Dreams of Tomorrow - Comments

  • StallionDuckie6661

    StallionDuckie6661 (100)

    United States
    I loved chapter 8 update Sugar! It was adorable. Johnny and Jimmy sure know how to make a great wake up team... Loved the update Babe! I can't wait for more!
    November 13th, 2009 at 08:00pm
  • XdarkblueX

    XdarkblueX (100)

    Puerto Rico
    I finally got a chance to read it.
    I loved it
    November 2nd, 2009 at 10:59pm
  • Hell Gates

    Hell Gates (100)

    Yay another long awesome chapter!!!
    I so laughed at times, like with Brian
    “Do you want a beer?” he asked, opening the fridge.
    “”Huh… do you have something else?” she asked, unsure.
    “Oh yeah, I got vodka, Jack Daniels, whiskey…?” he asked, looking at her from over her shoulder.

    XDDDDDDDDDDDD It's so Brian to do...
    And there were a bunch of random things I wanted to comment while reading but...I can't remember them now =\ It always happens to me, that's why I love being on AIM while reading, so I can either tell you about that or just one of my friends lol.

    Anyway about the chapter...
    I'm glad that Zacky and Justin are being better and that the guys invite Johnny to stuff and all ^^
    Jimmy is so sweet and caring ^^
    And Billie's just amazing, I'm glad he showed up ^^
    lmao at Tre' and Mike, they're awesome XDDDD
    I hope she learns to trust Billie soon ^^
    Can't wait for more!!!!! :mrgreen:
    October 31st, 2009 at 11:08am
  • secrets-that-die

    secrets-that-die (100)

    United States
    awe, loved the update
    October 31st, 2009 at 01:33am
  • JaedeVendetta

    JaedeVendetta (100)

    United States
    The new chapter was absolutely amazing!.! I can't wait to see Athalya and Billie's relationship grow, and to see what happens between her, and Brian!.! Can't wait for more. Update soon please!
    October 30th, 2009 at 11:11pm
  • ButterflyWarmth

    ButterflyWarmth (125)

    United States
    You made me cry!!! :P I was actually crying at the end, just the way Billie acted, so sweet and caring and then he embraced her it was just so....heartbreaking, in a way. Sweet and sad at the same time. I don't know. I wonder when she'll use that ticket..?

    I was waiting for the breakdown. Inside, I knew she needed to let all those bottled feelings out. It's not good for the brain if there's too much stress and after a breakdown people always feel better. That's how it's with me, anyways.

    Jimmy and Brian are just too awesome. Honestly I do imagine Brian to have been a good kid in real life. I don't know why but the way you developed his character is really close to what I have in mind as his actual character (when he was a teenager)

    Aw Billie is the best! I L-O-V-E him so so so much! More than anything I love the fact that you made him such a sweet man, really, THANK YOU!

    I am a little saddened by the fact that he's not her dad and that he doesn't know anything about her real father. I am really curious about this. Her mom must have been a really loveable person and Ieverything. I wonder why she moved out of the country. Could it have been because of her being pregnant with Athalya? I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

    I absolutely loved it and I can't wait for the next one!
    October 30th, 2009 at 10:02pm
  • Syn_Sex

    Syn_Sex (100)

    Prémierement, excuse moi pour ne commente pas antérieurment, il y a des moments quand j'ai la flemme ^^'
    mais j'aime cette histoire. sérieusement, c'est bien que brian et athalya ne deviennent pas un couple trop vite...c'est un brian fan fic, non?
    well anyways, I hope this was a bit correct french... :D
    so yeah like I said I like this story very much! it's good that there are like different storylines all together, not just the typical lovestory but the whole thing with green day is really good! I didn't know how to put that in french so...yeah...
    October 30th, 2009 at 08:30pm
  • CharmedAngel88

    CharmedAngel88 (100)

    United States
    Yay for updates!

    Poor dear had a breakdown... Well, at least she seems to be doing a bit better. And scary movies, goodness, they're like a freakin' staple on Friday nights. Haha. Jimmy and Brian are so sweet to her, and I'm glad that Zacky and Justin aren't being total assholes anymore! Billie Joe isn't her dad, almost a shame, but it's great that he's still gonna be there for her.

    Loved the update and I'm looking forward to more!
    October 30th, 2009 at 07:31pm
  • MusicSavedMyLife

    MusicSavedMyLife (100)

    United States
    Aw!! That was a cute update. I enjoyed it a lot. :) Oh, just to let you know, envelope has an E at the end. I don't know if you did that purposely or not. But I love your writing and the story line for this so far is amazing. XD
    October 30th, 2009 at 07:27pm
  • MusicSavedMyLife

    MusicSavedMyLife (100)

    United States
    WOAH!!! I did not see that coming. That was really awesome. And I'm glad you updated this story. It's awesome. XD
    October 26th, 2009 at 10:05pm
  • secrets-that-die

    secrets-that-die (100)

    United States
    i had a feeling billie would be back
    loved the update
    October 25th, 2009 at 02:22am
  • MyChemicalRainbow

    MyChemicalRainbow (100)

    et t'as INTERET A LUI ENVOYER UN MAIL OU SMS A DAMIEN :p sinon jte botte les fesses..
    et c'est moi qui en envois un via facebook xD lol


    LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU SIS' ,-) !!!! (oui, jviens de me rappeller que j'étais borgne /D)
    October 25th, 2009 at 12:25am
  • MyChemicalRainbow

    MyChemicalRainbow (100)

    enorme :p juste ENORME ! franchement, jpense que t'aurais pas pu faire un meilleur chapitre que celui la xD tout ce que tu voulais caser y est allé parfaitement, on voit vraiment l'évolution dans ton écrit !!!
    quand je repense aux crétines genre "mais pourquoi t'écris des histoires en anglais?..." ça me donne envie de les envoyer chier en leur montrant ce que t'as fait xD
    je suis SUPER fière de toi !!! tu peux même pas savoir à quel point !!!! c'est énorme... j'adore ce chapitre ! j'adore Jimmy, comme il peut s'en foutre d'un peu tout ce qui lui arrive, et s'occuper aussi bien d'Athalya... et puis Brian qui est un gentil :) et puis aussi Zacky qui est encore un méchant xD
    (on entend pu parler de Johnny par contre?...) DEGAGE JUSTIN RAPIDO OU JE PETE UN CABLE XD
    j'aime trop.. et puis sans compter tous les trucs que je t'ai dis ds la discution msn parallèle xD
    le "where's Brian", j'ai cru que j'allais me pisser dessus... "OH NO, BRIAN IS DEAD !!!!" (avec la tete de Gad Elmaleh devant les yeux XD )
    et j'aime trop Suzan et David :) je veuuuux ces grands parents la xD genre qui invitent Jimmy meme s'il a l'air d'un débile profond au premier coup d' œil (genre les cheveux et le kimono... lol ^^)
    trop cool la maniere dont elle a maitrisé Justin d'ailleur !!! géniaaaaaaaal :p et puis la partie de baseball ca m'a refait penser a Twilight c:
    "moi, j'aime pas les loup-garous..." c'est bien Lulu, rendors toi xD
    bref, j'arrete de squatter ta page :) c'etait juste génial comme chapitre !


    encore désolée pr le vélo demain :(
    October 25th, 2009 at 12:24am
  • ButterflyWarmth

    ButterflyWarmth (125)

    United States
    Damn it! I pressed submit before I finished, anyways,

    OH MY GOD!!! Billie Joe!!!!

    I knew he would come back, I just knew it! Something is really really killing me though. Is he her dad? I mean they both have green eyes, right? Or is that just a coincidence? I'm just so curious!!! It's almost like he knew they would meet again. He wasn't shocked to see her again in the least. Maybe he recognized her mother in her.

    I hate that she ran away, but it's completely understandable because very few people would handle so much all at once. Maybe Billie and her mom were high school sweethearts or something. I really do hope that he's her dad, although that would really change everything. It would be really weird for her if he is. I mean she's idolized him for so long. But because her mom knew him, no wonder that she was into Green Day.

    I have so many questions and I can't wait to find the answers! Like is Jimmy going to develop deeper feeling for Athalya or is Brian the one who will steal her away? Loved it, maybe more tha I should and I'm absolutely addicted to this story! (Bet you already knew that!) I hope you find the time to update in the near future! I'll be waiting!!!! ^.^
    October 24th, 2009 at 10:41pm
  • ButterflyWarmth

    ButterflyWarmth (125)

    United States
    OH MY GOD!!!! I can't believe this! I love you so much right now!

    Haha, I could really write an essay about this chapter. So Brian finally showed up! I'm happy because he seems like a really nice guy! Jimmy. God I love him. He's absolutely awesome! I love Athalya's temper, mostly because I have one myself. I would have reacted the same way as her even though my mom's not dead. I would have been a little rougher though., maybe break a nose or an arm. Nobody talks shit about my mom.

    I can't believe Zack and Jason turned out to be such assholes. i mean, yeah, they didn't know, but they had no right to be so mean. Boys will be boys, I guess.. I love how Jimmy got angry, he's my favorite so far! I can't wait for more Brian though, he seems to have started to care for her too. I wonder if she felt so uncomfortable around him because he witnessed her break down like that. I am glad that he ran after her though, he and Jimmy are both such sweethearts!

    October 24th, 2009 at 10:31pm
  • Hell Gates

    Hell Gates (100)

    I've got so much to comment, I'm glad we talked on AIM while I was reading 'cause otherwise everything I said on AIM wouldn't have been said! 'Cause I always forget what I want to say lol.
    Ouch I just banged my elbow into my table because I'm stupid....
    Uhh anyway omcg the chapter was so awesome! I had such great time reading it, it was so much fun! So long <3
    I really love the way you show Athalya's trauma. 'Cause she really acts as after such horrible thing happened to her and you just describe it very well with events and all ^^
    And I so knew it was Billie!! Well of course I did, because of hints you gave me way back ;) But omcg I can't wait to see what happens next!!! Can't wait to the next chapter :mrgreen:
    October 24th, 2009 at 10:27pm
  • XdarkblueX

    XdarkblueX (100)

    Puerto Rico
    billie joe is in her house!!

    u know i loved this chapter
    if you have that same temper than you are definetly a cooler chick than i gave you credit for
    i wish i could hold my ground that well
    October 24th, 2009 at 09:49pm
  • StallionDuckie6661

    StallionDuckie6661 (100)

    United States
    Oh my god Hun. I am in love with chapter 6!!!!
    She kicked Justin's pathetic ass. It's so sweet, with everyone looking after her like they are. I love how the twins call her Frenchie. It make me want to watch Grease now, lol. I have to agree with CharmedAngel88 about Zacky being the bad guy. She's a lucky girl to have the guys as her friends. I love Jimmy and how overprotective he is. It's to cute!
    Absolutely loved the update!! I can't wait for more!!
    Keep up the good work Hun!!!
    October 24th, 2009 at 09:43pm
  • CharmedAngel88

    CharmedAngel88 (100)

    United States
    Yay! Brian's in the story! *Dances* I've been waiting for Brian for forever! Haha.
    It's good to see that Brian's a nice guy, not an ass like Zacky and Justin have been. Goodness, I really dislike Z in this story and it upsets me because Z's cool. Haha. It was way over the line what he and Justin said though. That was just plain disrespectful and I don't blame her for blowing up at them. Hell, I would have probably done the same if I had reached my melting point.
    And Billie Joe, eh? I had a feeling he would be coming back into this story.
    I loved the update, long updates are fun, and I'm lookin' forward to more!
    October 24th, 2009 at 09:31pm
  • MyChemicalRainbow

    MyChemicalRainbow (100)

    ya une faute d'orthographe dans la (pourtant courte ^^') partie en français :) le "ils sont partiS"... il manque le "s" :p limite si tu parles pas mieux Anglais xD !!
    génial ton chapitre, je t'avais dis que je le lirai aujourd'hui :) et super long ^^ mais j'ai réussi a tout lire d'un coup sans que mon compte se déconnecte ! (c'est pour dire la vitesse d' exécution ^^ lol
    trop bien la partie avec Jimmy, chez Athalya !et le fait qu'elle le remet en place à midi ^^
    et quand est-ce qu'on entend parler de Briaaaaaaaaan?!! :D bientôt j'espère... ^^
    et TROP FORT le coup de Matty et le "marry me" a table :)

    ahh nan mais la scène finale avec Jimmy et Athalya qui parlent de BJ et Jimmy qui décide de la protéger... chapeau :p
    et puis la baguette de Tré ^^ super endroit pour la replacer dans l'histoire :p mais... ca veut dire que tu es morte? Oo et que Athalya c'est ta fille? XD et ba ya des airs de famille qui sont persistants :p

    <3 you, x-mini-Bibi-x ? :D
    October 19th, 2009 at 09:03pm