Dreams of Tomorrow - Comments

  • I really like it. Seriously if I didn't know better I would think that English was your native language... jeez. XD

    I like how you always add parts of yourself in the stories, but change the personalities, it's really creative.

    So I don't know who this story is going to be about, but I'm thinking either Johnny or Brian, since he's a mystery so far, so I'm thinking you'll introduce him later. I've been through the exact same thing.

    Actually reading the part where she told Zacky off about the friendship thing, I laughed because I said something very similar to a guy once on the first few days of school after I moved to the US. Of course I barely spoke English and had a horrific accent. It was so embarrassing!

    Anyways in Europe friends aren't like in America, I mean in Europe I think that our friendship lasts longer and it's more solid than it is here. I don't know, but it's made an impression on me.

    Oh and did her parents die or something? Because the way you said it it made it sound as the reason she moved to France was sad or bad, although she didn't cry so maybe they aren't dead. I'm curious. Is Brian even going to be in the story? I secretly think he's going to be the love interest... XD

    I love it so far and I can't wait for the next one! XD
    September 16th, 2009 at 12:27am
  • i love that you use that pic of urs it's awesome
    i like it
    i'm sort of confused as to what its about
    or who
    but i like it
    so sad you didnt keep your name for this one
    specially when she's from france
    i love it write more please
    September 15th, 2009 at 11:43pm
  • Awww Johnny is cute ! <3 ...I wonder now what hair he had back in high school! lol
    Poor Zacky, I feel bad for him, she obviously hurt him with what she said. =[ I hope he forgets it the next day or something! ^^
    And aww Jason <3 Just him being Jason is awwish <3 Jasons <3 Berrys <3 *shuts up*

    Loved it, greatly written, cannot wait for more! :mrgreen:
    September 15th, 2009 at 11:28pm
  • AMAZING! I love love love love it and I cannot wait for more :mrgreen:
    The layout looks amazing, I really like it. And the story starts awesomely; Val is so nice and Jimmy is so awesome. Have I even mentioned that I love Jimmy? ;)
    It is written awesomely. And awww the ending of it is amazing. "Now she was okay" just aww!
    Also I loved all the stuff she brought from France to make her feel home! Cannot wait for more ^^ <3
    September 15th, 2009 at 10:46pm