Summer Nights. - Comments

  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    The title of this makes me think of Grease. :tehe:

    The image of Mikey trying to look cool made me giggle and blush. I think he's a little too awkward to pull it off but he'd probably look quite good while attempting to pull it off. :XD I love how you used the prompt to further his awkwardness. I cannot stand it when boys smell like they bathed in cologne but you made it cute in Mikey's case. :)

    :lmfao Of course Gerard would be the one who tried to get Mikey to look cool. That would explain the sunglasses.

    I like how you gave us a jist of their back story together when Sam said that she picked Mikey. It makes me think that she was torn between Gerard and Mikey at one point.

    That ending on the beach was absolutely adorable and I laughed again when Sam asked Mikey to not wear the cologne again. :XD You used the prompt well and this was adorable. Thanks for entering the contest! :D
    September 25th, 2009 at 05:37pm