Unintended - Comments

  • Aww this story is so sweet. Matt is such a gentleman, and Gabriella (sorry if I spelt that wrong!) is so gorgeous. Cant wait to read more, if only for the boys' amusing arguements hehe :)

    Chella xx
    November 17th, 2009 at 01:06pm
  • Post more?

    I'm actually glad to find a good Bellamy story.
    Post more soon!
    November 6th, 2009 at 10:37pm
  • FINALLY!!!!! You have noooo idea how hard it is to find a good Bellamy story these days. Can't wait for their reunion. Who knows what will happen? *Wink* *Wink*

    Update soon?
    <---------How can you say no to that face?
    November 4th, 2009 at 01:38am
  • This is really a well-written story. I don't get the chance to read stories as detailed as this.
    Anyway, I really like Gabriella. Not the typical girl characters out there.

    Update more please?
    I've also been waiting for a decent Matt Bellamy story, so I am totally in love with this.
    THANK YOU! :)
    October 20th, 2009 at 01:21pm
  • hey, read your story..
    really bloody well written but....
    would she not instantly recognise him if she went to Wembley? And is a fan?
    Dunno just my thought but yeah, you're a pretty minty fresh writer, kudos.
    September 17th, 2009 at 02:03pm
  • Oh god, another Matt Bellamy story. Hold on, gimme a minute to clean up my drool...
    He is so amazing. I love how he was just THERE at the party. Semi-dressed up, leaning casually against the bar...Perfect image. It was beautiful!

    And so was your writing. I love how descriptive and subtle your writing style is. You heap on the imagery, yet you leave enough room for personal interpretation and reaction. It's so rare to find, especially with the impeccable balance that you've created here. It's awe-inspiring.

    I am SO glad that you did your research before writing. The Importance of Being Earnest is actually one of my favourite plays of all time. My theatre group ended up doing some Shakespear for our last production, but I love Earnest. I can't tell you how happy I am that you actually know the story, and aren't just throwing it in there because it's famous.

    Miss Gwendolen is freaking hilarious though. I think it says a lot about not only Gabriella, but also about her acting abilities. I am a little disappointed though. I was totally expecting some Godot in her vast experiences (and resume). There's this T-shirt that a group of my acting friends and I picked up, and I think it would be perfect for her. It says,
    "Sorry, I can't. I'm waiting for Godot" across the front. It's hilarious. And I am totally picturing Gabriella wearing that shirt out, crashing into Matt, and him just laughing his ass off and being like,
    "Oh, so does that mean you won't meet me for drinks?"

    Anyway, this was a fantasic start to a story. It's going to be epic. Good luck. I'd love to read more, but I understand about school being insane. Hopefully you'll get some writing done soon!
    September 16th, 2009 at 06:26am
  • Once again you describe scenes and emotions so astoundingly well that it's like I'm standing on the stage watching the actors take their bows... I can practically feel the velvet curtain and hear the deafening applause...

    Bravo to you Clap

    ** I just didn't want to end up in the broom closet… again. **

    Hahah, yeah, that wouldn't be a great way to celebrate the end of the show... partying with a mop and broom isn't exactly something that sounds like a good time = p

    ** "I guess you're right. I have to be here but I'll be damned if people get too drunk and try grabbing my ass. Though people think of me as high quality beef professionally, I'm not a piece of meat." **

    Well, even being considered beef in your profession is a lil odd.. unless you're a butcher. hahaha.

    ** "What? Did Doctor Who fly in with the TARDIS and catch the performance because that would be something I like very much," I said. **

    Why am I not surprised that a Doctor Who referrence would pop up? hahaha.

    I love the way the conversation between Gabriella and Matt was so relaxed and laid back. Shows the comfortable and instant connection between them... can't wait to see more interactions between them :D

    Great start, my dear. Looking forward to more :)
    September 15th, 2009 at 02:12pm