Like Cherry Wine - Comments

  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh wow, you're description is flawless and it was jsut worded so perfectly
    I loved it
    November 14th, 2009 at 07:41pm
  • boychild.

    boychild. (100)

    I read this on Rate The Story, and from what I read I thought it seemed so sweet and nice that I wanted to read more :tehe:

    It's so sweet, and Kris is just so oblivious and stupid that I feel to slap him.

    The difference you make between them, with the Candy whine - Adam liking it and Kris don't - is really good, and it makes me think that Kris only drinks it because Adam likes it. Even though he dislike it so much, he keeps drinking instead of just pouring it all out.

    The kiss between them is so sweet, without being over descripted, because you're only focusing on the feeling, on the taste, and that makes me like the description of it so much.

    I really like this, and it's so well done, good job :arms:
    September 27th, 2009 at 06:20pm
  • Cristina Scabbia

    Cristina Scabbia (220)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I haven't reviewed anything of yours for so long...I think this is a fact that needs to change! :tehe: This was such an interesting piece, it really made me think and it was so sad too. I just want to give Kris a great big hug because I feel so bad for him!

    I really liked the opening line. It was something a little bit different and I like how it's something that is echoed throughout the rest of the story. It started on a bit of an alcoholic note and it finished on one as well. I liked the consistency, it shows that you've worked on this a lot and you've really taken the storyline and kept everything flowing. It's easy to see that you know exactly what you're doing.

    I loved the repetition of this. If he weren’t so ridiculously tall, and so ridiculously confident, and so ridiculously Adam, someone might have ribbed him for it. It's a really good description and really helped me to understand the type of character that Adam is. He comes across as this very open, likeable guy who it's impossible to hate. He's not somebody who it's easy to make fun of and he seems like somebody who is a lot of fun. The way you got the point across is good too, it's like Adam is consistently over the top and there's no inbetween with him. It's all or nothing with him.

    This actually made me feel a little bit sad. It’s for every time Adam comes over... silent invitations for him to stay a little longer. He never does for too long, though. I cut the quote a little bit because I didn't want to quote heaps and these are the bits I just want to talk about in a bit more detail. I think it's really sweet that Kris goes to all of this effort just for Adam, he really tries so hard and he's just rewarded with nothing. Adam never stays for too long and it just cuts into Kris. All he wants is Adam's company and for him to pay attention to him, but his mind is always elsewhere and never with Kris, which was really heartbreaking to read.

    And this was the worst line. It tastes like Adam, or what he always imagined Adam would taste like. Kris doesn't like it, but he drinks it because all he truly wants is Adam, and this is like the next best thing to him because he knows that Adam always drinks this. I think that when he drinks it, he likes to pretend that he's just kissed Adam and this is the aftertaste of the kiss. And then when he just tips it all away, it's like he's trying to tip his feelings for Adam down the sink with the drink, but it's just failing and that's an aspect of why he feels so numb. Like, the alcohol is messing with his head and stuff, but he feels numb because these feelings just refuse to go away. He wants to be happy for Adam but he just can't because of those feelings, and it's heartbreaking to read.

    I thought this was a perfect reaction (if those are the right words to use). “The happy couple,” Kris says flatly, nabbing the bottle back and tipping its contents down the drain. Adam's walked in on this very private moment of Kris and Adam can't read the expression on Kris's face, which is why he laughs whilst asking Kris who he's toasting. And Kris is just not sure exactly what to say and he knows that he's been caught in this vulnerable situation that can't really get any worse, so he just carries on as normal.

    I think that Adam thinks that he knows Kris better than he really does. Kris decides he hates that cautious note in his voice – like he was expecting him to snap any second. And now that he's crossed this Kris that he's never really faced before, he's awfully cautious and a little bit scared of how Kris will react to things that he does. And Kris has noticed this and he hates it.

    Kris kind of wants to cry. And now Nat wants to cry as well! Smiley

    And his reaction to when Adam told him that he tasted good! “I taste like you.” That's really sad to read, he's been trying to recreate the taste of Adam in his own mouth and it would happen that Adam would kiss him at that exact time. And I think he told Adam that because he wants him to know that he doesn't normally taste like this.

    Kris just had to ask. He had to know because he felt so guilty about the fact that he's kissed a man who is engaged to be married. “He always did. Fuck, Kris, the entire fucking world knows, but you never – until…” Adams reaction was just so...sad. Just like the rest of the story. I really am nearly in tears right now, this story has really affected me for some reason. And it's the fact that Kris has just been completely oblivious to what's in front of him, when everybody else but him knows - even Adam's fiancé knows.

    I really loved the ending, it was beautiful. I like how it's not "perfect" and Adam's not going to leave Drake for Kris, but all the feelings are out in the open and everybody knows where they stand. Everything has been rounded off, but at the same time it's still a bit open-ended and open-ended stories are my favourite type.

    September 27th, 2009 at 12:37am
  • Teenage Dirtbag.

    Teenage Dirtbag. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh my Lambert, why does this not have any comments? It was wonderful (pretty much like ALL of your Kradams, you amazing writer, you). I'm rubbish at leaving huge meaningful comments, so I'll try to make this short and sweet.

    Firstly, I love how you really paid attention to how you described the wine and the way Kris interacted with it (that sounded so ridiculous). Like, it really puts across his emotions well.

    The wine splashes almost violently as it meets the metal, splattering in pretty red droplets on Kris’ counter, on his wall, red freckles on cream-colored skin… Kris peers curiously at the dots, runs a finger over one and licks it. Cherry. Adam. Adam Lambert-Labry.

    fingers tight around the neck of it as if choking someone.

    And this: letting the eighth bottle vomit into the sink. For some reason, I absolutely loved how you personified the bottle like that.

    Now, moving on from the alcohol. :tehe:

    You write SUCH good dialogue. :cheese: Really, it's perfect. I can't even pick out little bits of it because it was all so good. So we'll move on again.

    And tilts his chin up, slides into his space and digs his nose into his cheek – and just like that they’re kissing. Kris can hardly remember that he’s waited years for this; it’s such a sweet kiss, sweeter than he ever thought it would be, replaying it a thousand times in his head. Sweet like the wine, like the breaths shared between their open mouths, and it leaves Kris somehow more lightheaded than before.

    “You taste so good,” Adam tells him.

    “I taste like you.” Kris turns his head, so that the second kiss lands on his cheek. He tries to hide how breathless he is, but his lungs betray him. He attempts to clear his head, but it seems he’s drunker than he thought. It feels like his buttons are undoing themselves – the little bastards, coming apart one at a time – and then there’s warmth taming the goose bumps on his flesh, wide hands mapping over his chest, possessive as they graze his sides. Adam nudges the shirt off his shoulder, lips soft and fitted perfectly on the hollow of his neck, the puzzle piece he never thought he’d lost.

    THAT. That there was some damn fine piece of writing. It made me wanna cry for some reason. Cry Just beautiful. I especially loved the digs his nose into his cheek – and just like that they’re kissing. part. I mean, I've NEVER heard a kiss being described as someone's nose digging into someone's cheek. You're so original with your language.

    The only one little nitpick I had was when you said watch it swivel down the drain. It sounded just a little wrong to me for some reason...maybe 'swirl' would work better? IdkIdk. Like I said, I'm only nitpicking.

    ...this has most certainly not turned out to be the short and sweet comment I intended to write. :shock: But anyway. As usual, AMAZING job, bb.
    September 26th, 2009 at 11:39am