This Ain't a Love Story - Comments

  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States
    Oh God.

    I'm befriending Val? Hehe. If only. I can't wait to see how that turns out. Glad that Johnny and Zack caught on like they did though. Otherwise... that plan woulda backfired.

    I'm glad for Zack and Sam though... they're cute together. It's also super cute that they're both so unsure about where they stand with one another... yet everyone else is like 'Dawww. They're in love and they're back together. Cuute.'

    Hehe and you know its true.

    Anyways. I'm off to go read my Forever updates. God I love saying that lol. I'll talk to you later. Oh and keep an eye out for a new One Shot I'm writing. I entered a contest... it'll be up fer sure by the 20th of November.

    Love yew!

    October 27th, 2009 at 12:42am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    Can I just say that I am soo glad that I got an update on this so soon. I loved it. Seriously. I still can't believe that Val did that to Zack and Sam. I mean that's just so seriously fucked it's not even funny. I'd just like to know what the hell the two of them ever did to piss her off so that she thought it was a good idea in the first place. Just. Arrgh.

    Ahh. Nothing like waking up next to a certain green eyed vocalist to put a girl in a good mood. *sigh* I really can't think of anything better. Nope. *thinks for a minute* Yeah... I got nothing. *grins* And of course the phone has to ring. Stupid phone. Ruins all my fun. At least Matt sounds really irritated about it too. Not that you can blame him. I mean... he was about get lucky and then the phone has to go off because someone had to call. I'd be pretty pissed too.

    Hehe. Why is Zack even bothering to call her? I'd show up to the places she goes to most and confront her face to face. I mean... yeah it'd cause a scene... but the bitch is the one that fucked his relationship up. That is entirely deserving of a scene. It's kinda suspicious that she won't answer his call though. I mean, she has no idea that he knows it was her... soo why not. For all she knows he hates me and wants to help her and Matt get back together. Ha! I bet that hearing Summer say what she did to Matt has her ecstatic. Totally thrilled. Hehe.

    God. I can't believe she actually showed up at the diner and got Sam fired. What a bitch. God. Hehe... Matt's right. Shoulda brought me. Not only would it have pissed her off, but I'd have probably had a few nice things to say about how she was an interfering bitch who needed to get over herself and stop fucking with other peoples' lives. I mean seriously, all of that was soo unnecessary. Ah well though... guess I'll just have to wait and see if she gets whats coming to her.


    The credit card thing is coming up again? Hehe.

    Well I'm outta here. Gonna go comment Dear God really quick so that I'm caught up again. I loved this... I want another update soon. and I really want one on Chicks=Trouble. That wasn't a hint or anything *tries to look innocent*.

    October 23rd, 2009 at 08:43pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States
    Yeah. So I loved this. I really did.

    Daww. Zack is being all 'It's my kid too and I'll spend time with her if I wanna so ;p' and it makes me smile. And he totally has a valid point there too. It was waay sneaky of him to go around Sam through Colby though... but it's cool 'cause it made me smile.

    Oh. Some bonding time between Matt's sister and his new girlfriend. Should be interesting. I like how Summer stole my number outta his phone by the way. Made me laugh. And we're shopping now. Should be interesting. You know... I like to pretend that I'm not a typical girl who loves to shop... but I'm a dirty liar. I love it. I mean, seriously love it. I'm kinda addicted to it if I'm honest. Who cares though. I'm a girl. I'm supposed to be that way.

    Awww. Brian and Le are so cuute. Yeah. I did pretty much just coo at them. It's not my fault. They're adorable. And I'm a girl so it's pretty much expected. Wow. I'm using the 'I'm a girl' excuse quite a bit this comment, 'eh. And now I'm pretending to be a Canadian. Wow. Apparently not rambling at the beginning of this was a mistake 'cause I'm making up for it all now. Awesome.

    Oh. So Johnny finally got the balls to ask Jordan out on an actual date? About time. Three years is a long time for that to fucking happen, I mean, really? That's just ridiculous. The only time he's ever taken her out before now is if he wanted a piece of ass. He's not afraid of commitment... he's got a fucking phobia.


    You know I really love Matt leaned up against vehicles. It bodes well for the very near future. At least that's what I know from experience.

    But I'm about to get seriously drunk 'cause my life is sorta sucking right now. I'll explain when I talk to you. Love yew... and update soonly!

    October 18th, 2009 at 12:12am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I'd just like to tell you how uber thrilled I am that you turned this into an actual story. Then again, I've already made you completely aware of this fact, haven't I? Ah well, just figured I'd reiterate it.

    This second chapter was just as epic as the first too. Seriously. I loved it. It made me laugh when Johnny was all 'So you're that red head?'. Hehe. Especially the shocked reaction he got afterwards. Then there was the part where they were all confused when I asked whether or not Val and Gina had their own credit cards.

    But yeah, I'm outta here, and i'm copying this in case it doesn't go through again this time... stupid computers. Can't wait for more... then again, you know I can't.

    October 7th, 2009 at 05:00pm
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    Happy Birthday to me indeed. I loved it. Really I did.

    It wasn't at all what I was expecting. But I liked that about it. The ending made me want a sequel to it. *grins*

    Well I'm outta here. I'll talk to ya later. Love yew!

    October 1st, 2009 at 06:20pm