartass, to the douchey guy at times, to this incredibly sweet motherfucker that Amanda needs to get with. So she can be like 'You can't bring me down. I'm fucking Patrice Bergeron!'

    Can't wait to see where this goes, of course. I know you have big things planned! I'm anxiously waiting this Jeremy character coming in and helping Amanda out! More soon! <3
    November 14th, 2011 at 06:58am
  • ignorance.always

    ignorance.always (100)

    I'm still impressed with your writing and once again I can't wait for the next chapter.
    You spelled good wrong somewhere in there by missing an 'o'. Can't remember where but it's there.
    November 13th, 2011 at 11:17pm
  • pensgurl25

    pensgurl25 (100)

    United States
    omg as usual brilliant. seriously you're amazing. I really hope their plans play out to their benefit and Tera crawls back into the hole she came from. hope you update soon! :)
    November 13th, 2011 at 04:00pm
  • emmared FMT!

    emmared FMT! (100)

    Whoa, Patrice had a revaltion <3
    This looks good for Patrice/Amanda/Roark!
    I want to find out what Winrey has planned!!
    Wonderful writing, as always. Thank you for the update!
    This is an amazing story <3
    November 5th, 2011 at 02:06am
  • ignorance.always

    ignorance.always (100)

    I love how quickly you updated.
    I wasn't expecting another chapter in awhile.
    way to catch me off guard!

    I really want to see how she gets into the group, if she does and what she'll do do Patrice.
    :D So excited, as always.
    November 4th, 2011 at 05:24am
  • pensgurl25

    pensgurl25 (100)

    United States
    fieisbcjs yayy an update! lol sooo good. Damn Winrey. I really hope they're able to stop her before it's too late. hope you update again soon! :)
    November 3rd, 2011 at 10:54pm
  • alyssa-anne

    alyssa-anne (100)

    United States
    My comment for this is not going to be as elequently worded as it was for Appeal, so bare with me. I love that Bergy finally realized Roark, Amanda whatever was completely truthful. Milan's probably my favorite character, though. Jesus, he's cute. Anyway, I'm glad she and Patrice are on the same page and seem to be finally working toward something going on with them. I can't wait for more, <3
    November 3rd, 2011 at 09:17am
  • ThingCalledLove

    ThingCalledLove (100)

    In regards to the profile comment, you know I love your stories. I should be the one thank you for writing just brilliant pieces of hockey fanfiction. I mean it's a testament to how much I like your writing when the Bruins aren't exactly my favourite team, yet I am in love with this fic. Okay, now on to the latest chapter.

    Can I just say how much I loved it? I really appreciate the fact that we got to see how she reacted to those words, and I liked the fact that she ACTUALLY reacted. They mattered enough to her to move her in some way. It gave me hope that she was finally starting to let herself feel something. I loved the awkward tension, with the hand holding, but I hated that it was just "for show."

    And then, it got really really good. Bergy has feelings, Ray/Amanda has feelings and its just feelings everywhere, which I thought was hilarious because the previous thirty-three chapters were pretty much devoid of real feelings, but at the same time I got how overwhelming it could have been. Ray/Amanda is so completely out of her element.

    “I thought about quitting because of you.”

    Oh lord, Rina, why must you do this to me? It was just so real and raw and honest. I absolutely loved the way Bergy reacted to it. He actually got upset when he thought she would have given up, which shows that he is invested in this too, maybe not as much, but the outcome is important to him. Man there is so much tension between these two, but it is nothing a quick roll in the sack won't fix *wink wink, nudge nudge*

    I hope so badly that Ray/Amanda shreds Tera apart if she so much as looks at Bergy. She needs to go Zena Warrior Princess on her ass. Anyways, loved it as usual and I am waiting for the next update which should be out about this time next month ;)
    October 27th, 2011 at 05:20am
  • ignorance.always

    ignorance.always (100)

    defiantly no hate.
    just bunches of smiles as the chapters appear.
    October 26th, 2011 at 08:09am
  • layna loves her caps

    layna loves her caps (100)

    United States
    Out of Options

    Ok, so before I officially start, I'd just like to apologize for my lack of comments on your wonderful masterpiece work. Here, I am going to make it up to you by commenting on every chapter. So just sit back, relax, and re-read your work with my commentary. LOVE YOU! TO THE COMMENTING! AWAAAAAAAY!

    "Okay.... Shoot then," he replied slowly, inquisitively staring at me with an eyebrow arched upward, not so sure what he was in for.
    Bergy is such an adorable little trooper.

    This was my last chance to spare Patrice a burden I wasn't sure he was metaphysically prepared to bear.

    He leaned against the counter top and faced me. "So what is there to talk about? I thought you guys had a decent time the other night."
    Blake, you're a moron. Shut up. It's a good thing you play hockey...

    "No, Captain Psych, you listen. ... "
    Ok, Blake, you're a dumbass, but I love that nickname. Genius!

    My heart slammed against my ribcage at the thought. Getting out of this would leave Blake hurt indefinitely, but it was far better to save the whole at the expense of one rather than completely devastate the entirety of the group. They would never see each other the same way again. And it would be entirely on Blake, Lex, and I.
    This is a complete buzz kill. It has to end happily! It just has to! Or when I come over there, I'm rewriting everything to be happy. SO THERE!

    Closing my eyes tight, I swallowed and turned my back to him. "Then so be it, kid."
    Blake, you're a moron.

    Her ultimate goal was to ruin me. And to do that, she would have to not only weasel her way back in and proceed to destroy all that I had built, but she would also have to reveal me for what I truly was, knowing that they would all believe her.
    What a bitch.

    Just because you know you're facing a God of Winter and that you need fire to kill it does not make it any less of a Goliath against your David's sling.
    So. Many. References.

    "Patrice, my name isn't Roark."
    Shit is going doooooooooown.

    Fin comment one. I'll put them each in separate posts so you're more likely to get more stars : )
    October 26th, 2011 at 06:15am
  • pensgurl25

    pensgurl25 (100)

    United States
    chdiwowbcufuwisb SHE TOLD HIM SHE HAS FEELINGS FOR HIM!! omg I can't. there are no words to explain how happy I am right now. Now for them to get rid of Tera and hopefully they can be together. great update. can't wait for the next! :)
    October 26th, 2011 at 01:55am
  • emmared FMT!

    emmared FMT! (100)

    I'm going to be completely honest in this comment, and I hope you understand I am not intentionally trying to offend you, I would just like to give you a quick insight to my brain, and how I honestly view this story. Thanks, in advance.


    I've read parts of this story, multiple times. Every time I've read it, I somehow thought it was an Ovechkin story :$ But, I have finally gotten all the way through it. I never really understood Roark/Amanda's POV until I started reading this two days ago. I have finally made it all the way to the most recent update, and I am extremely glad I stuck with this the entire time in this attempt. I have fallen in love with it, in a weird, I-really-wish-I-was-smart kind of way. I can't wait to see what happens with Winrey, and I still want Amanda and Patrice to fuck... :$ excuse my hint of smut, but I'd enjoy it :) I think they should end up together, but after what he just laid down... I'm not to positive in that guess anymore.

    ANYWAYS, I'm about to watch Transformers 3, or else I would have taken an entire page to write out how amazingly I have fallen for this particular text, but I bid adieu, and hope I did not offend, I really am a big fan of your works :)
    October 19th, 2011 at 12:26am
  • Reminiscent

    Reminiscent (100)

    This is, hands down, the best story I've read here....
    Where did you get all that physiological stuff?!
    It's really impressive...
    Can't wait to
    September 19th, 2011 at 02:45am
  • ThingCalledLove

    ThingCalledLove (100)

    Out of Time (Part Two)

    I was so ready to write a bad ass review (because you totally deserve it), but my brain just cannot comprehend the situation.

    "I'll help," he stated, "On the condition that when this is all said and done, you disappear."

    My jaw tightened. I nodded without thinking, without waiting to listen to another word when I probably should have. But that didn't matter anymore. I could worry later. For now, I had the options, the friend, and the time that I needed to fix this.

    "And you don't come back."

    But...but...but he LOVES her, why would he, I mean I get it, I really do, but that irrational part of me is completely overwhelmed by this. I mean it makes sense, after everything she did, regardless of the reason, she still lied and manipulated. In fact, Ray is a lie and a manipulation, nothing about “Ray” is real. Or at least it wasn’t supposed to be, but then it seemed like “Ray” was starting to crack, and little bits and pieces of Amanda were coming through.

    I guess as the reader, we have an easier time forgiving Ray because we knew what she was doing from the start, something the rest of the characters weren’t privileged to. But it sucks that Ray kind of put everything out there, and Bergy is ready to walk. I’m glad that Ray/Amanda seems to be effected by this. She does care about him, no matter how much she tried to keep their relationship completely professional.

    Sidenote: Sorry for being such a douchy reviewer for the past little bit.
    August 31st, 2011 at 05:51am
  • ThingCalledLove

    ThingCalledLove (100)

    Out of Time (Part One)

    The talk, they finally talk. Ray finally comes clean. This both excited me and terrified me. I mean, it could really go both ways... okay well not really. It could have gone badly, or it could have gone really badly. I was hoping for the former. Anyways, this is the chapter I think I have been waiting for since I first started reading this story.

    I love the desperation of the situation. Ray basically has no other option but to lay down all her cards, and see what Bergy will do. You conveyed it really well. I could feel the tension mounting as Ray started delving deeper and deeper into the truth. Poor Bergy, poor guy had no idea of the storm coming his way. I also love the instant denial he goes through. Very realistic.

    "She failed," he whispered, staring blankly at the carpet floor. "Winrey.... Tera... She failed us.... We were just.... A failed attempt." Oh Lord, Rina, this just about killed me. I can hear the angst in this sentence. The raw emotion and feeling is tangible. You are amazing.
    August 31st, 2011 at 05:41am
  • ThingCalledLove

    ThingCalledLove (100)

    Out of Options

    Usually, I’m not a big fan of time skips and flashbacks, but what can I say Rina, you make them work. I liked how we got to see the “aftermath” of the talk before we got a chance to see the actual talk. I was so excited to see the actual talk, and it was going to happen, but then, nope, Ray has to go talk to Blake ;) you tease, you.

    I love how Ray kind of just cut to the chase about Tera. She didn’t run around in circles, picking and poking at the subject matter, she just dove head on, regardless of whether Blake was ready to hear or not, which he clearly wasn’t. I do appreciate the fact that you wrote Blake in a way that as the reader, we can sympathize with his choices and decisions, even though we want to beat him in the head with a shovel until he comes to his senses.

    I was the fragile, the mortal. Not she. Shivers. Seriously. I think that is the first time we realize how big this problem is and what it can do. Ray will lose everything she worked so hard to build with one slip of the tongue on Tera’s part. It killed me to see Matt thinking about letting Tera back in. Blake, I can understand, he’s banging the chick, but Matt. Made me sad to think about the reasons why he would let her back in. Clearly he still cares about her in some way.
    August 31st, 2011 at 05:30am