This Ain't a Love Story - Comments

  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States


    It was short, but I still loved it. Fer seriousness.

    The Brian and Lea fluff made me gag a little, that's how sweet it was. And him painting her toenails fer her... cuuteness.


    Smart man... Jimmy didn't make a smartass comment or laugh. Good for him, because Brian's right... soon he'll be the one painting toenails.

    Matt was soo cuute with Colby too.

    Made me go 'awww', lol.

    You know me...

    I love when this is updated.

    So do me a favor and make it soon.


    January 27th, 2010 at 05:23am
  • Mrs Synyster Gates

    Mrs Synyster Gates (100)

    United States
    Hahahahaha...put those newbies in there place...I love it. More please.
    January 25th, 2010 at 12:29pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I loved it.

    Like I said, Mr. Boss Man didn't seem too happy about me quitting. What the fuck did he expect though? Me to be serving people beer while I'm eight months pregnant, bitchy, and likely to punch the first person to say something rude or burst into tears? Yeah... I'd be real popular and make tons of money then...

    *Rolls eyes*

    And what the fuck is with these skanky girls, all hot for the guys. Let me catch them eye-balling Matt like that and I will fuck them up. Seriously. And I'm sure Lea'll do the same. It just won't be pretty if/when we find out about it. Not one bit. *Shakes head*

    Haha. Yeah. Don't fuck in the bar... you might catch something. *Nods*

    Good they didn't. Save that for a place you know isn't disease ridden, that's fer damn sure.


    I like Matt's parting comment.

    Made me laugh. Mostly because that's something that would typically be directed at the two of us. *Nods*

    You know it's true.

    So yeah. Loved it.

    Absolutely adored it.


    I'm kind of a fan of them.

    So do me a favor, have one for me soon.


    January 24th, 2010 at 07:29am
  • Mrs Synyster Gates

    Mrs Synyster Gates (100)

    United States
    Right on! I was one chapter behind. I'm caught up and loving this. So now that I am...can we have another update like really soon:)?
    January 20th, 2010 at 08:20am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    An update!

    I loved it.

    Hehe. Seriously though. I did.

    Lol. I love how we're barely in the house and I'm all 'Matt... your dad hates my guts'. Hehe and then of course, like a typical pregnant woman, I change the topic to something about food. Lol. I mean, really, what else do you expect from me? *Grins* I will say this... the reaction I got from his parents makes me curious as to the reaction he'll get from mine... *crosses fingers* Please let them be total hippies who are all 'whatever... if you're happy we're happy for you'. I get the feeling that's not how it's gonna go though...


    Sex on the stairs.

    Sex on the stairs is good.

    All the bruises, aches, and sore muscles are totally worth it.

    *Nods and grins*

    Oh no... Matt's mom is thinking about mine and Matt's relationship. Oh shit. She figured it out, and now she's getting Summer to confirm it. Now she's gonna hate me too. And his dad? He's gonna think I'm and even bigger home-wrecking whore than he already did. Fantastic.

    Oh yay! His mom doesn't hate me! I still have an ally. Well other than Summer...

    Awww. Jordan's mad that I got knocked up and can't work with her anymore. I feel loved. *Nods*

    Hehe. Well. Looks like everyone is impressed with Johnny 'I've got commitment issues' Christ's move to ask Jordan to move in with him. Don't give me that look. You knew I was going to say something like that. Lol.


    Zack and I would totally be best friends in this if I didn't have Jordan. I mean, c'mon. I helped make Val's life hell for them when I found out what she did to them, then I kicked her ass (albeit not only for them), and to boot we're both blunt and crude as we can possibly be most of the time. *Grins* Actually, come to think of it... Zack and I play those roles in just about all yer ficcys. It's kinda funny actually.

    But then again... we really are the two most likely candidates for that job huh?

    I mean, the only I can think of that would give Zack a run fer his money is Jimmy.


    But yeah. Like I said... I loved it.

    I can't wait fer the next one.

    I want an update soon.


    January 17th, 2010 at 11:23pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I can't believe what a bitch Sam's mom is! Seriously.

    I mean, its bad enough that she was keeping Colby from seeing Zack's parents. But then to show up there and just be an uber bitch about everything? Totally uncalled for. Gah.

    At least Zack's parents are awesome about it though. I mean, they could have been totally awful about it too, seeing as how Sam kinda crushed Zack's heart before (although it really wasn't her fault) and they weren't seeing their grand daughter (also not her fault). But no... they're thrilled about it. Yay.

    Haha. Johnny and Brian walking in on that was epic by the way. I giggled from the point where they backed out of the living room and house, to the point where Sam's mom showed up and rained on everyone's parade.

    So yeah.

    Loved it.

    Adored it.

    Want more of it.



    January 14th, 2010 at 08:13am
  • Mrs Synyster Gates

    Mrs Synyster Gates (100)

    United States
    Yep! We are keeping his silly self alive and well in our stories too. told people they were over but we've had a change of heart and decided to keep on writing his funny banter. Loved the update. Please keep them coming.
    January 4th, 2010 at 09:38am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    How I loved this.

    Seriously. It was fucking amazing. Lol.

    I can't believe what a jerk Matt's dad was about it all though. I mean really... you expect mom's to be that way when sons are concerned. then again most men aren't father's to certified rock stars either. But at the same time... his mom wasn't freaking out. She was the one that was supposed to freak out and hate me. Talk about role reversals.

    I also like how Summer and Jimmy got dragged into it. Their getting married was taken much lighter by the parentals than it was by Matt. Lucky fer them, that's fer damn sure. Lol. Seriously though. I'm just glad I have Matt's mom as an ally... and that she seemingly hated Val. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. *Grins*

    But yeah...

    I know you've got plans fer this.

    And I'm super excited to see where you take it.

    Writing the dialogue was a blast, as per usual.

    Update soon.


    Lovies yew!

    January 4th, 2010 at 06:56am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    This chappy was totally fucking amazing. Then again, I'm pretty sure I tell you that every time. In my defense, it's not that I'm repetitive (okay... so maybe I am a little repetitive...) it's that it's always the truth. I've yet to read a chapter of this that I don't absolutely adore.

    I'm so stoked that Johnny and Jordan are moving in together. I think its safe to say that Johnny made the poor girl wait long enough for all of this. I mean, seriously. They've been off and on for years and he's just now getting to the point where he's callin' her his girlfriend and showing any level of commitment. So yeah, the whole 'let's move in together' thing is well over due. Haha. Poor guy, he's about to have and anurism all because she's so stunned by his asking her that she can't form a coherent sentence. Hehe. Mmkay. At least she finally vocalized how totally thrilled she'd be to move in with him. Yay!


    Oh god. Vomiting first thing in the morning. That's not good. And now Summer's rushing outta the house to go to the store. Bet I know what she's going after. Haha. Of course she runs into me. That's just... yeah. Figures. Fucking Jimmy and Matt with all their jinxing. At least Matt has the decency to seem totally stunned when Summer follows me into the house with her own bag full of pregnancy tests. *Nods*

    Hehe. And there's Jimmy. Well at least he and Matt can silently freak out about the possibility that the two women upstairs are knocked up together. Lol. Wow. Perfect timing for Zacky, Sam, and Colby too. Walking in right as Sam and I are coming down the stairs.


    Summer's preggo. At least she seems happy about it.

    I look terrified.

    Hehe. I know I wrote the crazy 'I'm gonna be a horrible mother who has no idea what she's doing' rant... but it still amuses me. Probably because I can totally see myself reacting that way to that news. Regardless of the fact that I know I'm more than capable of taking care of babies. It's totally different when you realize its your own kid. *Nods*

    Thank god Matt knows how to be rational, because, me? Yeah... that is so obviously not my forte. As for Zack's comment... *shakes head*. He's been through the pregnancy thing, and he should totally know better than to say something like that. Especially right after I have a mini meltdown right before everyone's eyes.

    I'm just glad Matt knows how to keep his panicking to himself. I mean, I make it public enough for the both of us. I can't wait to see how everyone else reacts to the news. Lol.

    I want an update soon.

    Then again, when don't I want an update soon?


    December 20th, 2009 at 09:52pm
  • Mrs Synyster Gates

    Mrs Synyster Gates (100)

    United States
    Hahahaha! I found this one. I love love love it~I mean shit. It's now was barely Sunday when I started reading.LOL I am completely caught up. I read it all in one sitting. Blurry eyes and all. So please update. I love it...Matt and Johnny dad's. Zacky a dad...Brian about to be a dad. hehehehe come on Christ!
    December 20th, 2009 at 04:03pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I loved it.

    But you knew that already. Lol.

    Hehe. Yeah. I'm not at all shocked that I'm discussing what Matt said before he left with Jordan and Sam. I mean, maybe he said something to Zack and Johnny and they said something to her. Gotta cover the bases. *Grins*

    No, Mr. Boss Man. I don't answer my phone. Usually 'cause when it rings I'm getting laid. And unlike Matt... I have no issues ignoring the fucking thing when it rings during the day.


    Hehe. The boys are checkin' us out. Undressing us with their eyes. Why doesn't it shock me? Oh that's right... 'cause it's Matt, Zack, and Johnny. Lol.

    Yay. Matt and I are moving in together. *Grins* And now we're leavin'. Yess. Ahh gross, I'm wearing beer. That's nasty. Mostly 'cause its gonna smell awful soon. *Shakes head* Well. At least I got to hit Johnny for causing it to be a part of my apparel. Makes me feel a little better.


    Epic ending to the chapter. Seriously. *Nods*

    Loved it. *Grins* And not just 'cause I wrote it and it was Matt and I fuckin' either. So... :P.

    I won't bother you for updates this time since you updated twice in like an hour.

    But they are nice. Just remember that. Lol.

    December 10th, 2009 at 10:01am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    The guys found out about Brian's secret. He does all the cooking, not Leanne. Lol. They're never gonna let him live that down. Poor guy.

    Aww. Cuute. I like how Colby defends him. That's right... stick up for your Uncle Brian while your dad and other uncles make fun of his exceptional culinary skills.

    Hehe... Me? A tease? Pfft. Never. What is Matt thinkin'? Lol.

    Was that even a little believable?


    Didn't think so.

    Oh god... he just said Val's name. Doesn't he know better? You don't do that. No girl wants to hear their boyfriend's ex-girlfriend's name when they're in the middle of foreplay. *Shakes head* I left him like that... sounds about right.

    At least he realizes his mistake.

    Hehe. Figures. I run to Jordan for comfort and sympathy and she's like 'Bitch get your ass back over there! He was complimenting you, ya freakin' idiot!'. Good thing I have friends like that. Lol.


    Bet if the guys knew what had just happened on that couch they'd never sit on it again. And god knows Summer wouldn't even look at it. Hehe. Stupid fucking phone. Why'd it have to go and ring, huh? And now Matt's leaving? What the hell?

    *Looks confused*

    Home? When did I move in with Matt? I don't remember that.

    *Looks even more confused*

    Mmkay. I loved it, as always. Updates are great.

    They're even better when they're fast.


    December 10th, 2009 at 08:52am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States
    So yeah.

    I loved this. You know I loved this.

    And for the life of me... I still don't see how we managed to take that from a very pissed off Matthew Sanders to me and him making our way to the backseat of his car to fuck like rabbits. I really don't.

    I know you had no intention of it going there, and neither did I, but somehow... it totally went there.

    It was tons of fun writing that dialogue at six in the morning though. Do you realizes you updated three stories in the span of a few hours? Hehe. That is just absolute awesomeness on every level.

    But yeah. I'm gonna go... maybe sleep a little. Who really knows?

    Can't wait for the next update!

    Maybe Matt and I won't end up sexing each other up in it. Not likely... but maybe.

    December 4th, 2009 at 01:15pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I bet that's a sight Zack can get used to. Sam and Colby in the front yard, waiting for him to get home. Not that you can really blame the poor guy when all of that was almost gone forever due to Val and her being a bitch. Hehe. It also makes me grin how he explains that he had to take off so suddenly so that I didn't kill their bassist.

    Haha. And Zacky finds out about domestic Brian. You know he's not keeping that information to himself. He's gonna tell everyone else so that they can all give Brian shit about it. But like I said, I can't really blame them. I'd do the same... regardless of how sweet I think it is. The fact of that matter is, you just don't expect that behavior from Brian. *Shakes head*

    Not at all.

    Aww. Johnny is totally trying to make it up to Jordan... even though there's really nothing for him to be making up. Really... Jordan should be the one making it up to him. She's the one that freaked out over nothing. *Nods*

    Yeah. Car sex is definitely a theme for me and Matt. Not that I'm complaining. Oh no... I'm not complaining. At. All. In fact... I rather enjoy all the car sex. *Nods*

    We all seem to congregate at the beach in this one, don't we? Not that I'm bitchin'. Just gives me an excuse to ogle Matt while he's half naked. Not that I need an excuse... because I most definitely do not. Hehe. Brian's reaction to Zack and Sam being engaged made me laugh. Especially when Zack turned it around on him.


    Of course Matt and I are the last ones to show up. We were fucking busy. Every pun intended. Lol.

    Everyone else can get over it. ;p

    I want more of this. *Nods* Very, very soon.

    November 28th, 2009 at 09:34am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States
    To extend the previous comment.

    I love the fact that Jordan just ghetto stomped a bitch's ass. I made me laugh. Really fucking hard too.

    And the fact that Matt was whining about the interrupted sex made me grin... though I share his sentiments.


    November 25th, 2009 at 01:06am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    Yay for waking up in bed next to Matt and putting his clothes on. I can't think of a better way to wake up in the morning. Okay... so maybe waking up and having really great sex with Matt is better than just waking up next to him, but the first one is rather nice too.

    Aww. Poor Matt. He thinkgs I left him.... Not fucking likely. Why would I even think of doing something that stupid when I just got him? Yeah... no.

    Aww. Its about time I tell him I love him. I mean, fuck... I told Val. Val of all people! She knew before anyone else... well except for maybe Jordan, but that kind of a given. I mean... she is my best friend.

    Domestic Brian makes me grin. Mostly because I know if the guys were ever to find out about that side of him... they would fuck with him so hardcore about it. It's still really cute though, which is another reason that it makes me grin. Hehe.


    Sam and Zack are engaged. And I like that he didn't make a huge deal of the proposal. Then again you already knew this... but whatever. All the planning and what not is overrated anyway. His way was totally better than all that shit.

    Oh god.

    Johnny called some chick by her name when she called him waay early in the morning... with Jordan in bed with him.

    Baad move dude.

    Seriously. Awful. And now she's ready to kill him. I gotta say... she may be overreacting some. I mean... so he recognized the voice. You can't really fault him for that. Then again... Jordan's probably super insecure about their relationship given their history... but she could have at least let him explain.

    Fucking figures that call would come during some really great sex.

    I have the worst fucking luck.

    Hehe. I know I helped write this conversation and all... but it still makes me laugh that Matt's only concerned about Johnny's well being because he doesn't wanna have to find a new bassist. Poor Johnny... he always gets picked on.

    And the way I just barge right into Johnny's house. Amazing. It really is. Cause I would totally do it in one of my fits of anger. He should just be thankful that I'm not already trying to beat the shit out of him.


    And what is that bitch doing there? And giving me dirty looks to boot... Ha! I don't think she knows who she's fucking with. Actually I know she doesn't know who she's fucking with cause she thinks I'm Jordan. How sadly mistaken she is...

    *shakes head*

    Alright... well I'm pretty much caught up again... just C=T and the lastest TL chappy to comment and I'm golden. Yay!

    Loved it.

    Want more. Soon.

    November 21st, 2009 at 10:34am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States
    So... here I am. Commenting!


    It's okay... you vcan do your happy dance now. I know you wanna. *grins* Seriously though... it is sooo nice to have internet again. And fast internet at that... i mean seriously. I don't think you know how thrilled I am about it. Well, actually you probably do, but yeah. The point is... i have good internet back and that's cause for celebration. And getting caught up on some seriously behind comments.

    So yeah... that's what I'm gonna do now. Hehe.

    I really don't like buddying up with Val. I mean really. Not at all. And the fact that she still thinks she's dating Matt... yeah I don't like that. Can't I just get it out of the way and kick her ass now? I've been friendly enough right? I mean... i had coffee with her and didn't kill her. That's gotta count for something, right?

    Totally should.

    Awww. Zack and Sam are so cute. Like really... they're just sorta super adorable. Really. They make me smile though. Mostly cause I just like to go Aww at them.

    And Summer and Jimmy are cute too. I like how he's so understanding. And trust Matt to make the death threats. It just wouldn't be him if he didn't though so I can't say I'm surprised. Hehe.

    And that whole having to ignore Matt's existence... not working for me. Not working for me at all. I don't like it. *Shakes head* Not. One. Bit.

    Oh. So payback at seven thirty in the morning huh? That fucking suks. And to boot she decides to ignore my existence after she wakes me up. All so that she can suck face with Johnny. That traitor. I'm the best friend. He used to use her for sex. Bitch.

    Then again. I'd blow her off for Matt too. *grins* But then again... it is Matt... no one can blame me.

    The doughnuts sorta make up for the early morning wake up call. But not witnessing the Jordan and Johnny molesting each other. At least I'm not the only one who had to witness that though. Cause yeah... i wouldn't have been pleased had I been.

    Poor Leanne. I'm sure if she wasn't preggo then she'd be beating the living hell outta Michelle for the whole 'Brian's my boyfriend' thing. I don;t know how I've refrained from choking the life out of Val yet when she keeps referring to Matt as her boyfriend. I mean really. God.

    Oh. Thank. Fucking. God.

    I Finally get to confront Val. Should be fun. Should be violent. It better be violent.


    It was violent. I like how my boss is just like, thanks for not fucking her up until she hit me first. *laughs*

    Sex on the hood of a car. That theme is definitely transferring. Lol. I'm not complaining though... because... well it's sex. On the hood of a car. With Matt. What is there to even contemplate complaining. Nothing. That's what.

    I loved all the updates and I can't wait for the next one... so yeah. Hurry up with it. *grins*

    November 19th, 2009 at 10:43pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States
    *Scrunches nose up*

    I'm buddying up with Val already? Why, oh why, did I have to run into her at that coffee shop... couldn't it have waited until I had to work and could at least sneak myself a few drinks in? No? Well damn... that sucks.


    Her boyfriend? What her imaginary one? Because last I checked... Matt was no longer her boyfriend... in fact... pretty sure he was mine. *checks again* Yeah... definitely mine, and we all know how well I share.

    Ha... and Michelle is banging Brian? Since when? Never? Yeah... never sounds about accurate. Oh god... you have no idea how much I can't wait to see what everyone else says when I tell them exactly what was said... though I'm betting I'll save that for a rainy day... that or for my next shopping trip with Summer. Yeah... Summer would find all of that really amusing. In fact... I should plan a day out with her just to tell her about my impromptu coffee date with Val.

    Ha! I love how Zack's first guess was Val when I said lying bitch.

    *High fives Zacky*

    Yeah... that did just happen. Get over it.

    Hehe... and now Jimmy's whining to Matt about his sister dragging his ass out of bed at ungodly hours of the morning, while Matt just laughs at him. Figures.

    Well damn... I didn't make a shopping trip outta it... oh well though. Point is... everyone finds it just as ridiculous as I did. Especially the Michelle/Brian thing. Are they both really that delusional? Because I'm seriously starting to question their sanity.

    Hehe... cuute. Leanne's getting one big surprise.... and Awww. The guys did the nursery while we were having the baby shower... Dawww. And now Le's crying... not that you can blame her... its not her anyway... its the hormones.

    That's right... when all else fails blame the hormones. It's a pregnant woman's perrogative.


    Well I'm off to comment Dear God... and then I'm all caught up... once again... well at least I will be once I get Forever's review done. But yeah...


    I be wanting them.


    November 9th, 2009 at 01:52am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    Let's be honest here... I do not envy the wake up that Sam and Zack just got at all. Nope. Not one bit. Mostly because I know how it feels to be woken up like that... and it fucking sucks. Hardcore. Breakfast huh? Yeah Zack... go feed your kid. Speaking of food. I'm fucking hungry. I'll be right back... I'mma go find me some foods...


    Yeah. Found something. Now i just have to wait for it to freeze. Before you ask... no it's not a popsicle... though right about now I'm having a very retro moment and want a flintstones push-pop. Preferably a purple one, which for me is weird, because I typically hate purple food because it's grape flavored... and I hate grape flavor. Though every now and then I like grape soda... and I'm talking once every few years or so. Then again, purple push-pop's aren't grape flavored so maybe it's not so surprising that I like them so much as it's surprising that they're not grape flavored...


    Did I really just rant about purple food?


    Again... Wow. Sometimes... I amaze myself.


    Back to commenting now. Hehe. Aww... cute. Zack just asked Sam to move back in and she agreed! Yay! Haha... a new bed. Aww. Zack didn't bang anyone else in that bed... that's an inadvertantly romantic gesture. Hehe... well at least they're remembering their kid is downstairs, waiting for them to feed her, rather than putting the bed back to good use. *Smirks*

    Wow... what is with this crowd and showing up at each other's houses at ungodly hours of the morning. Remind me to keep my door locked, the disconnect the doorbell, and keep my house keys hidden. I don't like early morning visitors... can you tell? Well unless they're early morning visitors of the Matthew Sanders variety... those ones are very much so welcome. Hehe.

    Haha. I also like how everyone is like 'They're back together... yay!' and now Summer's sitting there going 'what the fuck is going on between the two of you?' I mean... I should think that it was fairly obvious exactly what was going on between the two of them.

    Aww. Jordan and Johnny. Cuute. Hehe... damn he slept in his clothes. He really must be trying to give the whole relationship thing a go. Good for him... facing his fears and all. Yeah, I did just poke fun at Mr. Christ. Whatcha gonna do about it. Besides... he's the one that has issues with relationships. Not me.

    And now he's got my best friend threatening my life? All 'cause I made breakfast. What kind of shit is that, yo? *Grins* Mmkay... so maybe I would be pretty pissed if someone woke me up at seven-thirty in the morning to eat. Especially when that's the only reason they woke me up at that ungodly hour. Fine, fine... we'll give the two horny teenagers the house for a while. It's the least we could do. Hehe. And now I'm filling Matt in on what's going down with me and Val... good thing he's not pissed about it. I mean, really I'm only doing it to show her what a real bitch is. She thinks she can run around treating Sam like shit... bitch has another thing coming... that's for damn sure.

    Aww. Wow. I'm saying that a lot this chapter. Whatever though. Brian made Le breakfast. That's rather sweet of him. Seriously. I want someone who'll cook me breakfast and not burn the house down. And I'm not talking about my mother either. *Frowns* Last time she made me breakfast it wasn't even very good. It was only potatoes and she put gravy on them like I specifically told her not to. Yeah. Not cool. At all. Just so we're clear. I was pretty pissed about it... she's just lucky I wasn't still drunk otherwise I'd have bitched at her more than I did anyway.

    But yeah... I'm babbling again so I'm gonna go. Get caught up on everything else now, ya know. Love yew! I want updates soon!

    November 3rd, 2009 at 04:15am
  • bloodravyn

    bloodravyn (100)

    United States
    loving this
    October 29th, 2009 at 04:42pm