This Ain't a Love Story - Comments

  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    The kitchen has finally been covered here... Lol. It really is about time, you know. *Nods*


    His dad really doesn't like me, in this, and I still don't get it. What I really, really don't get though, is why he's so fond of Val. I mean, really, she totally took advantage of Matt, and so what if I was sleeping with Matt before he broke things off with her. Obviously I wasn't relying on him to take care of me... it was just sex then. He needs to get off my case about that one. *Nods*

    GO MATT! I mean, seriously. He totally just went off on his dad, and it was pretty much just freakin' epic. I loved it! Maybe he'll finally stop being such a douche and treat me like I'm actually a person now. And, for the record, I totally agree. An apology is definitely owed to me.


    Haha. Looks like its time for a shotgun wedding. I wouldn't be surprised if we just had everyone show up to dinner some place and the four of us walked in and were like 'So guess what... we're married!'. Lol. You know I'd do something like that so don't even give me that look. Hehe. I was also super amused that Matt doesn't even know he'll be married in a couple weeks. Made me laugh, mostly because that's the type of thing I would do. Come to a decision about something that doesn't just effect me and then inform everyone else that it does effect later. So yeah, like I said, that one doesn't shock me at all.

    Buut, yeah.

    I wanna know how Matt reacts to that news...

    So update.



    April 22nd, 2010 at 03:51am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    Let's go ahead and thank Matt's dad for totally ruining that party. I mean really, he couldn't keep that shit to himself? And then he goes and calls me a whore? In front of my parents? What the fuck is that? Just... Arrgh. He's such an asshole.

    At least Matt stuck up for me and kicked his dad out. Seems to be becoming a habit for him, doesn't it? His dad behaves like a total dick and Matt boots his ass out. Hopefully this time his dad either grows up or just doesn't come around until he can stop being a total fuckin' douche to me.


    Haha. Matt just walked into the girls' bathroom. Why am I not surprised? Oh that's right, because it's Matt and he just doesn't give a shit.

    Awws. Cuute. That fluff... just... yeah. It was adorable. *Nods*

    In case you weren't sure... I was totally in love with all of it. Lol.

    And Jordan pulling me back in the bathroom so I didn't spend the night looking like a mess...

    God bless her. Lol.

    Seriously. It's bad enough I spent most of my birthday in tears, but to spend the rest of it looking like shit, so not cool.

    But yeah...

    This chapter was amazing.

    I absolutely loved it, save for Gary and his 'Let's be an asshole' attitude.

    I can't wait fer the next one...

    So hurry and update.


    April 16th, 2010 at 12:46am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States


    I knew Sam was pregnant.


    But yeah. The bit where Summer notice the shiny diamond on my finger was awesome too. I mean, it doesn't get any better than her going 'What the fuck is that?'. I couldn't help but giggle. Mostly because that's exactly how I'd have expected her to react. Especially since she was apparently clueless that Matt was even going to ask.

    Jimmy, however, didn't seem too awful surprised. Did Matt tell him before hand? *Looks suspicious* I have a feeling he might have. Otherwise... Jimmy should have been just as surprised.



    Sex on the couch.

    With Matt...



    You know... I think the only place Matt and I haven't banged in this one... is the kitchen.

    I mean, we've covered the shower, the living room (repeatedly), the car/garage, the stairs, the bedroom (the most obvious of them all)... but not the kitchen.

    I think it needs to be remedied.


    But yeah...

    Loved it.

    As per usual.

    I want another update...

    Very soon.


    April 8th, 2010 at 08:35am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I was totally not expecting the proposal thing. I mean seriously. Especially not after all the 'We're not ready to get married' speeches we've given, lol. I mean seriously. Just in the last chapter we did exactly that!

    And one chapter later? One chapter later we get engaged. I swear to god... the first parental unit to say 'I told you so' in any way shape or form I will choke them dead. And I'll get away with it by pleading temporary insanity, by way of pregnancy hormones.


    Oh holy crap...

    Sam's pregnant too? Everyone's having babies in this one. The only one not knocked up or with a new baby is Jordan. Don't get any ideas about that either. Johnny would keel over if she wound up pregnant. I'm sure he's hardly used to the idea that they're getting married... commitment-phobe that he is. Lol.

    Yeah... that's right. I'm not gonna let him forget that he took ages to ask her to be his girlfriend.

    Anyways... yeah.


    Really soon.



    April 8th, 2010 at 06:42am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I told you.

    I told you all... that cook out was not going to end well. And I was soo totally right that it isn't even funny.

    I mean could Matt's dad have been a bigger ass in that situation? *Shakes head* Yeah... I really don't think that he could have. Mmkay. I get that he doesn't like me... my parents weren't exactly fond of Matt, but they did suck it up and deal with it so why couldn't he? I mean really... there was no need for that huge fucking blow out, and there was definitely no need for what he said, or almost said (it's what-the fuck-ever if you ask me) about the baby not being Matt's.

    Don't even get me started on how uncalled for that was of him.

    Because, I could go on for days about that one.


    Then again... I'm sure you already know that.

    Hehe... I will say this.

    Matt Totally deserved every last round of applause that he got fer what he said to his Dad. Fer seriousness.

    And yayy... now the only parental unit not on our side is Matt's dad... and that definitely means that he's just gonna have to get the fuck over whatever it is that he's got against me. *Nods* And the sooner the better, that's for damn sure.


    Just yeah... I dunno if that ending could have gotten any mushier than it just was. Seriously... that was like Hallmark worthy...*Nods* Or at least close enough.

    But yeah...

    Hurry and update fer me... mmkays?


    Luff yews...

    April 2nd, 2010 at 10:35pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I'm here.



    I know... I should have had this done ages ago... but yeah. You know what's going on so I won't even bother with explaining.

    I loved it though. Really and truly.

    I couldn't help but giggle when I tried telling Matt that him kissing me and trying to get in my pants (regardless of the fact that I wasn't actually wearing pants in that particular scene) wasn't gonna work. That and I thought 'Wow... I'm a dirty liar... it's totally gonna work'. Lol.

    And thank fucking god that Jordan said yes... I know I've already told you... but I would have been so pissed if she had said no. Especially because poor Mr. Commitment Issues (a.k.a. Johnny) would have been devastated... and he sure as hell wouldn't have ever thought about asking her again afterwards.

    The bit with Zack and Sam was kinda hilarious. Well... up until that little comment about the paternity of Colby. Joking or not. He's lucky that she didn't hit him. I'd would have. Then again... we all know that I'm rather prone to violence. Lol.

    Oh god... let the fun begin. Matt really does need to be smacked for thinking this little family get together up. *Nods* I mean... dealing with his dad at one time is bad enough... as are my parents on their own. But throwing them together? One word. Disasterous.

    *Shakes head*

    Why am I not surprised mine and Matt's dad are talking. They're probably trying to think up ways to force us into marriage. *Nods* You know it's true. Aww. yay. Mom's gone soft and is okay with Matt now that she knows he's taking good care of me, regardless of whether or not we're married.

    Now we just gotta get the father's on the bandwagon. Though I guess that it doesn't really matter... because we have the mom's on our side... and we all know that they'll bitch the dad's out if they keep being douche's about everything. Lol.


    That's right.

    I'm not afraid to use the maternal parties if I think it's necessary.


    So yeah.

    Update soon... mmkay?



    March 24th, 2010 at 10:53pm
  • Due4amiracle

    Due4amiracle (100)

    United States
    I can't get over how absolutely adorable this story is! Thanks for the update
    March 22nd, 2010 at 05:40pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    What have I told you about cliffhangers.

    I hate them.

    How many times do I have to say it?

    Yeah... they add to the plot and the suspense... Blah, blah, blah.

    Doesn't matter... unless I'm the one writing them? I have no use for them. XD

    Other than that though, I loved the chapter.

    About fuckin' time Jimmy got off his ass and talked to Summer. And personally... I can't wait to read how that cook out goes. I'm sure Matt's dad and my parents will love each other. They can all bitch about how we're not getting married like they think we should together. Lol. You knew I was gonna say something like that so don't pretend to be surprised. Hehe.

    Seriously though. Maybe them seeing things in an environment outside of their houses will give them a better perspective on things. Let's hope... otherwise I can guarantee a few more mentions of marriage and there will be a very aggravated, very pregnant redhead to deal with. Lol.

    Oh... and I'd like to say this now...

    Summer owes me.

    I totally took one for the team for her... so yeah.

    She definitely owes me.


    And Jordan better say yes... just for the record.

    But yeah...

    Hurry and update...

    We both know how I get when you leave these cliffies for too long...

    March 18th, 2010 at 05:29am
  • Due4amiracle

    Due4amiracle (100)

    United States
    Aww, so cute! Johnny is adorable!
    March 16th, 2010 at 11:23pm
  • Mrs Synyster Gates

    Mrs Synyster Gates (100)

    United States
    Oh Johnny Christ let Matt get to him before Jimmy messes up again....I love it<3 Been a while since I read. I had two chapters to read...yay...I was in Vegas for a while. I love it there for some silly reason and I don't even gamble.LOL Saves money I guess.
    March 13th, 2010 at 03:11pm
  • Due4amiracle

    Due4amiracle (100)

    United States
    Ooh hell drama on the horizon I can just feel it! Thanks for the update, can't wait to see what happens next!
    March 12th, 2010 at 08:45pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States



    Seriously. That was my initial reaction. Closely followed by a 'Thank god she's not letting him off the hook so easily'. I mean, seriously. She has every right to be seriously pissed off at him. Hell, I'm more surprised that it took her a few days to realize how angry she was. Me? Yeah... pretty sure the angry would have been seen immediately after I found out. And the way he's trying to make it seem like everything is okay because he told her what he did? That pisses me off too. It doesn't make it okay. Not even close.


    Lookit Matt. He really is a good brother in this. *Nods* It makes me smile. I mean, he even felt a little guilty after he realized how him beating the hell out of Jimmy made Summer feel. Sure, he wasn't entirely sorry, because Jimmy really did deserve it... but he was sorry that it upset his sister.


    I like how after seeing Jimmy and Summer's current predicament the idea of marriage has him a little terrified. I don't blame him. I'd be the same way... in fact... I know I probably am. Like I said before... a baby is no reason to go out and get married. Shotgun weddings don't solve anything...

    Oh god...

    Jimmy's panic attacks...

    Those were epic if ever something was.

    I hope having the living shit scared outta him kicks his ass into gear and he gets to work trying to get her back. Because, hullo... sitting around and drinking himself stupid... so not gonna do it. *Shakes head* Not. At. All.

    Sooo. Yeah...

    I abso-freakin'-lutely adored this update.

    I can't wait to see what's in store for our favorite drummer in the following month...


    So... do me a favor...

    Don't keep me waiting too long.



    Luff yews...

    March 12th, 2010 at 09:51am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    An update.

    I'd have written this last night... but I decided to go to bed after I read it...

    Not that I actually went to bed... but I tried... and that counts for something, right? Lol.

    Anyways, I loved this. Fer seriousness.

    I can't believe that Summer is being so forgiving right now. God knows, if it was me, sure I'd be there... telling him that while I loved him he fucking deserved it. Lol.

    Then again, we all know how bitchy I can get.

    Hehe. I love how now that Matt's had his go at Jimmy, Gary wants his chance. Not that you can blame him... I mean, that's his daughter, damn right he better be ready to beat the life out of Jimmy, or at the very least have some waay serious words with him. Otherwise... I'd have to be pissed of at him too.


    At least we know Jimmy is really sorry though...

    And he damn well should be.



    Johnny's being domestic...

    Well as domestic as he gets. Lol.

    Not everyone can be like Brian....


    I had to poke fun of him. You know I did.

    *Falls over laughing*

    She brough the shit and is making Brian make it?


    That just made my night.



    Chocolate cherry chip cookies...

    I want some of those now...


    Now to convince someone else to make them...


    Not likely.


    I got Brian in trouble...

    He deserved it. You don't just go around threatening pregnant women, after all. Hell, he's lucky I didn't go tattle to his dad too... because I totally could've. And then? Then he'd have been in twice as much trouble.


    I love how I accept the apology and then continue on like nothing even happened...

    Sounds just like something I'd do.

    But yeahh...

    I loved it.

    Update soon...




    February 27th, 2010 at 02:21am
  • Mrs Synyster Gates

    Mrs Synyster Gates (100)

    United States
    Great update...Hahahaha for Zacky though. Nothing like a three year olds bad dream to kill a mood.LOL
    February 23rd, 2010 at 03:08am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I was so thrilled when I saw this was updated.

    Mostly 'cause I wanted to see if Summer tried to kill Matt or not.

    Thankfully... she didn't.

    I just hope that isn't yet to come.

    Hehe. Go me... trying to be all stealthy and slip out of the house before I some how get dragged into that mess. Too bad I failed and Kim caught me before I got out the door. *Shrugs* Oh well... at least she's making me tea. *Nods*


    I love how it looked like Matt was about to get a big, long lecture about how he shouldn't have beaten Jimmy to a bloody pulp regardless of what he'd done, only to be congratulated on it. Hehe. Especially since the silence us women are hearing is making us worry about what it is exactly being said. Summer wouldn't be too happy if she overheard that's for sure.


    I like how it's 'Go check on your sister' not 'Go apologize to you sister for beating the shit out of her husband'. Only to be threatened when Matt is actually making sense and saying that she probably doesn't wanna look at him, let alone talk to him.

    How the fuck did I end up dragged to the hospital?

    *Looks confused*

    Shouldn't I be driving my drunk boyfriend home so that he can sleep it off?

    Instead, Summer's dragging me along on her field trip to the hospital. Blech. I hate hospitals...



    It's true though... I really do.

    Oh thank god... I'm not gonna witness any inappropriate touching and what have you in the hospital. That would just be awkward and weird. *Nods*

    I mean, can you imagine me going home, looking mortified, and having Matt ask me what was wrong? How do you explain that you just witnessed your boyfriend's sister and her husband (who is one of your boyfriend's best friends), who we all know has cheated on her, going at it like rabbits in his hospital bed? Matt might try and kill him again.

    Awww. Matt's worried I'm mad at him...

    Of course I'm not!

    I mean, okay, yeah... sure. Maybee he could have handled it a teeny bit better than he did... but uhm... yeah. I'm pretty sure if it was turned around all three of my brothers in this would be gunning for him. Especially after that whole dinner thing, and Evan wanting to kill him along with my dad.


    Besides... he feels bad knowing he made Summer cry.

    God. Michelle needs to back the fuck off Brian, fer serious. Him throwing phones can't be good for the health of the drywall in their house. At least Lea knows she doesn't have to worry about it though. Not that she didn't already, but yeah. You know what I mean.


    More freakin' adorable-ness from the Baker household. They need to stop with all of that, you know. I can't take much more of vomiting rainbow sprinkles and glitter hearts. Did I mention sunshine was creeping its way into that mix too?

    But yeah... I loved it.

    I want an update.



    February 23rd, 2010 at 01:37am
  • Mrs Synyster Gates

    Mrs Synyster Gates (100)

    United States
    Oh shit!!!!!!!! Yeah I don't think I would want to be on the recieving end of Matt...Sexually hell yeah but mad wise...nope. Great update keep them coming I've got to know what is going to happen.
    February 21st, 2010 at 12:53pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States


    That was pretty close to exactly how I expected my parent's to react to that news.

    Especially since Audrey is the one that informed them, having noticed I wasn't trying to get drunk at dinner and was eating cocktail sauce and mashed potatoes.

    *Scrunches nose*

    Which is nasty. Like, really nasty.

    Especially since it's basically just fancy ketchup.

    I loathe ketchup.

    The smell makes me nauseous.

    And what is with everyone trying to force me and Matt to get married right away? Seriously. It's the twenty-first century... plenty of babies are brought into the world and have normal families even if their parents aren't married. We don't need to go rushing into something that we're not totally one hundred percent positive about as of yet. That wouldn't do anyone any good. Let us deal with the fact that we just had 'Surprise! You're gonna be a mommy/daddy!' at us first.

    *Shakes head*

    Pushy traditionalists.

    Well. At least with my little speech all the brothers are on our side now. *Nods* Now how to win mom over...

    Ha! I know... I'll just show her the first ultrasound picture. She's a woman, and a mom, so that's sure to do the trick. Then that'll just leave the dad... and he can just get over it if he doesn't like it. Lol.


    Looks like Colby was feelin' a little left out in the 'I love you' department. She did an epic job of throwing her name out there though. Lol. Seriously. That was so super cuute I thought I might vomit hearts and rainbow sprinkles.

    Haha. I gotta say... I do feel kinda bad fer Jordan, being stuck working by herself at the bar with those skanky airheads. I'd be miserable too. No matter how much fun it is torturing and hazing them. I mean, let's face it, she's still stuck spending time with them.

    Aww. But at least Johnny was waiting fer her when she got off work. *Nods* That was rather sweet of 'im.

    Why is Summer on the porch of mine and Matt's house and crying?

    Aww. Lookit Matt, hurrying over and checking on her like the good brother he is.

    *Shakes head*

    Jimmy really is choosing the worst of times to be a douche right now, isn't he. I mean, seriously. What the fuck crawled up his ass and made him suddenly change his mind about her being pregnant being a good thing. I mean, wasn't he all excited about it not too long ago? God...



    He fucking cheated on her?! What the fucking fuck was he thinking? Was he on acid when he did it? I mean... seriously. What. The. Fuckin'. Hell? Is he really that dumb? Hope he enjoyed living because Matt is gonna turn his face into hamburger when he gets his hands on him...

    Which is apparently gonna be very soon.

    Nice knowin' ya Jimmy.

    *Raises eyebrow*

    A very drunken Jimmy thought he actually stood a chance against a very sober, very pissed off Matt?



    As for Jimmy's current whereabouts. Hospital sounds pretty accurate.

    And now I'm getting ready to wake up Summer so that we can go to her parent's house and collect my very drunk boyfriend...

    Sure was an eventful day.


    But yeah...

    I loved it.

    Even if I do wanna smack the retarded out of Jimmy right now.


    Update it.


    Because you luff me.

    February 18th, 2010 at 10:30pm
  • RogueShrown1221

    RogueShrown1221 (100)

    United States
    so far i really like this xD
    February 10th, 2010 at 06:08pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I loved this one. It was waay super cute at the beginning. I mean, what with all the interaction between Matt and Colby. It had me going 'Awww that's soo freakin' cuute' like nine hundred times more than I should have. Lol.

    And thank god Matt's gotten some confidence as far as becoming a father goes. And in me fer that matter. Glad one of us does on that front. Now we just need to work on my 'I'm going to be a horrible mother' complex and well be set. Lol.

    That wasn't very nice of Zack. Telling Matt horror stories about sick babies and all that, when he's just gotten used to the idea of being a father. *shakes head* Not nice at all...


    They're all gone.


    Pinned to the wall. I like where that's going. Lol.

    Then again, when don't I?

    Wow. I'm impressed. We actually made it to a bedroom. Go us!


    Awww. The end was cuute too.

    Seriously. It was just so fluffy after the smut, and just, yeah.

    Cuute-ness fer seriousness.

    So yeah.

    Like I said, I loved it.

    I want some more... soon.





    February 10th, 2010 at 05:56am
  • Mrs Synyster Gates

    Mrs Synyster Gates (100)

    United States
    Yeah I love that one. I'd love to have anyone of them paint my toenails.LOL Need another:)
    January 28th, 2010 at 09:40am