Mother May I - Comments

  • AnalAcid

    AnalAcid (100)

    United States
    We'eve all felt this way, no?
    The way the words were put together, meshed so well, it made me remember how trapped and scared I felt once.
    I don't know, but that's how I saw it- Pure fright.
    I still feel that way now..
    And you portrayed it beautifully.
    A scared, lonely, boy. Afraid of the world.
    Is he afraid of Gerard?
    The artist and possibly dangerous and abusive older brother?
    Maybe he taunts him?
    Maybe the safe and yet very false security he brings Mikey is something?
    I don't know,
    you left my mind rambling on and on about this.
    Very very well done, mein liebling. <3
    September 21st, 2009 at 11:30pm
  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    To begin, like I said on the message board for the contest, I am very proud of you for writing an entry that quickly. :D

    :cheese: That opening paragraph was simply beautiful. I love how you turned my prompt from something simple to something extraordinary. It popped into my head because my bedroom walls are actually covered in words but I love you made it so they weren't literally there. The little detail about the lavender laundry detergent made me smile as well, since it's supposed to be a relaxing scent. :)

    Even though it wasn't very long, I love how this entry didn't just say everything in a straight forward fashion. You kind of left the door wide open for us to interpret it on our own, which I really liked. This was quite a good entry and I'd like to thank you for entering the contest. :)
    September 20th, 2009 at 10:45pm