Surprise! It's Jack! - Comments

  • miranda.

    miranda. (100)

    United States
    i lovedd this. :]
    September 24th, 2009 at 06:33pm
  • chuck basstard.

    chuck basstard. (100)

    New Zealand
    Holy shizniz, this was so freakin' adorable and sweet! I think I have a cavity now (: Lame jokes aside, this was amazing, and also incredibly funny!
    You certainly have a way with words, and I found it incredibly charming how Barakat was babysitting for free with the terror twins running around. I also really adore his love for Emily, it becomes incredibly obvious as soon as she walks through the door, just in the words he uses to describe her and you can tell he cares about her an awful lot.
    "though he had been caught trying to stuff ice cubes down his pants to stay cool." and 'ā€œIā€™m watching here!ā€ Jake commanded, trying to hush his brother.' were my two favourite lines, they made me laugh so much xD Just the idea of Jack with ice cubes down his pants in general make me laugh xD
    And Alex was gold in this, he was terribly funny and mix him with the terror twins, and you have me in stitches. But my favourite part of all of this, was how sweet the ending is. Jack's reaction to her pregnancy was very realistic, as he was freaking out on the inside and was so unsure of what to do, that he almost bolted, but then he realised how much she needed him, and stepped up to look after her. You made my heart melt (: And I loved how they weren't in a romantic relationship, as far as I could tell, they were just very close friends, and that made it beautiful.
    Well done, and good luck! (:
    September 16th, 2009 at 09:44am
  • mylove.

    mylove. (100)

    United States
    so, this was really well written.
    and really cute. :]
    September 16th, 2009 at 05:40am