Sunflowers - Comments

  • This was wonderful. Like, crying/laughing out loud while running through a car wash wonderful. I really liked how each 'time' started off with the same thing...what I meant to say was that the repetition was really well done. Yeah.
    Fantastic. Loved it. :-]
    December 17th, 2009 at 12:54am
  • A. Maz. Ing.
    November 9th, 2009 at 07:57am
  • :O O.M.F.G. There are no words to describe how fucking amazing this is!
    Hehe, what a coincident. I saw the title of this and instantly began to play Yellow by Coldplay before I even knew it had anthing to do with the song.

    Seriously though, I can't even describe how amazing this is. I envy your fantastic writing skills. they blow my mind!
    September 24th, 2009 at 04:30am
  • Smiley
    Yeah, that's all that's left. A heart.
    Outstanding writing. You should be a professional.
    September 22nd, 2009 at 12:49am
  • Oh my god. Oh my god. OH MY FUCKING JON. THIS.

    Okay, let's take it from the top.

    “Bilvy,” he begins but is abruptly cut off by a sneeze emitting from his nostrils, “Bilvy, estoy enfermo.”

    I told you that the other day! But I'm better with just a cough. \o/

    “¡Estoy, uh . . .” William pauses and presses his eyes shut, quickly skimming his brain for the accurate words; he knows any grammatical mistakes will earn him another never-ending Spanish lesson from the older man, “¡Estoy en el sofá!”

    LOL Bill sucks like Spanish! Yo tambien! Que casualidad! It's ok Bill baby ily anyways.

    The grin makes William change his mind and actually want a Spanish lesson with Gabe; a lesson on the names of each and ever part of the body, perhaps.

    And since I am a teenaged boy, I approve of this highly. (;

    “What's going on?” he asks, rubbing the corner of his eye with the palm of his hand. “Is everything alri—are you alright?”

    AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Are YOU alright? IDEK, it gets me. <3

    Wait ok so before I continue with quoting, I want you to know that I hate Coldplay with a burning passion (idk if we've discussed this, but listen before you facedesk) but I fucking LOVE the song Yellow and it fucking makes me wanna cry sometimes because it's so beautiful and-- yeah, obvious AMAZING choice there. In Love

    Okay so I might have just started playing "Yellow" and reading the last part and crying. Yeahhh. Omfg the things you do to me, you amazing writer you.

    “William,” Gabe whispers, to which William responds with an equally as silently whispered syllable. “Listen,” he whispers, “Open your ears and shut your eyes and let this all in and fucking listen because this is all for you.”

    Before William can even open his mouth to argue Gabe is speaking anew, “You—you are fucking golden, dude, okay? You're golden. So listen carefully now; pay attention to every sound reaching your ears.”

    I love it when people call each other "golden". I don't really know why. I just do, and it's like ASDFGHJ and made my brain totally short circuit, because fucking Gabe, how are you real?

    When Gabe glances at William through the wax candle's flame, he sees tears forming in his eyes, but there's a smile on the younger boy's lips so Gabe doesn't worry at all—no, he merely finishes off the song singing,

    “Look at the stars; look how they shine for you, and all the things that you do.”

    Endless hearts are being thrown to you, via me.

    This is like seriously the best belated birthday gift EVER, and like I'm so jealous of your skills, because it wasn't cliche at all it was so beautiful and just WOW, you're amazing, you know? I think you know that already because I tell you that a lot when I comment your shiz. BUT YOU'RE A-FUCKING-MAZING, and this made my 14 year old boy self very happy. :cute: I love youuu. :arms:
    September 20th, 2009 at 03:38pm