Jasey Rae - Comments

  • sunshine789

    sunshine789 (100)

    United States
    I LOVE it :D
    March 21st, 2011 at 07:19pm
  • kobra kid

    kobra kid (150)

    United States
    My, My, Lydia.
    That has got to be one of the best things I have read for a long time.
    You managed to capture every single emotion perfectly, and my heart seriously went out to both Jasey and Alex because I know how awful that kind of situation can be.

    What I love about this story is the fact that you went into detail, but didn't over do it; leaving some imagination to the reader, that's always a good thing, because like I said earlier, Stories are about putting images into peoples heads, but you still give the audience some freedom to decide for themselves certain things.

    One of the best lines of this whole story was;
    At that moment everything stopped around her. The waves stayed still, almost as if nature wanted to leave her alone.

    At that point, my heart went out for Jasey, it really did.
    This is the first story that has made me cry in a long time.

    I'm literally sat here crying because the whole time I was reading it, I wanted Jasey and Alex to stay/get(?) together. (Even though I knew the outcome).

    You've taken a story that a lot of people know and made it beautiful.

    Well done. :arms:
    I love you :arms:
    Thanks so much for the input, have I ever told you you're wonderful.
    And XxLove is DeadxX thank you so much :)
    I understand, I'll just wait for the judging.
    Thanks for letting me even enter though.
    September 10th, 2009 at 08:30am
  • XxLove is DeadxX

    XxLove is DeadxX (100)

    WOW!!! I love it! I think your the Winner for All TIME LOW but sadly I have to judge everyone Fair so you did Great!
    September 10th, 2009 at 06:14am
  • plu

    plu (150)

    United Kingdom
    My, My, Lydia.
    That has got to be one of the best things I have read for a long time.
    You managed to capture every single emotion perfectly, and my heart seriously went out to both Jasey and Alex because I know how awful that kind of situation can be.

    What I love about this story is the fact that you went into detail, but didn't over do it; leaving some imagination to the reader, that's always a good thing, because like I said earlier, Stories are about putting images into peoples heads, but you still give the audience some freedom to decide for themselves certain things.

    One of the best lines of this whole story was;
    At that moment everything stopped around her. The waves stayed still, almost as if nature wanted to leave her alone.

    At that point, my heart went out for Jasey, it really did.
    This is the first story that has made me cry in a long time.

    I'm literally sat here crying because the whole time I was reading it, I wanted Jasey and Alex to stay/get(?) together. (Even though I knew the outcome).

    You've taken a story that a lot of people know and made it beautiful.

    Well done. :arms:
    September 10th, 2009 at 01:37am