The Art of Reckoning - Comments

  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Flawless as always :)

    I was waiting for the time a flashback would come and you didn't disappoint. I was right with her as she was crying in the bathroom!! But what I'm definitely waiting for now is to find out exactly why she wants vengeance on...well...vengeance. You've hinted to rejection, heartbreak and humiliation but I want to know exactly what went down!! Because if it was back in high school, I feel that Zacky needs a little bit of a break. He was only a kid. Boys are notoriously are men...but some of them grow out of it :D

    The texts between them at the end were just adorable. I, for one, do not think this is going to end well for dear old Lucy. I can't help but feel she's going to just cause herself some pain too. I mean, really, who can't help but fall for Baker boy and his charms?? ;)

    I loved it!! And I can't wait for more!! x
    October 22nd, 2012 at 11:53am
  • Its_RobynXo

    Its_RobynXo (100)

    United States
    I loved the update! Looking forward to more! <3
    October 20th, 2012 at 09:31am
  • Lua.

    Lua. (100)

    I loved the flashback, and getting to know her high school time. I so want to know what they did to her on her prom, they sure were real assholes back then but Zack seems like he changed I don't know he just seems like a sweet guy now. Haha I'm torn if I want her to go through with the plan or not, while reading the flashback I was like DO IT! and then at the end with his texts I was like NO, haha I love it a lot though, just need to make up my mind xD
    October 19th, 2012 at 03:03pm
  • gothique4

    gothique4 (100)

    I'm seriously loving this, and yes Zacky and the guys certainly deserve a little revenge coming their way. I feel so bad for Lucy for all of the shit that was pulled on her in school :-(
    October 17th, 2012 at 01:07pm
  • ZV's Harlot

    ZV's Harlot (100)

    United States
    So I went back and read it from the beginning of course. I still
    Love it, but I am confused- has it been 9 years or a week?
    September 28th, 2012 at 05:18am
  • Its_RobynXo

    Its_RobynXo (100)

    United States
    I had to re-read it all again but I'm loving it! Can't wait for more! <3
    September 23rd, 2012 at 03:26am
  • Lua.

    Lua. (100)

    So happy you updated again! I just love your writing and your long chapters, hope to see more soon :)
    September 19th, 2012 at 09:29pm
  • HeartFailure

    HeartFailure (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    YAY!!! I did love the fact that you updated and I did love the chapter :) cracking English write there from me!! tee hee.

    I love the way you write, generally. I always feel like I'm right there watching the drama unfold!!

    I can't wait for more :)
    September 19th, 2012 at 07:27pm
  • kaitlyn5056

    kaitlyn5056 (100)

    United States
    Hello there, I was brought here by comment swap.
    Anyways, I didn't have much time to read this, let alone enough to type this (I'm currently in class typing this under my hoodie), but what I've read so far is great. I didn't seem to notice any grammar erorrs or anything. Keep writing!
    September 4th, 2012 at 10:10pm
  • The_Used

    The_Used (100)

    LOVED the update. Sorry I was late. I'm sooo fucking late at reading stories and updating mine... So you were oversea uh? I wonder where you went??? :P I MISS YOU! COME BACK!!

    Anyway, back to the story, I loved everything about it.. But Blake better back off or she'll have serious issues lol.
    I love where this is going and I really cant wait to read more of this. Another story of yours I'll be hooked on!
    October 20th, 2010 at 09:49pm
  • Its_RobynXo

    Its_RobynXo (100)

    United States
    Loved the update! Can't wait to see what happens!
    October 18th, 2010 at 09:42am
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    Welcome to yet another installment of "Julia's Commenting Danni's Story While Reading", brought to you by the fact that you decided to finally update! hahaha. Yay. Let the commenting commence! =]

    Rancid is always a great way to kick off the start of the chapter. hahaha. I heard that song once and it got stuck in my head for days! It's catchy.

    FC Cancer... hahaha. I remember you telling me about that organization and I was thuroughly confused by the name at first. hah. But yay for Lucy! She's amazing for doing charity events. I would definitely go to those events and get drunk for the cause. =] All in all, it would be a win-win for everyone.

    hahaha. Zacky hastily signed up without asking anyone else. I love that. =] hahahahahahahah... of course the man would agree to do anything when he's that drunk and horny. Just as long as he gets to fuck something, he'll do whatever it takes to reach that goal. ahahaha.

    Zacky wouldn't back out of that agreement. I'm sure he's thinking it's just another chance to see her again so he wouldn't give that up, especially if he's thinking he can try to make Lucy reconsider being with him. haha. But I find it fascinating that Lucy's thinking about luring him in again... what did he do that was so evil to her to warrent all that embarassment?! Why must the pretty boy suffer?? ahhaha

    HAHAHAHA. Blake's all paranoid about people parking next to her precious car. I have friends that are like that. They want "air space" for their cars so they park in two parking spaces. hahahah. I hate it when they do that.

    I love how Blake's screaming can be heard from the back of the club. =] She's got a set of pipes on her, doesn't she?

    Uh-oh, the phone call doesn't seem to be going well. HAHAHA. Franky got arrested for punching a dude who was checking out his chick? hahaha. How awesome is that. Even though the girls have a point about his constant willingness to get tossed in the slammer for punching out every guy that's lookin' at his chick would be annoying, I have to say, I wouldn't let him spend the night in the slammer as a punnishment for it. I would at least bail him out for trying to defend my honor. hahah. Besides, the chick knew what kind of guy he was and still chooses to stay with him so if she didn't like his over-protective nature, she should just leave his ass. haha

    "Check out my cleavage for the cause!" I love that. That's something I would definitely do. haha.

    hahaha... Liam already started drinking so now they're calling in Chris. =] that would be me. Liam and I started drinking together so he became unavailable. That's right. Your fictional characters are my drinking buddies. hahaha. Deal with it. =]

    hahahah. a stupid kid doing a knock and run... I have to try that out sometime and see how that goes. It sounds mildly entertaining.

    Yes! The Berry boys have made their appearance in the club! Yee! =] HAHAHA, Matt's there for moral support rather than merch support. I love it. Like the A7X boys need much moral support.

    AHAHAHA. Lucy doesn't really know what Zacky's been telling his friends about her. He's not gonna tell his guy friends about his rejection cuz that would hurt his pride and ego with his friends. They wouldn't let him hear the end of it. hahaha.

    Blake and Alex are texting. I like that. Alex would need some kind of distraction if he was bored in his hotel room. I'm pretty sure Blake would find some way to entertain him, either sexually or non-sexually. hahhaha.

    HAHAHA. Let the nerves set in as the boys walk into the room! I'm so excited to see what's gonna happen! =]

    HAHAHA. Blake doesn't want to be friendly with Matt... which is just crazy since he's so gorgeous I would probably melt into a puddle in front of him. =] Besides, things might have changed. People aren't often the same people they were a long time ago. hahaha.

    Awww no, Matt used to be an asshole back in the day?? =[ That makes me sad... though I like that Blake say that she'd do him if she didn't hate him with a firey passion. She's really the kind of girl I can see being my BFF. Maybe she'll also become my drinking buddy... her and Liam. hahaha

    Oh yay! New characters!! =] Sammy, Owen, and Aaron. hahahaha. I really like Owen. He seems like a barrel of fun flirtatiousness. Aww, and Sammy is just too cute! Wanting to work at the same bar so she can be close to Aaron. I like that. I wanna cheer for them to get together. *whips out a banner that reads 'Go Sammy + Aaron!'* haha.

    HAHAHA. I love that Owen seems to know that Aaron's all interested in Sammy and the girls don't. How don't they know?? Even I knew and I know nothing about either of them! hahaha. Something better happen between them or else. -_-

    ZACKY HAS ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!! hahaha. I kind of get the feeling that Blake is orchestrating all this drama. I mean, I know Lucy wants to get even with Zacky, for whatever reason but still, Blake seems to instigate Lucy into carrying out this childish game. Hmm.... well whatever. I'm sure there's more drama to ensue.... and I'll be happy to read that as it continues. =]

    hahaha. I love that she knows he'll seek her out by the end of the night. What if he decided to just change up his game though? I would love to see her have to figure out a new way to play if he didn't seek her out like she thought he would. hahahaha. =]

    The games better begin soon cuz now I'm waiting patiently for the next part of the story!!! I want more!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!! hahaha. I know your screen name and facebook account. I shall hunt you down and leave many messages if I don't get my update soon! =]
    October 9th, 2010 at 01:27am
  • AngelNight290

    AngelNight290 (100)

    United States
    Loved the update!
    Cant wait to see if Zacky comes ups and talks to her!
    More soon please
    October 9th, 2010 at 12:56am
  • Shadowsgirl

    Shadowsgirl (100)

    this story sounds really intresting!
    I'm so happy your updating!
    October 8th, 2010 at 05:49pm
  • Fictional.Reality

    Fictional.Reality (100)

    United States
    great update!!!!
    It is totally adorable how Sammy and Aaron like each other
    please update soon i really cant wait to see how Zacky seeks Lucy out
    <3 Michele
    October 8th, 2010 at 05:45pm
  • insomniac_schwam

    insomniac_schwam (100)

    United States
    So, I'm hurt that you didn't tell me that this story had officially started... seriously. =[ I only found out by accidently clicking the link to it in your messageboard signature. But now that I know, be prepared for the comment. =] Cuz now, we begin "Julia's Epic Comment Writing While Reading!" hahaha.

    And START!

    hahaha.... I know exactly how she feels with trying to shut off the alarm and not finding it. It happens to me every time I have to wake up for class. =/ Seriously, it's the worst feeling. haha.

    Ohh.. city health inspector meeting. That doesn't sound like a blast. I would hate to have to wake up for that.

    And I totally understand the panda eyes from the lack of sleep. I always get that too... but cuz I'm an insomniac that never sleeps... not cuz I'm a restless sleeper. I hate those nights of restlessness though. They happen every once and a while. haha. She and I have a love in common so far. =]

    OH! Such a cute outfit! I can totally picture it now... and I like it! =]

    And an awesome car! Yes! this girl is getting better and better by the minute! hahaha.

    HAHAHAHA. Blake reminds me of me when I used to work at Jamba... just showing up to do something like taking inventory cuz I needed to get away from people. hahaha. I know girls like Carmen too... and boys! Mainly, it's the boys that I try to get away from. hahaha. But I do feel bad for her... since it's her baby sister. I dunno what I would do if I had a sister like that. =/ haha

    and I love how Blake's dressed like a rainbow practically threw up in her. "I felt like adding a bit of color." hahah. YEAH! It's lovely.

    So, I'm guessing Bobby's not the preferred man. hahaha. OMG! EWWW.... now I see why they don't like him... he's totally hitting on Lucy even though he's still gross. No! No me gusta! I would run away! hahaha. And Blake's totally enjoying the show! hahaha. I would kill her if she were my friend and did that to me. ahahah.

    “Oh, no, honey, he’s already undressed you with his eyes. He’s onto fantasizing about the stuff he’d do to you by now,” she replied, keeping her voice low so she wasn’t overheard.

    Bwahahaha!!!! I love that cuz it's so true! haha

    Man, Blake's asking for a slaughtering from Lucy for pushing her towards Bobby. hahaha. I would totally kill her. hahaha.

    AH! NO!!! No business or pleasure!!! Yuck!

    HAHAHA. So Zacky is just referred to as "that douche"? I love that name for him. hahahaha. Such a lovely pet name if they ever decide to befriend him in real life. hahah.

    “A girl can never have enough beef in her life,” she added, winking suggestively.

    I nearly pissed myself laughing when I read that. hahaha. My friend said something similar three days ago. hahaha.

    Oh... I bet she DOES feel guilty for rejecting Zacky. As I said last time, how could she be so harsh to someone as beautiful and naked as Zacky? hahaha. But seriously, her words are gonna catch up to her! And I can't wait until the guilt starts appearing in buckets! hahaha.

    Oh no... now Blake and Lucy are scheming... and nothing good can come of this plan of theirs. There's no way that it'll be as easy as Lucy thinks it will be but I look forward to watching her realize that. hahaha. It's gonna be so much fun! hahaha. I'll be screaming "I told you so" the entire time I continue reading. hahaha.

    YAY! A second encounter at a charity show! =] hahaha. The only thing I worry about here is that she's actually going through with this plan.... I mean, granted she's hurt but she's definitely gonna regret this when she actually fails. But boy, how I will love to read about her failings. hahahah.

    hahaha... she wants vengeance... do I sense a clever little pun there my Aussie companion? CUZ I LOVE THAT! hahaha. How amazing. hahaha.

    Oh wow... I just realized now that at the end of the chapter in the author's notes, you've provided the visuals to the outfit I had already imagined. hahaha. It really is cute though. haha. I like it. And the car is awesome.

    So far, I'm hooked. I can't wait for more!!!!!! You better provide me with an update when you get back or else, I shall poke you! hahaha. =]
    July 20th, 2010 at 09:19am
  • Lucky Charm

    Lucky Charm (100)

    United States
    more please!
    July 14th, 2010 at 06:12pm
  • The_Used

    The_Used (100)

    Second chapter, LOVE IT! Very fun story and I just love the sarcasm between the two girls :P
    Hope you update soon, cant wait to see what will happen. I have a feeling it'll be quite interesting!
    July 6th, 2010 at 08:18pm
  • Its_RobynXo

    Its_RobynXo (100)

    United States
    I really want to know what he did to her!
    and I have a feeling her plan just might backfire on her!
    cant wait for more!
    June 19th, 2010 at 07:47am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    'But she’s basically like a mushroom; she just kind of grows on you.'

    so happy that this story is up and running...
    and yes, i do expect updates regularly..
    sassy is having a spelling fail day...
    but i cant wait for this all to unfold..
    curiosity is killing me at what Zacky has done to her in the past, and will it end up all good?
    well done love, love your work!
    June 12th, 2010 at 02:12pm