The Stars Don't Know My Name - Comments

  • sekirk

    sekirk (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I've just read it again, and i'm choked up! I still have this penned as one of my favs!
    August 9th, 2011 at 11:57pm
  • done in love.

    done in love. (200)

    United States
    Okay, so the first thing I have to say is that this has got to be one of my favorite short stories that I've read in a long while. I got a bit confused during the second chapter of it, but I think it’s because I read them at different times and forgot about the “what if we never met” part of the first. Anyways, I like stories that confuse me, because then they’re challenging my mind.

    I really like the whole glitter-stars comparison, because that was really creative and very… Adam lol

    And the alternative life you made for Kris was really awesome. That’s what really confused me though, because I was like “wait, they were in the same season, right?” Then I figured it out and I was like “Ohh…I get it now.”

    There were a few grammar / spelling issues here and there, but as I think back on it, I'm not coming up with anything that really impaired comprehension at all.
    March 20th, 2011 at 10:56pm
  • sekirk

    sekirk (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    wow i honestly think that is one of the more well written stories i have ever read on Mibba, it was so emotional, so connectable, it has suspense and emotion it had everything! wow and its so injspiring! I hope what happened in Kris's dream never happens, i dont want Adam to be swallowed by lonlyness and the media and this story kind of makes me want to tell him that....
    April 17th, 2010 at 03:27am
  • Tom Fletcher.

    Tom Fletcher. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haunting. Mesmerising. Beautiful.

    You still manage to hook me with everything you write, Isa. I don't really read any Idol fic except yours. I've been a bad girl by not commenting like I used to, but it's because I can never find the words to do this justice. And I still can't, not really.

    I'm just sat here in shock; I don't think I've ever read anything similar to this premise. It makes me wish so bad that I'd come up with it - especially this line: and the last thought he ever thinks is how the stars don’t look like stars at all—they look more like glitter, shiny little freckles splashed across the black skin of the universe. I was reeling.

    Just brilliant. Stunning. I adored it.
    December 19th, 2009 at 05:47pm
  • Teenage Dirtbag.

    Teenage Dirtbag. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    That was bloody wonderful, Isa. Cry I really can't say any more than that. You write the best Kradams, honestly.
    September 17th, 2009 at 09:47pm
  • Angelus.

    Angelus. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Wow, Isa... way to make me cry. Cry
    Just.. gah!
    First of all, the first chapter... when Kris got mad at Adam, you wrote it in such a way that I actually hurt for him. Sad

    And then, holy shit, the second chapter... Especially the end. Jeez, what are you trying to do to us?! Seriously, it was so sad...
    Poor bb Adam... I can't imagine how it must have felt to write it. :arms:

    And then the last chapter.. It made me happeh Clap
    And the way you insinuated that they had dreamt the same thing... and also let us know that it was a dream (thank god), was epic.
    Poor upset Adam.. :armsArms
    I love Kris for understanding why he was upset.. and kissing him better. In Love Beautiful ending. Beautiful.

    So yeap, amazing job, Isaaa! ily so much, you're an amazing writer.. I will now go read your others. :tehe:
    :arms: <3
    September 13th, 2009 at 10:29pm
  • we are invincible.

    we are invincible. (100)

    dude, holy shit. Just, wow. It's so beautiful, and I don't even LIKE Kradam! Well, I do now, anyways. Just... shit. ♥
    September 10th, 2009 at 01:11pm
  • silly ann murphy

    silly ann murphy (150)



    This was amazing, okay. I love the tone, insert what I said in the PM here, and here we go.

    Adam sighs, and Kris listens to the fluttering whisper of the heart in his chest. He closes his eyes to breathe, breathe in this moment, breathe in Adam, breathe inlife, and opens them to the darkness outside.
    I love how Kris breathes in everything. It's a little like he's in a state of disbelief himself, but not like Adam. Adam's all what if what if what if and Kris is just like, oh this is really happening i am the luckiest pocket-sized ball of cute in the world imma enjoy the moment. It's great.

    Adam huffs a little amusedly, and Kris doesn’t need to ask why because he knows Adam’s going to say something totally Zen in three, two—
    I aaaabsolutely love the "three two one" thing here. Seriously. It's abrupt, it's going on right now, and we're in Kris's head. Awesome.

    “Not this again, man.”
    Love the "man." It's really Kris-y.

    “I’m just used to ‘what ifs,’ you know.” Adam’s looking out the window, his face reflecting the night sky. “Like, if we never knew each other, where—you’d be…”

    A deep, lonely exhale, sounding so hurt that it steals the oxygen from his lungs for a moment.
    I love the description of the exhale. "Sounding so hurt that it steals the oxygen from his lungs for a moment" is brilliant. And I get what you're doing here, but somehow it doesn't work for me. You described the sigh perfectly, but it feels like there's nothing happening. Maybe because there's no predicate? Anyhow, it's not anything big or whatever, just my thoughts.

    “Kris Allen…you are going home tonight.”
    Aaand you killed me.

    I love the entire description of Kris going home. I love how you described his emotions, just... everything. It feels like relief, it feels like gratefulness, it feels like fear, hearing those words from Seacrest—the tension’s finally over, thank God he made it this far, what is he going to do now?—but mostly if feels like a million hugs at once as the top three, the last ones standing, smother him in goodbye. That's just perfect. And "finishing fourth isn't so bad, I get to go on tour" would have been exactly Kris's thoughts. A+.

    And I'm really happy Adam won season 10. His turn for confetti. : )

    I love their careers here. It feels so real, it feels like what would have happened. Everything is just so believable and your word choice just helps that. There are hardly any metaphors. I'm glad you "had to get it out as fast as I can," because simple words fit this very well. You didn't have to dress this up. You just told it as it is and it is lovely.

    Sad Adam. At this point, I don't know what to say anymore, so here, have some consonants!


    Sure, Kris may have shaken Adam Lambert’s hand, given him a compliment, and even seen his blue eyes up close, but he wasn’t about to cry over a man he had never really known.
    This breaks my heart. Even though they don't really know each other here. Kris wasn't going to cry because Adam died. He wasn't going to cry. And that is... That's more evil!Kris to me than EVILKRISISEVIL fic. Sad

    Aaand, they don't know each other but there's still a little bit of Adam inside Kris. (:lmfao OH MY GOD I DID NOT MEAN IT LIKE THAT OBVS) and the last thought he ever thinks is how the stars don’t look like stars at all—they look more like glitter, shiny little freckles splashed across the black skin of the universe. That is an amazing way to describe stars. An oh-so-Adam way to describe it, too. I love how the dream ends like that. It's just... it's the Adam in Kris, and it's always there and maybe it's always been there. Just needed a handshake with Adam to awaken it or something.

    /not making sense

    And then Kris wakes up and Adam is crying and it's just... such a great scene, really.

    And I'm speechless here.

    And I love how it ends how it starts. Adam sighing and a flutter and Kris listening. It's subtle and at first you wouldn't even notice it until you scroll all the way up and think you're experiencing deja vu (LMFAO TRUE STORY).

    And I cannot even begin to say how much it means to me that you ded'd this to me, and that you called me the Kris to your Adam. Feeling's mutual, bb. :arms:

    All in all, you did an amazing job and I don't even know what to say anymore. In Love


    And lol I will stalk this story's comments and you'll get 10 points for every person who goes "I DIDNT LIKE KRADAM BUT NOW I DO."

    Ily. :arms:
    September 10th, 2009 at 12:07pm