This Ain't a Love Story - Comments

  • I can't believe it's overr.

    Like... really.

    I'm sad about it.

    Really, really sad.

    Even if there is gonna be a sequel.

    You know me... I get sentimental about these things sometimes.

    Other than that though... I loved it.

    Can't wait for the sequel.

    January 14th, 2012 at 08:59am
  • Soooo...

    I loved it. So much. I really loved the stories from childhood. My brothers though? They better effin' watch it or I will beat them unconscious. Well Jake and Evan at least.

    I mean, seriously... trying to scare Matt about what our daughter is likely to turn out to be like at an early age, so no cool. They're just lucky that they didn't comment on the teenage years or they'd have been killed.

    There would have been no avoiding it.

    Just goes to prove... Brady is clearly the good big brother.

    Haha... Jake knocked up his girlfriend. He's in soo much trouble. I mean, first he did one of the stupidest things he could have and called his mother and pregnant sister crazy... then we go and find out this girlfriend of his we knew nothing about is preggers.

    Bet our parents are sooo not happy.

    But yeahh. I loved it.

    Update it...


    You know how much I hate waiting for this to get updatedd.

    January 4th, 2012 at 03:08am
  • So yeahh...

    I really did love this onee.

    And I really didn't realize I'd forgotten to comment it until now either. But I don't feel too bad since you totally forgot that I hadn't as well.

    So see how awesome I am? I totally coulda just slacked off and not done it, but here I am.... writing this.

    You have to excuse the fuckin' rambling... you know how much sleep i've had since Wednesday morning...

    But yeahh. Anyways... I really did love this. So much.

    Kim and Gary's reaction to the news was awesomee. Also... very amused that my family is going to be the last ones to know the sex of the baby. I mean... everyone is finding out before them. All I can say is... My mother better never find that out. Ever.

    Otherwise? The person that snitches is getting more than just a few stitches.


    I love Matt... really I do.

    He kinda really spoils me in this one and I think its adorable.

    The trip to New York should be fun though, so hurry and update it.

    You know I don't like waiting too long for themm.

    December 24th, 2011 at 08:03am
  • Holy effin' godd.

    The fluff in this one was freakin' ridiculous... in an epically fantastic way.

    Seriously, I absolutely adored this one. It made me smile tons. I was just... gahhhh! Yeah... It's rendered me incapable of telling you how fuckin' adorable I thought it was.


    I especially loved the part where the doctor asks Matt and I if we wanna know what we're having... actually I'm surprised the two of us didn't half yell our answer back due to the anticipation of finally getting to find out.

    I really do think its adorable how excited Matt is about it being a girl, by the way. I know its usually the mom that's uber excited about the baby, period, but he's so giddy about it I'm stuck here going 'Awwwww' uncontrollably.

    Ahaha... Summer was practically praying for a girl... that really amused me.

    Time to tell the families to buy lots of pink for the little bundles of joy.

    Wonder if Matt's gonna start regretting wanting a girl when he starts hearing stories of my childhood... lol.

    Anyways, I should think this comment made it pretty clear how much I loved this one.

    Update it again...

    Very soon.

    December 8th, 2011 at 12:30am
  • Okayy.

    So here I am.

    Finally. I know... its kinda taken me forever, well at least forever by my standards... really its only been what? A day?


    I'm here... listening to T-Pain... Don't ask. I couldn't tell you why even if I wanted.

    To get to the actual comment for these last two chapters though.

    I loved them. Both of them. So very much.

    Matt's dad giving me his mom's engagement ring made me go all girly and soft. Seriously. I was just like, 'Dawwww its soo sweet.'. I was also rather amused at how surprised everyone was when he gave it to me like that.

    I also liked how everyone was so surprised that I actually hugged Gary. I mean, it's not like he and I haven't been getting along since he apologized the first timee.

    Hehe, I've gotta say I feel kinda bad fer Johnny. He just got saddled with with three pregnant chicks and his fiancee. And not only that... but there is cake involved... He's gonna need to get drunk when they're done for the day.


    Yup. Told you... He's gonna need to get drunk, especially now that She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (aka Val) has showed up. Oh and she saw my new shiny and is so not happy about it. Oh well, I'd pretend I was concerned about it... but its just not worth the effort to me, lol.

    Oh yeah, I was super amused when I was like 'Hey my new shiny pisses her off to no end? Yeah its my new favorite accessory aside from my wedding and engagement rings'.

    Oh poor Johnny... he's just stuck there while three pregnant chicks and his fiancee bait a raging fuckin' psychopath like its no big deal. Oh course she comes at me and he has to step in. I don't blame him. I'd rather take a hit than have to face Matt's wrath after explaining to him why/how his crazy bitch ex-girlfriend managed to hit his very pregnant wife again. Yeahh... getting punched in the face sounds much more appealing than that.

    Bawwww. I love how excited Matt is about the baby noww. Makes me smile, mostly because it's really adorablee. Especically because he tells everyone about it. Turns me into mush, seriouslyy.



    Holy christ! Does Jimmy not feed his wife when people aren't around? Where the fuck is Summer gonna put all that fuckin' food? *shakes head* I mean seriously... she basically just ordered the equivalent of what Sam and I ordered for the both of us. Haha... I love how Johnny basically begging the people at McDonald's to cooperate so that he doesn't have to deal with raging crazy pregnant women who are either gonna cry or go postal if their food isn't exactly right.




    Do I even have to tell you how fuckin' adorable the end of this was with the text messages back and forth between me and Matt? I seriously stayed in the goo form for about twenty minutes after I read that... it was just so freakin' cuuuuuuuute. I makes me look forward to the chapter where me and Summer finally find out what we're havingg.

    But yeahh, anyways... like I said beforee.

    I loved it.

    Update it.

    Now, right now. I want moreeee.


    Yeah, that's right... you got extra hearts at the end because I loved these updates that muchh.
    December 4th, 2011 at 03:20pm
  • You were right.

    The beginning did make me laugh. Quite a bit actually.

    Especially when I threatened to let the dog pee on Matt. Also, the bacon part and Matt's apprehension where it was concerned had be giggling like a five year old.

    Gah... why is it that douche-y ex boyfriends always show up when they're least wanted? They should know better... then again... there is a reason that they're exes.

    I love how it took me basically yelling at Matt for him to stop that beat down, and even then it didn't really stop, he made Jimmy stop and then made a contribution.

    I sincerely hope that guy doesn't show back up though...

    He will end up dead if he does... of that I have no doubt.

    Anyway... I loved it.

    I want another update.


    Very, very soon.

    December 2nd, 2011 at 12:55am
  • Bawwwwww.

    Lookit those cuute babies!

    Matt did good with the cute fuzzies. Also, I loved how everyone, his father included, was on my side when I showed up at Summer and Jimmy's and explained why he wasn't with me. Not gonna lie, I was kinda surprised by it. Not that it was unwelcome, just... you know... extremely surprising given the fact that until a few chapters ago, he hated my guts.

    And what the shit is Michelle's deal? She needs a life, seriously. At least Leanne finally got to kick her ass though. Its been a long time coming, that's for sure.


    Soon, mmkay.

    November 17th, 2011 at 08:16am
  • This update?

    Entirely too short.

    I want another one. Now. Right now.

    Seriously... I think the only reason you're still alive is because there was no cliffhanger.

    Other than that, the Jimmy/Summer fluff was pretty adorable.



    November 16th, 2011 at 07:05am
  • So yeahh...

    I loved it, but really, isn't that a given at this point? Because it totally should be if its not.

    Honestly, I think that Jimmy's parents took the news fantastically. I mean, not only do they find out their son's fiancee is preggers, but they find out she's not his fiancee anymore because they ran off and got married as did all of his unmarried friends, save for Johnny but he counts with that because he will be married soon enough. Most parents would flip the fuck out, not that you can really blame 'em, but his are all "Okay, get me a drink and lemme absorb this".

    Though I'm not gonna lie, I laughed my ass off because of how shocked they were that Zack was married. Then again, you already know because I was talking to you when I read that part.


    I love how Brian still catches shit for being a good cook. I love it even more that he was catching it from his own wife.




    They're getting married in a fuckin' month? Are you kidding me? When I'm gonna be all huge and pregnant and fat? And to top that off, as the bride's best friend I'm gonna have to be in some uncomfortable dress standing in front of a bunch of people? She couldn't wait 'til I popped the kid out and lost the baby weight? You know I'm gonna be a bitch when I find out.

    Poor Matt... he's gonna be the one stuck listening to me too. Should be a fun time for him... not.

    So yeahh, update it.

    Really, really soon.

    Mostly because I want you too.

    Okay... so really it's entirely because I want you too... I could care less how demanding anyone else is, lol.

    July 4th, 2011 at 07:34am
  • So, uh yeah...

    Let's just start this by saying...


    And I mean both that this got updated and I got off my ass and commented. XD

    Seriously though, I loved it. Absolutely adored it.

    I'm so glad Matt's dad is finally warming up to me because, let's face it, if he hadn't? Holidays were going to be so awkward. I'm jussayin'.

    At least Matt and I didn't have to worry about throwing yet another family disaster... I mean cookout! Gary and Kim took care of that for us this time. Lol.Why is it I always get Matt's card shoved at me. I mean, not that mind, but I do have money of my own that I can spend.

    What. The. Fuck?

    Seriously? What the shit is Val's deal? Shouldn't she be over Matt leaving her at this point? I mean, it's fairly obvious he's not gonna get back with her, like ever. She's lucky she left with the cops though, because we all know if Jordan had been there she'd have probably been leaving on a stretcher.

    Matt is going to be sooooooooo pissed when I get back to the house and he sees me. Especially when he finds out exactly what happened.

    Okay, so worry overtook the angries. More than acceptable. *Nods*

    Haha, I can only imagine how tired I am of explaining the black eye. Maybe I should just wear a sign around my neck that tells the whole story for me? You can't tell me it wouldn't be wayyy easier. Lol.

    But yeah, like I said, I loved it.


    Like, now, mmmkay?

    June 30th, 2011 at 09:39am
  • wowies!!
    val and michelle are totally losers!
    November 6th, 2010 at 11:55am
  • Sooo...

    I loved it.

    Then again, I'm sure you already knew that because how long have I been on yer ass about wanting to know how that apology thing went?

    Since you last updated?

    Yeahh, that sounds about right.

    It definitely didn't disappoint either.

    And the cute fluffies at the end?

    Yeahh, it mad me smile and go 'Awww' quite a bit.

    Update it.



    October 26th, 2010 at 01:06pm
  • dude this story is amazing XD hope fully the next chapter is out soon XD
    August 13th, 2010 at 02:56pm
  • Soo...


    I fuckin' loved it.

    Then again, you knew I would.

    I want to know what the fuck Matt's dad said to me though. Seriously.

    That was soo no cool.

    I've been waiting for that apology for months, and what do you do?

    You go and skip right over it.

    So not cool.

    *Shakes head*

    At least Val Got her ass kicked though. That made me happy. Then again, it usually does.


    Update it.


    Very soon.

    August 9th, 2010 at 10:04pm
  • Dawww.



    Seriously. This was so cute and fluffy and just... yeah. I loved it. It definitely did make up for LS a little. Not entirely, but it did do a pree good job of it.

    My brothers' reactions were pree awesome. I won't lie.

    And the guys' reaction to Sam being pregnant, even if it wasn't verbal made me giggle. Quite a bit.


    I loved it.

    I want it updated.



    June 22nd, 2010 at 02:35am
  • *Glares*

    I want an update.

    Like ten seconds ago.


    Stupid cliffhangers. You know they make me want to kill things.

    Other than that, I loved it though. Poor Matt... started out so sweet and innocent... and that went straight to hell with one stupid nightmare. *shakes head*



    Like right now.

    I demand it.

    June 14th, 2010 at 10:28pm
  • Ahh.

    Do I even need to tell you how much I loved it?


    Didn't think so. Sam's mom and Matt's dad really do make a nice pair huh? Neither one of them can find it in them to just be happy fer their kid. Noo... instead they have to be all bitchy about everything. Especially Matt's dad. I mean... just... arrgh.

    Of course he walked out. It really is a habit for him, isn't it? *Shrugs* whatever. I'm over it.




    Update soon.

    Because I want to know if Matt's dad is ever gonna pull his head out of his ass and give me a chance. I know the outlook isn't good... buut...

    Can't blame me for hoping?

    Like I said...




    April 29th, 2010 at 09:24am
  • Awwww.

    I loved it.


    I loved everyone's reaction to me telling Val I was having Brian's baby... Why? Because it amused me at the time, that's why. Besides... it got her to leave us the fuck alone.


    *Glances at Matt's phone*

    It just got a whole lot less funny. *Nods* Trust Val to call his dad and tell him all about it. God. Does he really have to be such a jerk about it? I mean really, its a bit ridiculous.

    Haha. I love how Sam and I are so irritated to be out of bed at nine in the morning. Can't say I blame us. I mean, pregnant women are perpetually tired. Napping is almost an Olympic event for them. *Nods* And as soon as we find out why we're up we're both like 'I can't wear this... I'll be back'. Hehe. I would totally do that. *Nods*


    I can totally see Matt sitting there cringing as I sing along to the Spice Girls.

    Not that I particularly care. I mean, come on, it's the Spice Girls. You have to love them... its just unacceptable not to.


    Cuute fluffy stuff. And Matt and I are married. As are Sam and Zack. Her mom should take that well... not.


    This is normally where I'd bitch at you to update soon...


    You've already done that, so I'm just gonna go read it.


    April 29th, 2010 at 09:13am
  • Hehehe...

    Poor Lea. I nearly gave her a heart-attack. I do feel kinda bad about that. I suppose I could have gone about telling them about it a little more tactfully. But seriously... Michelle's call to Brian and Lea's made it worth it. *Nods* Hey... maybe it'll even get Michelle to stop harassing them.

    I mean it though.

    One call to me in the middle of the night and I will find a phone cord to strangle her with.


    Haha... I'm pretty sure Brian and Lea wouldn't be to happy if Matt and I started anything in their pool. Lol. So yeah... probably a good thing everyone showed up when they did. Hehe.

    Poor Matt...

    Getting glared at by Jordan because Michelle's calling him. And all we can do is laugh about it. Not that you can blame us... anyone who was there for the conversation before would have died laughing too.

    We'll just have to inform them all later.


    I loved it.

    Update it...


    *Nods more*

    April 27th, 2010 at 09:02am
  • Haha.

    I fucking loved it.

    Then again... when don't I?

    You can't really blame me though. I mean, between me telling Matt we're getting married and that bit with Val at the end. *giggles* I loved how I was just like 'Well, maybe it's Brian's baby'. Especially since he is definitely the least likely candidate for that. I mean, come on... even if I was willing to cheat on Matt, Brian's so in love with Leanne there's like no chance of him being the potential father.

    And the fact that she believed it...

    Goes to show she's crazy.

    Oh god... what if she tells Michelle? *Falls over laughing*

    And I thought the look on Brian's face would be awesome... I'd pay to see the look on hers.






    April 23rd, 2010 at 09:06am