The Six Swans - Comments

  • Star_Wanderer

    Star_Wanderer (100)

    Ok well first I didn't think I would get to read it all but I thought it was superb. I shall make a list for you because I think that would be best.
    1. I commend you on your stellar grammar and spelling!
    2. I love the ethereal(sp?) feeling and quality of your story. Even though it was modern I felt like a knight was going to pop out of no where at any minute.
    3. You use paragraphs!!! I rarely see that and it is lovely!
    4. I like how you made it long but no boring, that was highly commendable. It is not easy to hold a reader's attention for SIX whole chapters!!
    5. So it has been proved, 700 word count is POSSIBLE!!! Who knew? Tee hee so cookies for that.
    6. I loved how you made that story your own, you modernized it but you changed it to. It was JUST modern. It was unique!
    7. Alrighty welll I liked the light heartedness of most of the story, it was cheery even though this can be such a sad fairytale at times!

    Ok that's all for now but it was stuendous! winners will be announced when everyone hands in a story, or! October 25 ish.

    Kudos! And keep writing ! <3
    September 28th, 2009 at 05:53am